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I never expected to see in my lifetime an occupant of the White House even worse than Jimmy Carter.
He proved my expectations wrong, he is far worse.
Carter was merely naive and hapless, this guy is actively destructive.
kicking and screaming, into the only 2 good things
which he has done in office -- authorizing the
demise of the somali pirates and of osama. did you
see the photo of the situation room when osama
was being taken out? BHO looks like a runaway
kid who has been rescued by a friendly family at
thanksgiving. the look on his face is that of
someone who Really Doesn't Want To Be There. -- j
BTW, UBL wasn't even a terrorist yet when Clinton entered office, so it's rather silly to imagine someone before him would seek to kill him. Obama's war and foreign policy record is the worst in the history of the English-speaking world.
They got what they wanted but I doubt that they really wanted what they got.
Good clip. Whoever did the location scouting for ASIII did an excellent job.
Oh, how I would LOVE for a waiter to hand him a drink, and he would quietly say, "Thank you, Lawrence". :-)
"Ferenghi" is a Pushtu derogatory word used to refer to westerners by Afghans, at least back in the 19th century...
It is not a coincidence that his species was called 'Ferenghi", that they were physically repulsive, sexist and avaricious.
I would have liked to see that. But I suspect instead the only dispute will be over the torture chamber.
Maybe he'd have been more sinister with "Chink eyes" or maybe he'd have been more amusing with "N-word lips"?....
Oh, wait... Ferenghi is a derogatory word for *white* men... forge on ahead boys! The PC police have approved your mandatory acceptance of one form of denigration over another, as it suits their agenda...
Oh, Lord, have they screwed the casting pooch again?
Is the guy with the silenced pistol supposed to be Dagney?
It's not that I hate the 21st century, I just hate the people who populate it (except maybe 2...)