Public Education is evil because...
Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 6 months ago to Education
I'll start.
Public Education is evil because it assumes that parents are too stupid or too lazy to educate their children and, therefore, the State must compel them to do so.
Your thoughts?
Public Education is evil because it assumes that parents are too stupid or too lazy to educate their children and, therefore, the State must compel them to do so.
Your thoughts?
Previous comments...
And that is where the public school system has lost it's way.
I can't get the image of the prosecution's star witness against Zimmerman, out of my mind: a high school senior, that couldn't write, or even read, cursive.
How do you make out a check, or 'jot' down a date or address?
If you are interviewing a potential employee, would you expect them to be able to write, and read, a handwritten note?
My employees responded to my scribbled out instructions on a daily basis, and I have never known anyone that could neither write, or read, cursive. Such a person would never collect a paycheck in my business.
In my opinion, if you can't at least read cursive handwriting, then you are pretty much unemployable.
You are arguing for the dumbing down of our children....
The whole college thing is a smoke screen, to get academically unprepared students into four years of college for more socialist brainwashing. Noting more, they do not want a thinking rational people to escape.They actually told our daughter in high school that college was for "socializing", not for learning. The more money we feed into gov't. schools, the less likely it is to reform, which I personally do not feel will happen anyway. Gov't schools are evil gulogs.
I read "Brainwashing in Red China", which served as inspiration and guidance to the US Communist Party.
They ultimately taught getting psychologist, but not good ones, involved in the lives of as many children as possible. They also taught, "Set teens wild in the streets." This is what teaching them no right or wrong and to ignore the values of their elders is doing..
As mentioned in another post, the writer mentioned the Common Core curriculum and how it will decide if the children are right thinking, or need to be "re-educated", based on what the one world politicians want them to think.
Communism, Marxism, or socialism are patient and never ceasing enemies of reason.
I have seen the IQ of teachers decline, just as has the IQ of students. By high school, we learned our daughter's IQ was well above that of most of the teachers in the system. It made her lazy and yet susceptible to their social brainwashing.
Invincible, no. But as long as parents continue to accept that employees of public schools know best, and they are not capable of making decisions for their children, nothing will change. The intelligence in this country continues to decline, and that is what gov't. wants, despite their protest to the contrary.
Just as few are watching the direction of UN Agenda 21 in this country, even after the prez promised to implement it, even as local communites move forward with it. It will change the whole way we live, take property rights, but no one is watching. It has nothing to do with the environment, and everything to do with control, just as the school issue does.
(Also, I'm not a socialist.)
we live in an information society. even poor families have some access to the internet. Libraries give away books when they receive new editions. Magazines are in every waiting room. You can learn to read by your teacher having nothing more than a stick and dirt. People are naturally inquisitive, looking at the world outside of their parents' eyes is the norm not the exception. Anyone at any age seeking knowledge, usually finds some
When several mothers approached the school board, no one saw a problem. Finally, we were enough of a problem for them, that they moved the moron psychologist - to the high school - tenure issue prohibited firing.I passed out copies of "Anthem" to any of the kids in my daughters class who wanted one that year, along with offers of any wanting "Brave New World."
Just as we have chevys and mercedes in cars, we would have the same in private schools" Is there enough revenue to support the car companies? Do most "poor" people have cars? Or cell phones, or TVs or computers?
Reagan tried to get rid of the Dept. of Ed., but the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) would not allow it. They said they needed it. Right, needed it to brainwash enough generations to get the one world socialism they so desperately needed.
For what it is worth, paragraph 2 of John Dewey's My Pedigogic Creed reads in part "Through these demands he is stimulated to act as a member of a unity, to emerge from his original narrowness of action and feeling and to conceive of himself from the standpoint of the welfare of the group to which he belongs." The full version can be found at
People raised at home, trained at home and educated at home have a very narrow scope of the world. Errors, rather than eradicated are reinforced. It takes a very unusual and financially secure parent to personally prepare a child for university. Even when successful the child lacks the kind of personal interactions achieved by his conventionally educated peers.
"People raised at home, trained at home and educated at home have a very narrow scope of the world" Do you really beleive that the Public Schools are proving a wider scope? They are teaching non-reason..
The State, attempting to create a submissive populace, has been using enforced curricula for over a century.
In 1985, our three girls were in the public school system in Setauket NY, part of the greater Stonybrook university community and one should expect therefore a modicum of decent education. This was not the case.
We started home schooling back then when it was not a well known activity and we were the districts first antagonists/victims.
It began when my 15 year old decided she was going to stay home and read the complete encyclopedia from start to finish. My wife was called in, of course, and in response to their saying kids couldn't simply stay home and watch television all day, told them what our girl was actually doing. Their response, after some more dialog regarding the plus points of our impromptu home schooling was; “Mrs. Asher, you don’t understand. We are in the business of raising taxpayers!
(to be continued)
Peter Asher
Sadly, once Common Core becomes the law of the land, per our prez. and thanks to B. Ayers and Bill Gates, even home schooled children will no longer be safe from the brain washing. They thought to include them in the requirements. Parents have a war to fight, and too many do not even see it.
They were public schools when the public participated in the decision making processes, now it's Government Administrators dealing with Union Officials to decide what is best, the best for the children, right...
What's evil about it? I was subjected to an egalitarian principal who made my life hell. I was told to follow the plans of other teachers who had 15-20 years less experience than me because "if you're all on the same page, parents won't complain". Literally- the same page. I rejected her demands only to be threatened with my job. So, of course, I secretly taught. This is happening in America.
I then left the school system to try a charter school hoping that it would offer more autonomy for teachers and someone would appreciate my experience, drive, and dedication to laying a foundational understanding instead of throwing worksheets at children. I was mistaken. It was just as bad. You were expected to work 10 hour days, some nights stay until 7, volunteer and work Saturday schools. Teach for America teachers stocked nearly every classroom waiting to be burned out in the 2 year prison sentence. When I finished the year, the school director informed me that since I didn't follow the other teacher's plans, I would not be asked back. I informed him that I was thankful for the opportunity (and relieved).
I will NEVER return to public education in the state it is in. I left one of my last positions with the sign "I'm leaving it as I found it, take over, it's yours." hanging on the door and still have the photograph to remind me of the hell that year. I kept the book Atlas Shrugged on my desk and used passphrases from Atlas as my school passwords. I read the book every day and cried often.
I miss the children and feel sometimes that I'm leaving them in a hell similar to the way it was in Atlas Shrugged. I'm waiting to leave the Gulch and return to rebuild, but only after it implodes from the bureaucracy and corruption. I'm not holding my breath.
I applied to be a bank teller yesterday.
Truly, public education has been complicated and compromised by its relationship to government. Probably all US states license teachers.Here in Texas, the State buys all textbooks for all public schools.
That aside, the basic truth is the public schooling reflects America's commitment to learning. Like public buses and public zoos** public education is just a way to achieve what most people seem to want. It is not optimal. As an educator myself, I agree that completely privatizing education would be best. My wishes aside, the social structures and social functions of local education tell me that if you are unhappy with your local schools, then maybe you should get involved with the school board and maybe run for office.
If you would rather start your own for-profit school, that is highly laudable.
Just to complain achieves nothing.
**On public zoos: the world is not short of problems to decry but no one here so far has claimed that Marxist zoos harm animals.
“A slightly higher proportion of American adults qualify as scientifically literate than European or Japanese adults, but the truth is that no major industrial nation in the world today has a sufficient number of scientifically literate adults,” he said. “We should take no pride in a finding that 70 percent of Americans cannot read and understand the science section of the New York Times.”
Approximately 28 percent of American adults currently qualify as scientifically literate, an increase from around 10 percent in the late 1980s and early 1990s, according to Miller's research. (Science Daily here.)
Also, the collapse in the last 50+ years has many causes. Still and all, if you never judged a regional science fair, you have not seen the best side of this. Total privatization would be best of all, but the very existence of public education reflects a basic virtue in American culture.
How about this for specifics: standardized tests are given at the end of every school year to all students. The teacher is then graded not on the average grade level for the students, but on how much the students have progressed during the year. For instance, if a teacher gets 4th grade students who are on a 2nd grade level and elevates them to a 3.5 grade level, then she/he has moved them up by 1.5 grades in a single year and should get a bonus. If the students progress only .75 grades, then probation. Twice in a row and you're out. The principal should be judged by the aggregate progress of all the students in the school and the superintendent on the aggregate of all schools. That would make sure that principals fight for books, supplies and equipment that would ensure their financial success.
I smell the blood of an Englishman.
Be he live or be he dead,
I'll grind his bones to make my bread."
from 'Jack and the Beanstalk'
Since I'm not English, doesn't count.
What would you like me to say? ;-)