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I think China could make a bold move to realign trade around the Yuan. But it must move quickly. Ever see the movie "Rollover (1981)"?
~ Ludwig von Mises, "Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis,"
Chapter 2: Socialism, Section 1: The State and Economic Activity, page 45 or 56 (page numbers vary depending on the edition)
Public good be damned!
Show me a person who only works for the "public good" and I'll show you a person who is a government employee or benefactor. If they are not attempting to cushion their own bed with dollars taken from producers at the point of a gun, they are building a power base that will remove more from a producer than a single "hog" could ever eat in it's lifetime.
Public good always takes from producers to give "some" to non-producers - the balance will be absorbed in administrative costs (ie. feeding the workers of public good").