Having to get a special permit to buy ammo is frightening. Reload !! Ammo will be a good thing to invest in, probably as valuable as gold and silver and food :)
It's none of their darn business, that's for sure. I wonder where all of the ammo is going that our lovely NSA is snapping up? I'm thinking its time to find out.
just so. they'll pull my leg off and I am supposed to laugh. they'll drop a big box of acme explosives on an unsuspecting animal and crush him, then he is alive but limping in the next scene. I cannot take it!!! I can't take this either- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh-tLlrFq...
Thanks for the post. I read most of the comments as well, and when I got to "Soap, ballot, jury, ammo. The boxes are running out in a lot of states." my blood literally ran cold. Never happened before. this is bad - and I live in Colorado.
Well, I have my own tight supports, but a supporter of our rights is always a welcome presence. ;-). I hit the wrong letter all the time and completely change the whole context of what I wrote.
I sleep walk, and have awaken to find myself naked, and at the keyboard. Shocking!
What is even weirder, is that I'm not using my hands to communicate, but leave the typing up to my chicken! Any mistakes you see, can be blamed on him...since he only can 'hunt and peck'.
Only kidding! I do almost everything fully clothed.... ;-)
You have too much Miami Vice imaging in your mind!
I grew up in Miami, and our house flooring was terrazzo. Worked well year around, since it was always cool to the touch.
I now live just 30 minutes south of the Georgia line, and we actually have all of the four seasons to enjoy. The only 'bare' floors are in the kitchen, and bathrooms.
the admin is not likely to see this particular post. send a "red" producer a private message. it's a good idea. There are many in here that protect their privacy and have no interest in being listed on a map. However, if you want to get something going in your state, feel free to post a meet-up. Others have posted about special get togethers in their state that dovetail with those of us who support the movies. Good luck! oh-and welcome west
And yes I do not really want "me" to show up on the map but it would be nice to have a way that said how many people are "near" this zip code, and return a number not the people. I will contact them. Thank you
I'm in, but as you know...I am in CA. It's a tough crowd.I handle it. Gotta tell you though, there are pockets everywhere...I'm in a good pocket. I might know a place.
Very true. I think most on this site are certainly savvy enough to see the writing on the wall, but pulling up stakes takes time for sure. I know at this time, it's not in our near future, but that could change.
Good point, but as I look around I do not see the engine of the world slowing down, as I do not see people being sucked up into Atlantis.
Now on a more holistic note in reality we the "enlightened" are intended to be John Galt. I am working to rally all of the people in my field that I know and have contact with as well as spread the book and film to people that are not leaches.
However I still feel "we" lack a single active "John Galt" I am thinking something like the group anonymous. What if "we" whom are capable started to produce some anonymous videos (not as the group anon but as in not under our name) we post them under a variant of the name John Galt or similar. Each one without showing an actual face and try to spread the news.
The fact of the matter here is simple this is not just a problem facing the United States. This is a global epidemic. Altruism / Altruistic people have infected the world and I for one do not want my children suffering through this disease.
What do you think one of the main purposes behind the movies is? IT is not just about rallying people. It is about having a philosophy with foundations. First step. Without the knowledge, the rally is short term and easily disintegrates, don't you think? Have you read much of Rand, west? Consider reading Capitalism the Unknown Ideal and The Virtue of Selfishness.
Maybe I am stating my intentions here incorrectly or in a confusing manor. I am familiar with the ideals, and philosophy of Objectivism as well as Laissez-faire capitalism.
My point primary is stating that the reason (in my opinion) that John Galt's character worked and is successful is he did not stand around and wait for people to search for him, or to just wake up on their own. He search for them, he organized them.
The sheer fact that the term "Who is John Galt?" was used by people that had no idea what was going on, did not share any of the common ideals, and others.... is the "power" I believe we are missing in today's society, to help rectify the issues, bring attention where it is needed and spread the philosophy and foundation.
Philosophy without action is only academic and I for one am a not a Professor, I am Doer.
I for one actively search people out, and have been successful. Some of the people who had no idea "Who is John Galt?" still knew something was wrong. They could feel it (ohhh whoa whoa whoa) and sometimes just needed information. Ms. Ives would be an example.
I'm actively working on introducing people to the movies. I've noticed that many people's eyes glaze over when they hear 'book'. Movie is easy. I've had people say 'what happens next' and I tell them either wait for AS III or read the book. Amazing how many read the book afterward.
Yeah. We have to use the movie to get people to read the book and start thinking and questioning. I have taken friends to see both 1 and 2. They are all interested. I also have the DVD's and lend them very carefully, like the library...limited days.
LOL (ohhh whoa whoa whoa) funny. I was texting a friend last night who asked me about going to war with Syria. I asked her who else she knew was even talking about it and she said no one pays attention to the news. I jumped on my soap box and had a rant about us all being mooing cows that are getting herded to a cliff and no one's having a cow over it! Out of all of my many 'friends' I have 3 that have a spark in them...and it's not very bright either. And they aren't interested in reading a big book (one said she wasn't intelligent enough to understand it..!!!) I try to seek out others who get it but they are so hard to find. I will suggest the movies again...if something in them doesn't click soon I'm going to stop wasting my energy and time on these "friendships".
If I don't have somewhere I have to be at a specific time.... I could care less what time it is... Otherwise, if it's light, you get up. If is's dark, you get down.
I would vote with my feet on this. Take my tax revenue and find a new place to be. In other words, shrug from the states that infringe on my Constitutional rights. Yes I realize most people won't do that. Most of the Jews didn't leave either.
The vast majority of the States avoided this hysteria.
Some States were more than ready for any incident, to justify disarming the law-abiding citizens.
These sort of overkill laws can be reversed down the political road, on the State level. What has to be resisted with all of our will, is ANY Federal law that mandates each, and every, State to restrict lawful gun ownership.
I don't care if it makes sense or not... It made me laugh! One should be very careful not to draw too fast just in case. It could be a hairy situation... :)
You should have seen the page of Bing images, that came up on my search!
Laura walked through the room as I was scrolling through some of the funnier ones, and smacked me on the back of my head.... I had to show her this thread to explain why I was even there. But, I may still be making my own supper tonight....
supper is always before 6 on the farm. dinner is at 8 in the city, but at noon on the farm. That way you can eat and listen to the crop reports and hog futures
It was at this point, as I was reading this to my dearest, that the groans began. and then the question: "How could they get this way on ice water?" There's a passage in Fountainhead with Roark thinking about it...and for a long time, all the Objectivits I knew drank only ice water. It was an "us and them" thing. Talk among yourselves.............................
You deserved the smack, and not in my cast iron pan you're not! (I love the word "supper". You don't hear it anymore...you and my Dad say it...that's it as far as I know.) TOO!
You said trapped animal and khalling saw a segue (way) to use the word "merkin". That was that. (Wonder how long she's been hanging on to that....waiting to use it.)
When? Was it after 5? Points are a primative form of communication. Effective. As I recall .. let me check... yes...that statement was a comment on the new welcome michael wonky string. Didn't we have a point party in his honor? Okay...Seriously? I am trapped...caught... I like them. I like points. I love points. Point parties are the best. Points make me merken-flappin' excited. Tap+Points= Ohh whoa whoa whoa whoa!!! No points for Tap this week.... fine :)
omgs hairy b's (with greatest respect to kh). I do know what a merkin is. Namely, an adornment to cover male ballsness. I'm in the business and I thought it might add to the discussion. Is time out over?
you are in the merkin business. well, then, miss tap, I suggest you educate us snickering sophomoric fools about the business opportunities we are ignoring. I'm in all seriousness here. One never knows when they should hang out shingles.
Snuck in. But of course you'd never know from the polling. The NSSF, National Shooting Sports Foundation, in Newtown, CT. People here hunt, skeet and generally enjoy shooting in many forms. Most if my neighbors own firearms, hunt, etc. they are the ones this hurts, not the punks with illegal guns.
Hear, heaar! We are the citizens hurt. I have been shooting since I was very young. My dad took me out and I shot a 22 rifle at cans. I spent many years target shooting with family and friends.It was fun! Fast forward....after my husband's (the 3rd) early passing I armed myself and started back at the range. I sleep well now.
I have a number of female shooting students, and I've learned from them that women can -and do - shoot any gun they want to. There are things women have to do differently from men, but most of my students end up shooting .45. They, too, sleep well. That competent feeling that you can take care of yourself BY yourself - it's a rush.
NEWS ALERT!!! Just a couple of hours ago 4 people were in a shoot out in Hyde Park in L.A. Two young men in their mid 20's were killed. 1 wounded. 1 got away. The police don't know yet if it was gang related. Hummmmmmm.. I don't mean to rush to judgment but I think there might be 3 less gangstas on the streets and one more soon to be singing the blues. Lets sing with our sisters and brothers. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack - 04 - Down To The River To
Yep....missed if they caught the last one today or not. We will only hear about it if it was another one of the President's chosen sons...and if there is anything smellin' like Nascar.
Hey, after you get them trained to move at the sound of the bell [that would be school], and then made anything worth knowing boring and stupid, you've got it made as far as compliance goes.
The basic everyday American cannot imagine not complying with his government. That is one of the things we have to change. I'm afraid that we're going to have to change it by example. OUCH!
Of course not. That's why we have to abandon them, sow salt in the ruins, and start over.
I have trouble remembering that imagining things to be different than they are is a learned, high-level thinking skill. That is, what? no schools? kids can't learn their......! no FDA? We won't know what food is safe to eat! ad nauseum.
People who know better, will be the educators on all those possibilities - walking uphill, both ways.
there's this good restaurant in Colorado Springs, Springs Orleans that serves a scrumptious salad of Apple matchsticks, cave aged bleu cheese, greens, sweet walnuts and petite lardons. petite "lardons" are like thick little chunks of bacon maybe 1/2i thick little chunks. omgoodness
'Til then...buy a little, save a little every day! If you can find it.
I never sound like this... :)
Good night all!
I think you're pulling my leg...
What have they done to you? :)
Edit. Typo corrected? :)
"Soap, ballot, jury, ammo. The boxes are running out in a lot of states."
my blood literally ran cold. Never happened before.
this is bad - and I live in Colorado.
Here is one willing to go to trial to support our tights: http://personalliberty.com/2013/08/21/su...
I hit the wrong letter all the time and completely change the whole context of what I wrote.
So would I....
That might have been the dumbest typo I have ever made. At least the "r" is next to the "t", on my keyboard!
Um, I hope you keep your chair to yourself...
What is even weirder, is that I'm not using my hands to communicate, but leave the typing up to my chicken! Any mistakes you see, can be blamed on him...since he only can 'hunt and peck'.
Only kidding! I do almost everything fully clothed.... ;-)
2.You may be having a serious problem. Use the chicken.
3.repeat steps 1, 2 and 3.
clearly, the Bride smacking you upside the head, had nothing to do with ME!
I got tired of spilling good vintage on the carpet...and trying to suck it out.
According to my 'bride'...I didn't need this sort of delivery system prior to coming to the Gulch.
I grew up in Miami, and our house flooring was terrazzo. Worked well year around, since it was always cool to the touch.
I now live just 30 minutes south of the Georgia line, and we actually have all of the four seasons to enjoy. The only 'bare' floors are in the kitchen, and bathrooms.
What do you live with?
if not I am happy to build one if the admin is interested I would request you please contact me.
However, if you want to get something going in your state, feel free to post a meet-up. Others have posted about special get togethers in their state that dovetail with those of us who support the movies. Good luck! oh-and welcome west
And yes I do not really want "me" to show up on the map but it would be nice to have a way that said how many people are "near" this zip code, and return a number not the people. I will contact them. Thank you
Now on a more holistic note in reality we the "enlightened" are intended to be John Galt. I am working to rally all of the people in my field that I know and have contact with as well as spread the book and film to people that are not leaches.
However I still feel "we" lack a single active "John Galt" I am thinking something like the group anonymous. What if "we" whom are capable started to produce some anonymous videos (not as the group anon but as in not under our name) we post them under a variant of the name John Galt or similar. Each one without showing an actual face and try to spread the news.
The fact of the matter here is simple this is not just a problem facing the United States. This is a global epidemic. Altruism / Altruistic people have infected the world and I for one do not want my children suffering through this disease.
My point primary is stating that the reason (in my opinion) that John Galt's character worked and is successful is he did not stand around and wait for people to search for him, or to just wake up on their own. He search for them, he organized them.
The sheer fact that the term "Who is John Galt?" was used by people that had no idea what was going on, did not share any of the common ideals, and others.... is the "power" I believe we are missing in today's society, to help rectify the issues, bring attention where it is needed and spread the philosophy and foundation.
Philosophy without action is only academic and I for one am a not a Professor, I am Doer.
I'm actively working on introducing people to the movies. I've noticed that many people's eyes glaze over when they hear 'book'. Movie is easy. I've had people say 'what happens next' and I tell them either wait for AS III or read the book. Amazing how many read the book afterward.
I was texting a friend last night who asked me about going to war with Syria. I asked her who else she knew was even talking about it and she said no one pays attention to the news. I jumped on my soap box and had a rant about us all being mooing cows that are getting herded to a cliff and no one's having a cow over it! Out of all of my many 'friends' I have 3 that have a spark in them...and it's not very bright either. And they aren't interested in reading a big book (one said she wasn't intelligent enough to understand it..!!!) I try to seek out others who get it but they are so hard to find. I will suggest the movies again...if something in them doesn't click soon I'm going to stop wasting my energy and time on these "friendships".
I've removed all timepieces from my house...if I need to know the time, I'll crawl out to the sundial.
And foolproof! ;-)
Posted by $ Tap2Golf 14 hours, 3 minutes ago
as in "leave it to Beaver" I presume!
God's hairy merkin!
goddesses' hairy merkins.????? correct?????
If I had more than one chicken...I would be King of the World.
Some States were more than ready for any incident, to justify disarming the law-abiding citizens.
These sort of overkill laws can be reversed down the political road, on the State level. What has to be resisted with all of our will, is ANY Federal law that mandates each, and every, State to restrict lawful gun ownership.
It has a hair trigger.
You should have seen the page of Bing images, that came up on my search!
Laura walked through the room as I was scrolling through some of the funnier ones, and smacked me on the back of my head.... I had to show her this thread to explain why I was even there. But, I may still be making my own supper tonight....
dinner is at 8 in the city, but at noon on the farm. That way you can eat and listen to the crop reports and hog futures
Talk among yourselves.............................
I wasn't expecting the get "time out", and no gruel!
I have the same defense...! ;-)
Remedy? :)
Bang Bang!
Ta ta!
Was this law snuck in or is it the overall sentiment in CT?
I have a number of female shooting students, and I've learned from them that women can -and do - shoot any gun they want to. There are things women have to do differently from men, but most of my students end up shooting .45. They, too, sleep well. That competent feeling that you can take care of yourself BY yourself - it's a rush.
And I do so love a .357 magnum :-)
O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack - 04 - Down To The River To
The basic everyday American cannot imagine not complying with his government. That is one of the things we have to change. I'm afraid that we're going to have to change it by example. OUCH!
I have trouble remembering that imagining things to be different than they are is a learned, high-level thinking skill. That is, what? no schools? kids can't learn their......! no FDA? We won't know what food is safe to eat! ad nauseum.
People who know better, will be the educators on all those possibilities - walking uphill, both ways.
'Would you believe Karl Halling, dear?'
She said "right", and sent me back into time out.
petite "lardons" are like thick little chunks of bacon maybe 1/2i thick little chunks. omgoodness