Spread the Word About Atlas Shrugged and Win BIG
It’s time. Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? hits theaters in 43 days. Like and Share our Facebook countdown quotes and you could win an ALL EXPENSES PAID trip to the Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? World Premiere in Las Vegas, September 6th.
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1.) Register: http://bit.ly/ASP3ShareChallenge
2.) Check your inbox each day for an email with a link to the Facebook quote of the day.
3.) Click the link and then “Like” and “Share” the quote.
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That’s it! One hard working entrant will win an all expenses paid trip for 2 to the ASP3 Premiere in Las Vegas on September 6th!
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The winner will be announced September 2nd. By submitting an entry to this contest you agree to the Galt’s Gulch Online terms and conditions, contest rules (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1808...) and give Atlas Productions, and all of its affiliates, permission to use your submissions in any and all promotional material. Read Galt's Gulch Online terms and conditions here: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/terms
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1.) Register: http://bit.ly/ASP3ShareChallenge
2.) Check your inbox each day for an email with a link to the Facebook quote of the day.
3.) Click the link and then “Like” and “Share” the quote.
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That’s it! One hard working entrant will win an all expenses paid trip for 2 to the ASP3 Premiere in Las Vegas on September 6th!
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The winner will be announced September 2nd. By submitting an entry to this contest you agree to the Galt’s Gulch Online terms and conditions, contest rules (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1808...) and give Atlas Productions, and all of its affiliates, permission to use your submissions in any and all promotional material. Read Galt's Gulch Online terms and conditions here: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/terms
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- 3Posted by khalling 10 years, 7 months agoI'm glad to do it without entering a contest. value for value ;)Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
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- 1Posted by LiveForPhun 10 years, 7 months agoThis is SOOO mine! <3Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|