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And now fiction is becoming reality. While there is no clearly identifiable “John Galt” and many of the people that are leaving the state are simply moving to more business friendly locations the impact on California is much the same as that described in Rand’s novel. Businesses are failing at an alarming rate, tax revenues are plummeting, and the burden placed on the state coffers by exploding welfare rolls is crippling. And California is not alone; this same scenario is being repeated all over the country.
In Atlas Shrugged, John Galt said he would “Stop the motor of the world.” Well, in the real world everywhere you look the motor is stopping.
California once led the nation in population growth at one point going over 6 percent per year. Now it has dropped to slightly over one percent. And what is worse is the drop in per capita income. Once a leader in the nation now the state is in the second to the lowest quintile in terms of income growth. This means that most of the growth is in lower income groups which mean little or no new business. This pattern is being repeated up and down the east coast. Not surprisingly the most rapid growth is in states with low or nonexistent tax structures, with Nevada being a prominent example.
For the most part the country is self destructing because of an orgy of self indulgence brought about by colossally incompetent social policies. The current administration is a classic example of machine politics Chicago style. The recent attempt at extortion or blackmail of Senator Kyle from Nevada is a classic example of this practice. Administration officials including four cabinet officers, almost certainly with the knowledge of President Obama, threatened the governor of Arizona with a cut off of stimulus funds if Kyle didn’t stop his criticism of the stimulus process.
The United States in now a debtor nation and is at the financial mercy of countries like China and other Asian nations as well as some very unfriendly folks in the Middle East. And now, even Communist China is viewing the leftward lunge of the United States with considerable alarm. They have a very large investment in American companies and American dollars and they are worried that this investment is in jeopardy. Considering the profligacy of the current and previous administrations this concern is clearly justified.
So, was Ayn Rand a prophet or just an annoying radical right wing kook. Watch the news or read it in those few papers that still exist and decide for your self.
Chuck Ivie
This image encapsulates both the decades-old theme of AS and the current "Now non-fiction" subtext. Frightfully well done. Brrrrr.
(I would buy the shirt!)
(I was a Brightmoor girl).
I got out to the 'burbs, and we're moving further out soon.
I'm very bitter too.
If you are going to Ann Arbor to go to U of M, their research equipment is first-rate.