US Citizens Sign Petition For Obama To Repeal Bill Of Rights

Posted by ShrugInArgentina 11 years, 7 months ago to Government
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"Give yourself four minutes to watch this Mark Dice video and you will understand exactly how much trouble your country is in."

Then listen to The Mark Levin Show from July 10th. Mark cites a provision of the 5th Amendment and calls for state conventions to amend the Constitution to restore the Republic.

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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 7 months ago
    I wish we would stop blaming the low-information citizen and start blaming the Dept of Education, the Natl Education Assoc, the American Federation of Teachers, and the Public School System for producing these stunted minds.
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    • Posted by LeeCrites 11 years, 7 months ago
      The intentional degree of evil design the socialists have spent the past several decades infiltrating and destroying our educational system with is beyond reasonable conversation. It smacks of the largest and most perverse "conspiracy theory" anyone can imagine -- and worse. These people know what they are doing, and they are doing it on purpose.

      Doing research for a graduate sociology class, I spoke with the folks who designed NCLB (no child left behind). They thought I was "one of them," so the conversations were open and frank.

      What would it take to "fix" the educational system? They know it -- perfectly. They use that information to design programs which purposefully destroy it.

      In order to pull off their plans, they must have an illiterate populace -- people trained by a life-time of Pavlovian stimulus/response reinforced thought processes. These children, "properly trained" do not have to tools they need to analyze new information and come to a logical, thoughtful conclusion of their own.

      They are, quite literally, brainwashed to the point where they are permanently brain damaged. They have lost the ability to take in new information.

      And the folks who are designing this curriculum are so excited about what they are doing that watching them talk is frightening. I believe we have reached a point of no return where the public (mis)educational system is concerned.

      The only hope a future society has is that those children who were homeschooled (by parents with a clue) or were taught how to actually think for themselves (by parents who knew how) survive to rebuild.

      The "world's greatest generation" are dying by the tens-of-thousands a day, from old age and government sponsored illnesses like dementia and heart disease. The baby boomers could quickly be too old and feeble to physically rebuild a new society. What we have to have is the youth -- and too many of them have had their brains sucked out by the (mis)educational system.
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      • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 7 months ago
        Their evil plan is to drive out the concept of the individual from the minds of every person on Earth. It was first stated, to my knownedge,by Plato in his Republic and built upon by Marx and Engels in their Communist Manifesto. It exisits here in the USA and internationally via UNESCO. The plan is long range and the Socialists can afford to wait for those my age and the "Greatest Genertion" to die off while they continue to churn out one stunted mind after another. I just saw World War Z. If they traded "Zombies" for "Gotpiss" (Graduates of the public idiotic school system) no one would noticed the difference.
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years, 7 months ago
      ultimately, the low info voter must atone.
      "The acceptance of full responsibility for one’s own choices and actions (and their consequences) is such a demanding moral discipline that many men seek to escape it by surrendering to what they believe is the easy, automatic, unthinking safety of a morality of “duty.” They learn better, often when it is too late."
      Philosophy Who Needs It
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      • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 7 months ago
        I respectfully disagree with you and AR. I think you both wildly underestimate the damage inflicted on children by brainwashing and molding beginning with kindergarten wherein they are taught to depend on their emotions as primary and to treat their ability to reason as anti-social. John Dewey once intoned that individual thinking is akin to insanity. How difficult is it for anyone hammered with this crap to rebound to meet AR's standard? Don't you wonder why it's "...often too late"?
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        • Posted by khalling 11 years, 7 months ago
          I agree with you on the damage. I am reminding you it is no excuse.
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          • Posted by LeeCrites 11 years, 7 months ago
            How can being brainwashed by authority figures they had no control over, made no choice for, and were compelled to deal with be expected to automagically recover from it?

            If there is "no excuse," then it is we, the sentient ones left who are without excuse for helping the victims of an educational system we allowed to lord over them and damage them in the first place.

            I agree there is "no excuse." I just don't agree it is the children's fault.
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            • Posted by khalling 11 years, 7 months ago
              please excuse me for not being clearer. I do not blame children, although by HS, surely kids are discerning enough to stake their claim for reason, to question textbooks and fact check. I mean the computer is at their fingertips-they don't even have to go to the library and sift through a card catalog! I am referring to adults who know better and let schools raise their children anyway. It's those of us who tuurn a blind eye in our communities knowing what's going on beneath our noses and doing nothing to stop it. It is very difficult to undo systems once in place, but not that hard to take a stake with ones own children and their friends and all the girl scouts or boy scouts in ones troop and youth church groups and sunday school classes and and number of awesome programs out there already set up to to teach children the truth. most of us just don't put on the teacher's hat when we should.
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              • Posted by LeeCrites 11 years, 7 months ago
                I think I understand what you are saying -- but, again, I don't think we can blame the kids. And by "kids," I mean those who are currently in K-12 *and* their parents, who were also taught using the same principles, just not as well.

                How often do we hear children argue with their parents about what is true because their teacher told them something? I have seen families torn apart because the teacher(s) said religion was a waste of time and only for the feeble minded, while the parents were trying to teach their children to love God. Your stand on religion is your business, but when the (mis)education industry's indoctrination of children is more significant than the parent's most ardent attempts to overcome, it is impossible to "blame" the children and/or the parents.

                Truly evil people run our schools today. Led by the folks at the NEA, the state and local school districts are slowly (?) destroying the minds of our youth. You want a high school student to magically become sentient and discerning? What has prepared them for that? School has gone out of their way to NOT prepare them for that stage in their life.

                You only see what you look for. When the school system teaches students to look to their teachers and other similar authorities for "truth," and to reject everything else, then "what's going on beneath [their] noses" is meaningless drivel.

                I see the evil busybodies from the baby boomer generation, who are now in control of virtually everything, as the cause of the problems. Their children and grand-children are true victims of this evil plot.

                They will pay with their lives, unfortunately, for the "sins" of their parents. When the social order collapses, and there is nothing left for them to take, starvation and disease will become rampant. Hopefully enough sentient folks will survive to rebuild.
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                • Posted by khalling 11 years, 7 months ago
                  hopefully, we will not get to that point. but you act as if parents are not lemmings by choice. I disagree. Parents sitting back and ignoring how their own children are taught and their neighbors' children have made an active decision. I see few productive teaching moments for teachers to weigh in on religion in the classroom. That is for the home. I will say, the public system my kids were in, there were several religious clubs involved at the school including Young Life. (But don't get me started on how they bring in millions of untaxed dollars to buy up millions of acres in Colorado.) Homeschooling. In the last decade, it's easier now than ever to home school your kids, especially K-8. Great helpful websites, entrepreneurial stores devoted to stocking materials, helpful libraries running programs geared to home schoolers. And you are credited at least some of the tax dollars back I think back to my childhood. Before daycare was a thing, both of my parents were teachers, so even though they were both busy teaching others' kids, they still made time to question me on what I was learning and encouraged me to ask questions and not accept everything taught in the classroom. I grew up in a small town though-I think the learning experience in a big city school opposed to a sleepy suburb could be vastly different.Of those I know who home schooled, most of the kids graduated at 16 and were already taking college level classes-usually through the community colleges (cheaper). There are more and more private colleges with religious foundations, created specifically as a counter balance to state universities.
                  I really do not get the victim mentality.
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                  • Posted by LeeCrites 11 years, 7 months ago
                    "I really do not get the victim mentality."

                    I don't, either. But being a victim of an evil perpetrator is not the same as having a "victim mentality."

                    When a thief or rapist attacks a victim, they are a victim, irrespective of their thinking on the matter.

                    When a corrupt politician or psychobabblist tells someone they are a "victim" because society did not do enough for them, then that is a "victim mentality."

                    The two are nothing alike.

                    When I am saying the youth of today are victims, I mean of an exploitative and evil group of people who have, with passion, malice, and forethought, perpetrated a real hurt against them.

                    Those raised and consumed by this environment truly are little more than just lemmings -- and it is not by their choice. They just don't know any better.

                    Before I came to see AS1, I was only vaguely aware of Ayn and her book, I formed opinions based on my parents and my experiences. But I'm one of the small percent of the baby boomers who survived the educational system.

                    Thank goodness we homeschooled our kids -- they have a chance at a reasonable life. We taught them to actually bring in information, analyze it, and determine what is right.

                    But even in *this* group, that skill is not ubiquitous. I had a recent foray with a misogynist who continues to hammer on a socialist organization's tabloid research study like it is truth straight from god. This person cannot be convinced the study is virtually meaningless. The ability to actually process the information, and think through the data being presented is lost to them.

                    If someone HERE cannot make that leap, then how can we hope people who are not "up to" this level can?
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                    • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 7 months ago
                      All the more reason to remind ALL Americans that it is THEIR responsibility to keep an eye on the government. It is THEIR job to KNOW and have an UNDERSTANDING of The Constitution. We've become a nation of lazies who don't make an effort in their OWN self interest, who take the coward stance that they are powerless so why bother trying. They don't ask questions, they don't seek answers, they just assume someone else will do what needs to be done to keep their life the way it is and can't fathom the change that is coming, or how negatively it will affect them. You can call them "victims" of the system if you want to.....I call them ignorant and lazy. They are playing the biggest role in their own destruction...and don't even know it (or care).
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                      • Posted by LeeCrites 11 years, 7 months ago
                        I agree these folks are the major players in their own destruction. But how do you wake up folks who don't think they are asleep?

                        I will say this, though: I have seen a LOT of folks who are starting to simply accept the premise that the government is corrupt. When that happens, the ones who are still sentient start to ask questions and challenge preconceived notions. THAT is when they are ready to hear the message!

                        Being someone new to the Ayn Rand environment, I have more ammunition to use. But before this time, I still tried to talk to people and help them see what was going on around them. I'd say my "success rate" was still less then 10%, though.
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                        • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 7 months ago
                          All we can do is NOT miss an opportunity to speak up, point out errors in thinking, highlight corruption and remind them that they need to keep informed and stay aware. How does that saying go?... Something like "Freedom cannot prevail with an ignorant or lazy populace"...that's not it exactly but it makes the point. Those who have just throw up their hands and given up don't realize just how ugly things can get. A good time to remind people of history and what happens when people give up and CHOOSE to be ignorant and defenseless. Also, political correctness and over sensitively works exactly to curb honest, fact based discussions that will open people's eyes. Speak FREELY.
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                        • Posted by khalling 11 years, 7 months ago
                          I'm glad you found the movies and therefore read AS. You have, right? it is frustrating that the success rate in this is so low, but it's the old addage, you tell two people and they tell two people and so on and so on. It's one of the reasons I'm so grateful the movies were made. Look how many people have come to Ayn Rand from seeing the movies first! 60 years later!
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                          • Posted by LeeCrites 11 years, 7 months ago
                            Not finished yet. It's quite a tome, and I'm working 50+ hours a week, plus...
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                            • Posted by LeeCrites 11 years, 7 months ago
                              Let me explain further:

                              1) I might be the most anal person you know. That is why I am such a top notch ANALyst. I can't do a lot of things, but digesting and analyzing is one of the things I do best.

                              2) I have Asperger''s and dyslexia. Reading is not an easy task, especially something "deap." I normally have to read something 2 - 3 times before I am comfortable saying "yea, I read that."

                              So me reading AS is going to involve going through 3,600 pages of text, probably with a highlighter and pen and notebook.

                              Things like these blogs (which are called "loose text") are not (often) something that has to be digested before responding to. A book like AS simply demands too much attention.
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                    • Posted by khalling 11 years, 7 months ago
                      I will read all of this but I am still stuck on the first part. Children are the responsibility of their parents. You are not compelled to have your children attend public schools. Or a particular public school. You are not hamstrung from involving your children in enlightening programs, teaching opportunities at home, counter measures to indoctrination in the class room, volunteering at the schools your children are attending. So many options. That is not the same thing as a predator kidnapping a child; therefore victim. I am not saying all parents are vigilant. But you are.
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                      • Posted by LeeCrites 11 years, 7 months ago
                        Thanks, yes, we tried to be vigilant.

                        We know many other families who WANT to be vigilant, but they just cannot "see" how. Your list if obviously off the cuff -- which is a good sign. But too many parents cannot "see" what is so obvious to you and me, thus they cannot "do" what you are suggesting.

                        Another point: when you homeschool, someone has to stay home. My wife did for most of it; I did the last bit. Convincing a dual-income family to have one of the parents quit their job and stay home to teach the children is a monumental task! It might actually be impossible for most families today.
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                        • Posted by khalling 11 years, 7 months ago
                          yea, today, you'll run up against regulations on daycare and certification if you 'team teach". I still think in every medium sized community there are alternatives including charters
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                          • Posted by LeeCrites 11 years, 7 months ago
                            The problem, khaling, is that I can't argue with you. On a number of levels, I agree with what you are saying 100%. But I'm saying something different -- or at least *trying* to say something different.

                            There are any number of alternatives -- and people *should* use them.

                            So how do we overcome years of training and brainwashing by the most skilled psyops organization the plant has likely ever known (e.g. public school employees)?
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                            • Posted by khalling 11 years, 7 months ago
                              well, here is a secret weapon-LS is a public school employee. Go back and search her comments, and you will find many where she works tirelessly from inside the system with our youngest, most vulnerable to make a difference. That is one individual fighting out there. There are many, so many more. Have you checked out Overmanwarrior's blog? He is in another stae and works tirelessly within his school system for changes, and wins! He has also written two wonderful books, consider putting them on your reading list. Many come to the Gulch with school aged children or toddlers and ask how best to prepare their kids. Many of us respond. Many, like non-mooching artist and Eudamonia tirelessly put their states leaders on notice (check out the CT townhall meetings on recent gun legislation-Euda testified in front of the senators, as well as non-mooch's spouse). These are just a few examples of Gulch members working overtime to protect the ctizens of this nation. For myself, I actually made a huge life change. My husband and I left the country, so that we would have time to devote to reclaiming freedoms for americans. You are in good company here.
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                              • Posted by khalling 11 years, 7 months ago
                                Let me add uncommonsense. Although he is still raising children at home, he spends hours keeping us informed and educated on Islam and its dangerous intrusion into our culture. pirate is always letting us know what she has been outspoken about in her community. Most of these people came to this site having watched the movies first. Then read Rand. There are so many more in here I haven't mentioned, like Objective Analyst who is vigilant with us on philosophical issues and Lucky who is ever vigilent on environmental issues and on and on. I encourage other members to include members I haven't brought up . like Wdonway, who was an Objectivist from the beginning, and set up talks on the campus of his alma mater and brought in heavyweights to Objectivism like David Kelley, founder of Atlas Society.
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                                • Posted by LeeCrites 11 years, 7 months ago
                                  Y'all (khaling and the folks mentioned):

                                  You have my greatest admiration for keeping up the fight in the "gaping jaws of the beast," so to speak. I am more than pleased to know I have such stalwart folks in my presence.

                                  Long before my introduction to AS (literally within the past year), I tried to fight the battle. I went to the Texas state folks -- the ones who designed NCLB, etc. I spoke with them (many of them face-to-face, some on the phone, a few via email), and got to know them.

                                  When I say these folks are evil, it is because I saw their eyes when they spoke of what they were doing, and the "success" they were having.

                                  At the time I was writing a book. The title I was tinkering with was "How Leadership Principles Could Restore American Schools to Greatness." Yea, long and boring title.

                                  Steven Covey started me doing leadership development work in 1987. I have read a lot of leadership texts and held leadership seminars. I knew how these principles helped *US* in homeschooling our children, and thought how they could help the public school systems as well.

                                  It was doing this research that put me in touch with the Texas and national leaders who designed the system we are suffering through today. Hell, I even went back to college for another master's degree (in sociology, this time) to help me with gathering and writing the book.

                                  I realized how totally corrupt the system was, and how feeble my pathetic voice would be against the machine I was attempting to do battle with. I went into it thinking that I understood something which could help, and so (obviously) these folks would welcome my thoughts. I left knowing their intentions were to do what they are doing -- destroying the minds of the youth.

                                  I did what I probably should not have done -- I quit. I walked away from the book and the research. Had *this* group existed 5 years ago, who know what I would have done.

                                  Every time I hear of someone who is fighting to make a difference, I applaud them, and see what I can do to help support their efforts.
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                                  • LetsShrug replied 11 years, 7 months ago
                                  • khalling replied 11 years, 7 months ago
                                • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 7 months ago
                                  ...and kathywiso, successful business owner who was introduced to AS at 16 (if I remember right) by her father. She is also very involved with our troops who are about to be sent overseas. We have many fountains of knowledge, and many many interesting and enlightening discussions in here Lee. :) (We also like to meander off topic just for fun sometimes. Sharp, comedic minds!)
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                                  • LeeCrites replied 11 years, 7 months ago
  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    see, we're in good company. My husband wrote a book about the decline of entrepreneurs in our country. You can look through my posts and see where I have linked to his book, Dale B Halling. We have our first novel coming out in
    september, Pendulum of Justice, dealing with many of the troubling issues of our time. I am gratified and humbled to meet you all in here. I have made life long friends from this site, I have no doubt. Although I am an atheist, a particularly compelling biblical passage to me has always been, the light shines in the darkness and the darkness can not over-power it, the darkness cannot see it, etc. depending on interp. This is reason. have a great weekend!
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    • Posted by LeeCrites 11 years, 7 months ago
      You seem like the kind of folks that if we lived next door, we'd have endless interesting discussions about all sorts of off-the-wall stuff. Prodigious quantities of hamburgers and hotdogs would be sacrificed to the occasions, we'd chat about all the old times we never had, and generally grouse around about life and such.

      Someone who was trying to hammer on me once called me an "old curmudgeon." Little did he know that I'd use that to describe myself from then on... (after, of course, I looked it up)

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  • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Okay (deep breath) after reading this I HAVE to say it again...and I know you're busy and have many things on your reading list...BUT The Fountainhead will speak to every cell you have. I thought after reading AS I read the end all be all and was not in a hurry to read The Fountainhead... I just finished it yesterday and kicking myself for not reading it sooner! I've read a ton of books lately, all good and worthy, but I wish I wouldn't have put it off. All the things you just said about giving up on your book and seeing evil in their eyes when you talked to them... just....(ah!) read it and read it soon!
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  • Posted by ShruginArgentina 11 years, 7 months ago

    I meant to write "Article 5" when posting the topic rather than the "5th Amendment."

    Please keep in mind that Mark is not calling for a new Constitution or a Constitutional Convention at the Federal level. He is calling for state legislatures to convene conventions to propose amendments to the Constitution instead of the US Congress.
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