Common Core

Posted by CarolSeer2014 10 years, 4 months ago to Education
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It's time to have the conversation about Common Core. What are your thoughts, Gulchers, about the innate evil in Common Core?

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  • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 4 months ago
    I started to comment on this post, then I read the threads below. I'm out of this post. But thanks for the post. It's an issue that needs to be discussed. +1
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  • Posted by Bryann67 10 years, 4 months ago
    Great subject and lots of great posts. I am on my local school board and have been fighting Common Core on the local level and the state level (Okla). We managed to get the legislature to kick it out and the governor to reluctantly sign the repeal of the standards. My advice to all is to stay vigilant and get involved. We are hearing rumors that they will just repackage it and name it something else. By the way, I have no problem with higher standards for our kids; but so much is wrong with this curriculum it has to be thrown completely out. They have attempted to rewrite the history of this country in a manner not seen before, the record keeping is nothing more than tracking of citizens, the money going to crony businesses is far above anything ever attempted, and final the feds being in a business that they have no right to be in has never been pushed this far. Get involved on the local level, go to the monthly school board meeting, make your voice heard. One complaint that I have as a board member is this. People come to me with their problems or concerns, I tell them I will take up the issue; but they have to also stand up and be heard. 90% of the time, they never mention it again. There are a few that have helped, by getting their circle involved with the issue as well; but that is rare. Don't be afraid of the administration, if you have a board member willing to take up the issue; the administration will listen.
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  • -2
    Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
    I think it's absurd for people to be seriously upset about something as mundane as a education standards. One of our kids (age 6) will go to public school this fall. We've interviewed them, and it seems like a good place. It's only a few blocks walk. I'm confident if we want them to not participate in some of the worksheets or testing they will accommodate us. These people making scenes about it at schools are using their kids as political props, not because they have some inherent interest in tests and worksheets but pure politics.
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 4 months ago
      It's not about the standards, CG. Follow the money. Government. You're okay with the government calling the shots on curriculum? History speaks loudly, you're not listening... the German and Russian accents might throw you but LISTEN ANYWAY! Common Core is NOT mundane. It's dan-gerous.
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      • Posted by edweaver 10 years, 4 months ago
        You are telling a whole lot of truth LS. Everyone needs to study CC to learn what it is all about. 10 years of this program and America will never recover to what my expectations of freedom are.
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        • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 4 months ago
          Yes. Common Core IS a topic that has to be extensively researched to understand where the ideas come from, by whom, and why. It's the right thing to do for your children, anything else is laziness and trusting the government to have your child's best interests at heart. (HA! As if.) If one does the research required to understand CC, an alternative to public schooling will be the outcome. Conveniently, however, the powers that be KNOW, and count on the fact that Americans have gotten complacent and disinterested in thinking past their entertainment choices. They Don't know that they don't know what's going on in their own kid's schools. And when presented with evidence they don't understand why it should raise concern and it's promptly dismissed. My conclusion is that this lack of ability to discern whether a task or lesson is working for or against independent thought, or in favor or against individual rights or freedoms is linked directly to the last 3 decades of public ed. Fabian socialism, gradual to the point of barely being noticed by younger generations. And CG is proof of that, IMO.
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          • Posted by edweaver 10 years, 4 months ago
            I agree. Most of the people who believe in cc are products of no child left behind schooling which was the second step in federalizing the education and the dumbing down of America. This IMHO is intentional.
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          • Posted by FlukeMan2 10 years, 3 months ago
            What sources do you recommend?

            How did you come to your conclusion?
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            • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 3 months ago
              I worked at a public school for ten years. Research John Dewey. The UN' s agenda 21. Books: Credentialed to Destroy, teaching Johnny to think, ominous parallels, and my own logic of course. Also the lack of willingness on the part of school staff to even discuss it beyond the same droning words of...college and career readiness, which amounts to nothing but feel good nonsense. What about the arrests of parents at school board meetings who dared demand answers to their concerns?
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      • Posted by FlukeMan2 10 years, 3 months ago
        There is no such thing as a "Common Core curriculum." The standards are goals. How things are taught is up to the schools.
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        • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 3 months ago
          It's a wedge and a nudge towards socialism. Do some research beyond what the paid talking heads tell you. You are gullible if you think this is innocent. Having the gov calling the shots (ANY shots) in education, molding of young minds, is an evil recipe that's been baked before. I urge you to wake up.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
        You think an education standard is a plot to destroy America. I would love to sit in on the meetings where the conspirators discuss it. "We want to destroy our own country, but how to do it? Worksheets for 8 y/o's!"

        Maybe I'll be singing a different tune after my kids get in it. We've been known (unfortunately) to pull our kids out of school abruptly in the recent past. :) I'm almost sure the standards histrionics is just politics. The more likely scenario is we'll think the worksheets or tests are lame (i.e. boring, not a plot to destroy America) and we won't send our kids to those parts.

        We went to all the schools nearby, and the public school down the road seemed surprisingly good. We thought that about the school they started last year, though, and we ended up in a lawsuit.
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        • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 4 months ago
          I fear for your kids because you won't recognize it when it's right in front of you. You make up reasons and excuses for what they say to fit into something you can swallow easily. If your kid is bored in class he/she is in the wrong over crowded class being held back intellectually so the other pigeon holed kids can catch up and all be the same. But you will see something else.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
            "I fear for your kids"
            The world is full of sanctimony about other people's kids. Amazingly it starts with the birthing processing, feeding, screen time, corporate logos on clothes, and it keeps going. I'm only six years into it.
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            • Posted by 10 years, 4 months ago
              Please think of the consequences, CG--that is, the future. That's all Let's Shrug is trying to tell you.
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
                "Please think of the consequence, CG--that is, the future. That's all Let's Shrug is trying to tell you."
                It sounds like the same stuff people who think having things with corporate logos will have dire consequences for my kids, that it's indoctrinating them into seeing the world as large corporations do. I reject this view. I reject it even more if it starts out people feeling sorry for my kids b/c I'm the parent.
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                • Posted by 10 years, 4 months ago
                  Are you really a Gulcher, CG? Do you understand Moral Pragmatism? You found Rand when you were 37, and still do not understand Objectivism?
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                  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 4 months ago
                    You're quick, Carol :)
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                    • -1
                      Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
                      "Are you really a Gulcher, CG? "
                      "You're quick, Carol :) "
                      But I can write like what you consider a bona fide Gulcher.

                      **There are packages of ideas you must accept as a whole, no independent thought allowed. The package that causes all the problems in the world is the one associated with President Obama. We need to stop all this independent ivory tower thinking and just form groups and support whatever our group says.

                      I'm a misunderstood genius with an amazing ability to tell you how any event is a harbinger of doom. I worked for the gov't or a corporation and never went out and served customers, but as a genius I certainly could have if only the right politicians had been elected. I can tell you just how awful any problem is and whose to blame for it, but I can't do anything to improve it. I keep telling people how amazingly stupid they are but for some reason (maybe b/c of President Obama) this approach doesn't win any allies. Well I've had it. Just at the point when my gov't/coroporate pension plus SS is enough to support me, I decide to go Galt (aka retire) and deny the world my genius b/c of what politicians in DC are doing. Everyone out there accomplishing stuff in the world must be getting some kind of sweetheart deal. The true heroes are holed up watching cable news and reading blogs about how the world's going to worms, waiting for the final collapse of everything positive in the world.
                      All I can do for my part is to make sure that every time I see a problem, I use the opportunity to be a jerk and tell people who's to blame for it. **

                      I actually think such people are suffering from a psychological problem that hurts worse than a physical problem like arthritis. And there's always the chance they're right and doom is coming. I reject the entire spirit of blame, mean-spirtedness, and politics, but as a rational person I must accept that at some points in history things really do fall apart. We should not be complacent.
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                      • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 4 months ago
                        This proves you do not understand Ayn Rand herself, OR objectivism, in fact you piss on all of it. Fine, piss on it CG, but I politely ask you to please do it somewhere else. I officially give up on you as you have proven to be a waste of time.
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                  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
                    "Are you really a Gulcher, CG? Do you understand Moral Pragmatism? You found Rand when you were 37, and still do not understand Objectivism?"
                    I read Fountainhead and then AS. I found them sort-of by chance. I loved them. I know they illustrate objectivist thought, but I don't know which parts are objectivist and which parts are just the story.

                    Regarding being really a Gulcher, I don't think the world is crashing and it's time to give up. I think that Rand was making an extreme illustration to make a point, not something we should aim for. I love the idea of people building a community to live deliberately with increased liberty. I will probably support such an effort in some form at some point.
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                    • Posted by 10 years, 4 months ago
                      I apologize for being rough on you, Circuit Guy. I think that you are in a state of denial, and I know that that's the type of mindset that will help bring about a socialist state--Obama's fundamental transformation of America. Before the 2012 presidential election, his thought was that there was still enough socialists in America to get him elected. And then with the help of Eric Holder, he stole the election. As Edmund Burke said, Evil can only triump when good men do nothing.
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                      • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
                        "I know that that's the type of mindset that will help bring about a socialist state--Obama's fundamental transformation of America"
                        I think that's crazy and that Obama is a good president, as mainstream candidates go. He was elected fairly, as was Bush in '04. The problems would almost be easier if there were one villain. The problem though is a mindset of turning things over to the gov't and the exec branch having too much power. The problem is asking "should this be allowed" instead of "should we empower the gov't to stop this".
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                        • Posted by 10 years, 4 months ago
                          Obama (and I have trouble writing or speaking his name) is not a good president. Don't be taken in by his words--he learned at an early age that he could say the words but he didn't have to believe them. He spent his formative childhood years in Indonesia, attended a Muslim madrasa. Indonesia has a socialist form of government, had diplomatic relations with Hanoi, and called the Vietnam War the American War--America was the enemy. I believe it was here that he learned that Europeans set out to subjugate the rest of the world--as if the history of mankind began with the Age of Exploration. If you read his two "memoirs" Dreams of my Father, and The Audacity of Hope, you'll find that he even says he spent his college years looking for the Marxist professors, snorting coke and figuring out how to stick it to the man! A major influence on him in his teenage years in Hawaii was Frank Marshall Davis, an admitted Communist, and a very sick one at that. Open your eyes, Circuit Guy!
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                          • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
                            I thought I read Audacity of Hope, but right now I can't remember anything from it. Maybe I didn't. It doesn't seem shocking to me to go through a stage of admiring Marxist thought, experimenting with drugs, and blaming European imperialism/mercantilism for the world's problem, and identity politics. Europeans did sort-of subjugate the world b/c they harnessed animal power and machine power first. It would be neat to meet President Obama, esp if he had time to talk about this stuff. His public persona seems like someone I would know and get along with, BUT politicians are masters of giving off that image on camera.
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                            • Posted by 10 years, 4 months ago
                              Oh, come on, CG. I met him, I rejected him. I told him, "I don't care if you're the president of the world, I'm Carol A. B------ and I said NO!
                              My principles and his idiotology are intensely incompatible.

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                              • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
                                "Oh, come on, CG. I met him, I rejected him. I told him, "I don't care if you're the president of the world, I'm Carol A. B------ and I said NO! "
                                Are you saying you swore at him metaphorically or literally? Way to go for being so candid. Most people going to those events are trying to get grants or just talk with other supposedly-connected people, so they're circumspect. What kind of event was this? What did he do when you went off on him? Was he polite prior to your criticizing him?

                                If the story is true, I think it's really cool.
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                                • Posted by 10 years, 4 months ago
                                  Well, CG, you leave me no choice. I don't like revealing secrets, and I don't like thinking about the relationship I had with BHO. For my part, it lasted about 6 months; for him, I believe he still thinks it's going on. Stalker mentality!
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                                  • CircuitGuy replied 10 years, 4 months ago
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                            • Posted by 10 years, 4 months ago
                              You are right, CG, insofar as you are able to see that it isn't just Obama--it is also the idiotology of the Leftists/Liberals/Democrats/Progressives/Socialists--Obama is the epitome, perhaps apex of their thought.
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                              • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
                                "-it is also the idiotology of the Leftists/Liberals/Democrats/Progressives/Socialists"
                                Then, you're just beating your chest for your group and calling names? I could say Bush was a master of whatever school-yard epithet they call people from the right. We beat our chests for artificial groups, get to be mean, and if we're lucky even get to make a scene at an event, but it doesn't do anything for the cause of liberty.
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                • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 4 months ago
                  I don't feel sorry for your kids...I fear for them, as I do for all young minds in this country and elsewhere who are not guided away from and educated about corruption and evil. Public schools are leading them away from ideas and thinking and into emotional, feeling, cess pools of collectivism/group think/we're-all-the-same-and-deserve-the-same crapola. No one should have anything more than anyone else, share everything equally, give give, take take. And I have NO idea what your 'logo' rant was about. I couldn't care less about wearing logo'd apparel. I did, however, make my sons t shirts with their own art work on them before. :) (and...large corporations can 'see the world'??? I think the point here is to make sure your kids see the world for what it really is, and to see themselves for what they can be and not be afraid to achieve it. (The world I mean...achieve the world instead of being stifled and afraid.)
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                  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 4 months ago
                    "I think the point here is to make sure your kids see the world for what it really is, and to see themselves for what they can be and not be afraid to achieve it."
                    Yes! A great summary. I don't know what the logo rant is about either, but it's something you hear when you have kids-- don't expose them to corporations. I have no idea why not. I ignore it.
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    • Posted by j_IR1776wg 10 years, 4 months ago
      Adolph Hitler was seriously concerned with "educational standards" in 1922 - his standards. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitler_You...
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      • Posted by 10 years, 4 months ago
        That's the problem with standards--some one person or agency (presidentially appointed) will be the determinator of the "standards"--and I'm sure that entails the "facts" our children will be taught in school. Another problem with standards and that teachers will teach to the test--that is, emphasizing just those "facts" children need to learn to pass the "standardized tests"--
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        • Posted by j_IR1776wg 10 years, 4 months ago
          Exactly correct Carol. Before we were a separate country, children were sent to one room schools which covered grades 1 through 4. They were allowed to move at their own pace and were not held to a rigid stupidity that demanded that if they were seven years-old, they had to "know" this and that.
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