Danneskjöld Logo Winner: Russ Herschler

Posted by awebb 10 years, 11 months ago to News
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In January we announced a Ragnar Danneskjöld logo contest (http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/35...). Over the following two weeks, we received 216 entries from Atlas Shrugged fans, artists, and graphic designers all over the world. After much consideration and a few rounds, we’re proud to announce a winner: Russ Herschler.

Russ is a graphic designer in Michigan who is an Atlas Shrugged fan. In fact, Atlas Shrugged and Ayn Rand hold a special place in his life. He took a few minutes to “sit down” with us and answer some questions.

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* Why did you enter the logo contest?
When I saw that there was a contest, I knew I had to enter. It was a chance to contribute to the history of this great book. [Atlas Shrugged is] not just a book that I love, but my mother’s favorite. She is currently in hospice care and I knew it would make her happy to see that I contributed, in a small way, to the movies based on her favorite book. I got her the DVDs of parts 1 and 2 and she liked them both very much. Also designing not just a logo, but a logo for Ragnar, a pirate? How can I walk away from that?

*Who introduced you to Ayn Rand?
My mom. Growing up, I heard her say, numerous times, “Who is John Galt?” She was the one who first introduced to the writing of Ayn Rand. She was a financial aid director at a trade school where many of the students received grants and loans. I asked her if this ever seemed at odds with the concepts in Ayn Rand’s books. She said, “No. The loans will be paid back. That is just business. And the grants? The people who come to our school truly have nothing but want to earn their own way. It does not bother me to offer assistance to those who really want to raise themselves up and take charge of their own lives.”

*How has Ayn Rand influenced your life?
She showed me that being in charge of one’s own fate is better than living at the whim and convenience of others. She showed me the dignity of self-reliance.

*Favorite Ayn Rand book?
My favorite is “Atlas Shrugged”, though I also like “The Fountainhead” very much. [I like] the concepts of heroes and the concept of standing for a principal, even if it is unpopular.

*Favorite Ayn Rand character?
Hank Rearden [because of] the dedication he shows to fight on in the face of overwhelming odds but to also protect those he cares about.

*Are you currently working on any projects that you’re passionate about?
As for myself, I am currently going to school to get my teaching certificate in K-12 art education. I’m looking forward to teaching a new generation of free-thinking artists.

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Get your Danneskjöld Repossessions t-shirt now: http://store.atlasshruggedmovie.com/offi...

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  • Posted by Roark 10 years, 11 months ago
    Great design, Russ! I especially like the dollar sign on the sail. Best regards to you and your mom... two people who truly understand the wisdom of Atlas Shrugged.
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