Galt’s Gulch PRODUCERS ONLY ASP3 Premiere
Galt’s Gulch Producers are hereby cordially invited to join Producers John Aglialoro, Harmon Kaslow, Joan Carter, and Scott DeSapio in Las Vegas on September 6th to celebrate the completion of the Atlas Shrugged trilogy at a PRIVATE GALT’S GULCH PRODUCERS ONLY PREMIERE screening of “Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt?”
We may even have a few surprise guests - you never know who else might show up at the event. Who is John Galt?
If you’re already a Galt’s Gulch Producer, you’re in - there’s no need to do anything else except book your trip. If you aren’t a Galt’s Gulch Producer yet, sign up now for a one year Galt’s Gulch Producer membership and we’ll see you in Vegas.
Event Details for Galt’s Gulch Producers:
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- Create a new Galt's Gulch Account:
- Upgrade an existing Galt's Gulch Account:
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Tickets to the Galt’s Gulch Producers Only Premiere are free for Gulch Galt’s Producers; Travel, lodging, and other expenses are not covered.
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We may even have a few surprise guests - you never know who else might show up at the event. Who is John Galt?
If you’re already a Galt’s Gulch Producer, you’re in - there’s no need to do anything else except book your trip. If you aren’t a Galt’s Gulch Producer yet, sign up now for a one year Galt’s Gulch Producer membership and we’ll see you in Vegas.
Event Details for Galt’s Gulch Producers:
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- Create a new Galt's Gulch Account:
- Upgrade an existing Galt's Gulch Account:
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Tickets to the Galt’s Gulch Producers Only Premiere are free for Gulch Galt’s Producers; Travel, lodging, and other expenses are not covered.
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- 1Posted by overmanwarrior 10 years, 6 months agoI'm sure this will be a wonderful evening. Everyone have fun!Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by DasBus 10 years, 7 months agoJust upgraded my account. Where's the info on the Premier? Where is it? What time? Etc...Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by awebb 10 years, 7 months agoClick this link: (it's in the above post).Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by DasBus 10 years, 7 months agoThere's no info on the time, place, if you can bring a guest, etc...Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by slfisher 10 years, 6 months agoyes, if I could get this information -- obviously not the place, but the time and whether I could bring a guest -- I could actually go because it turns out I'm going to be in Las Vegas this weekend.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by sdesapio 10 years, 7 months agoIt's all here Das: as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by DasBus 10 years, 6 months agoThe page doesn't have the info I'm looking for. Where is the premiere being held? What time. The link doesn't have that info.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by awebb 10 years, 6 months agoThis page: does have the details you're looking for. What are you seeing when you click the link....?Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by DasBus 10 years, 6 months agoOK. NOW it works. Before, it was just a page to sign up as a producer. Thank You!Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by sdesapio 10 years, 6 months agoYou were probably just not logged in or your Producer membership had not kicked in yet. The "sign-up" page is what "non-Producers" see when they try to access "Producers" only content.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|
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