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I had no idea who Ayn Rand was or what her writings were about until I was turned onto them by some friends. After reading Atlas Shrugged, I can't say that my mind was really changed on anything so much as the ideas that I always believed in were reinforced. I have also always been impressed by how prescient she was in a book from the 1950s. When I read Shrugged for the first time, I remember watching the news and seeing her words play out in real life day in and day out. Anyway, the impression that her work has left on my life has been incredible, and I am the better man for it.
With that in mind, I want to thank the people who are making these films for bringing it to the uninitiated out there in an easier to digest format. If you can make an impact on people's lives with these films the way the book did for me, then you know you're doing good work. Again, thank you.
you need to comment more often :)
Love the transition from Part II to Part III. The same airplane clipping the trees does it perfectly.
Looks, great. Thanks.
Kris's reading voice -- it is great!!! -- j
p.s. where do I get in line to buy DVDs for self
and friends?
Considering all that's been going on in the world, especially lately, I hope this gets more people's attention.
Looking forward eagerly to the movie and my copy of the Blu-Ray (and maybe seeing MY face on the screen in the "I am John Galt" section!
I'm really beginning to get excited about III. I had minor objections to I (the Ellis Wyatt and Hugh Akston actors, mainly, or the writing of their lines and how they were delivered) and more substantial objections to II with the Dagny actor being quite good, really, but far too past prime physically, even cherubic. Apart from that II is just not memorable.
Still more pluses than minuses. And worthy production, kudos all around. The timing of III could not be better, and I'm totally looking forward to being at the local premier. I'm rather post-Randian in my thinking these days (http://www.thecoffeecoaster.com), but we cannot forget her vision of heroic individualism that stands to restore the modern world from decades, even centuries, of New World Order consensus-reality rot.
O'bungler is the proof of the pudding....
would be sooooo helpful!
(And then there's the hearing loss with age, even for "young" people. You know when you hear a single high-pitched note in your ear? That's a nerve dying and it carried a vibration you will never hear again.)
Try DVDs with subtitles. When the background music or other noise drowns out speech you'll still know what's said.
It's not that language has evolved... in the past 50 years, it's devolved. From a fine-honed instrument for conveying meaningful ideas, to a blunt club for expressing vague emotions and trite, pre-digested catchphrases.
I love the book, have read it twice and am in the process of reading it to my 6-8 year old who whilst don't understand the complexities of the meaning, are absorbing some of the details.
This book, like Lord of the Rings, has too much information and so much has been missed in an effort to paint the general story. The changing of characters and the flow from Part 1 to Part 2 was just horrible. My biggest gripe with Part 2 was the simpliest thing: Richard Halleys Fourth "Concerto" was relabelled "Rhapsody". I mean WTF, really.
This 3rd trailor for what its worth looks like it has gone from Steam engine trains, to high tech trains back to steam engine trains. Im not sure what Ayn would say about it if she were alive.
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