My Name is James Rozar
Posted by Rozar 11 years, 7 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
My outlook is probably unique for this website, considering I actually used to be a communist. I read tons of communist literature that consistently reinforced my beliefs, but there were always a number of issues that I just couldn't find a solid answer to.
To be honest I read Atlas Shrugged simply because Atlas has always been kind of a hero to me, so when his name was in the title of a movie I was interested. Then I read that it was a piece of pro capitalist propaganda so I was even more intrigued. I bought the book simply because I wanted to test my beliefs.
After reading the book I did a full 180 and started researching Ayn Rand and her works and her whole philosophy. It filled the gaps I found in communism so perfectly, it felt like it was defining things I knew in my mind for so long but couldn't find the words to express.
Philosophy has always been important to me, I constantly struggle with finding a meaning for my life. I have a "Who Is John Galt" tattoo on my forearm, and often when I'm feeling troubled I look down and touch it to remind myself of what life really means.
Anyway I never really notice a lot of personal posts on the site, but those are always the most interesting to me. The world seems like it's getting darker, but I have no fear for my own future and I would hope that many of you don't either. After all, we are the strong individuals right? ;)
To be honest I read Atlas Shrugged simply because Atlas has always been kind of a hero to me, so when his name was in the title of a movie I was interested. Then I read that it was a piece of pro capitalist propaganda so I was even more intrigued. I bought the book simply because I wanted to test my beliefs.
After reading the book I did a full 180 and started researching Ayn Rand and her works and her whole philosophy. It filled the gaps I found in communism so perfectly, it felt like it was defining things I knew in my mind for so long but couldn't find the words to express.
Philosophy has always been important to me, I constantly struggle with finding a meaning for my life. I have a "Who Is John Galt" tattoo on my forearm, and often when I'm feeling troubled I look down and touch it to remind myself of what life really means.
Anyway I never really notice a lot of personal posts on the site, but those are always the most interesting to me. The world seems like it's getting darker, but I have no fear for my own future and I would hope that many of you don't either. After all, we are the strong individuals right? ;)
Many people here say they have always thought as they do now. Others like me have changed over the years tho' I cannot say I was once a communist. That sort of change is interesting and probably indicates mature dispassionate reconsideration and serious re-evaluation of what is known.
A few threads back someone mentioned the Nolan Chart -look it up- there are many variations. This chart is a very good way of classifying political and social opinions in two dimensions rather than one. It explains why objectivists/libertarians are not conservative.
There are many of us.
it is refreshing to see people finally doing the only right thing to do: Give a damn on what others say about Atlas, instead really reading it on their own (without any prejudices, if possible) and really start thinking own thoughts.
Because then, all of a sudden, everything starts making sense.
I first read AS in 2001 and immediately knew, that Ayn was right. I followed the discussions in the gulch but now I registered here, because I wanted to express my thoughs and to thank you for your post.
Thank you, again.
Thank you for your reassuring commentary.
If you could be swayed, perhaps there is hope for our nation after-all!
It does seem as if most liberals like the bliss of ignorance, or at least to display the facade. However, we don't know what the percentages of those truly ignorant but open minded vs. those who are ideologically blocked or those who know but are simply benefiting from the liberal policies without concern for right.
One thing for sure is we must shine the light and help those who are receptive like Rozar in order to change the ratio.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo johngaltriders_zps2853606c.jpg"/></a>
Now I read the founding fathers and everything and anything on capitalism and free markets and I realize freedom really does work!
Right...we are, to a man/woman.
Welcome out of the Five Year Plan!
Nice intro, I hope more new members take the time to do same. Thanks :)
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