The moral argument for freedom of immigration.
Posted by Rozar 11 years, 9 months ago to Philosophy
I'm interested in having a discussion on immigration policy. I think everyone here agrees that the only role of government should be the protection of individual rights within a geographical area. That means the freedom to act within your own best interests to the best of your judgement. I propose that this includes the freedom to decide where you want to live. Unless you threaten force or fraud on another individual, what gives a moral government the right to deny you the ability to act in your own interests?
I'm under the impression a number of people in the Gulch disagree with this view and that's why I'm posting this, because of I'm wrong I want to know why. I don't care to listen to a bunch of sycophants agree with me, I have nothing to gain from that.
I'm under the impression a number of people in the Gulch disagree with this view and that's why I'm posting this, because of I'm wrong I want to know why. I don't care to listen to a bunch of sycophants agree with me, I have nothing to gain from that.
Would the illegal immigrants be here today if there were no freebies?
I'm all in favor of getting rid of government sponsored welfare, but claiming that a desire to obtain welfare benefits is the only reason anyone would want to immigrate here is a form of racism and xenophobia. Have you ever stopped to consider the possibility that people want to immigrate here not for the welfare benefits, but because our country provides opportunities for work and economic growth that they simply wouldn't have had access in their home countries? If the only benefit to living in the U.S. is welfare, then our nation is in a sorry state indeed.
Now whites are emigrating to economically freer countries for opportunities and lower costs of living.
We currently own close to 17 trillion dollars in debt and our mandated obligations are roughly 90 trillion.
I hope we always give immigrants the opportunity to succeed by their intelligence and effort.
However, the econmic lifeboat has sprung too many leaks. How many more before it sinks?
Under ideal, if you own yourself, basis of natural rights which is the basis of this country's formation, then clearly you have a right to move about anywhere in the world, unless there is a reasonable suspicion you are guilty of infringing someone else's natural rights. Innocent until proven guilty.
Practically: Milton Friedman put it best I think: You cannot have both a welfare state and open immigration. great you tube with Friedman speaking on this subject, Rozar:
DK is absolutely right that the regressives/socialists want as many illegals to become legal so they have a larger voting base, by promising goodies, and one of those goodies is you're a citizen.
Get rid of government welfare and open the borders! That way anyone can come and enjoy freedom and liberty, but everyone has to be willing to work and to produce. That's the best way to run a nation.
So if we have unrestricted immigration what mechanisms do we have to ensure that those that wind up in government don't swing to the socialist, communist, or fascist side of the equation or begin to pander to folks with those ideals? Can we assume that folks would come here pro-individualists, laissez-faire capitalists? Heck we struggle with our own countrymen in this regard.
So while I understand your stance of "where ever I may roam", so long as there is a government with the ability and province to use force, and yes there should be a government for the reasons Rand advocated, there needs to be immigration controls.
Lots of other good points here to by the way, but imho, the one that stands out is the use of force, and the need to ensure that rational men, who respect individual rights are its caretakers.
Very good. The surest way to destroy a culture or heritage is to allow more immigration then can be or will assimilate. All cultures are not created equally.
It seems to me, that limiting and/or screening the people who enter this country is prudent, wise, and moral.
Illegal immigrants are exactly that. No xenophobia implied. They are here illegally and thus breaking our laws. Ship em back from whence they came. Wherever on he globe that may be.
I agree that no one has the freedom to unlawfully invade another country. I'm concerned about why it should be against the law in a moral government.
I feel I should also note that I'm not discussing the United States government nor Mexico's but a morally correct government, which for now I will assume we both agree on what a moral government is until it becomes apparent we don't.
The left may want to expand their voting base I don't doubt that, but if we had a moral government that didn't have the ability to take away the fruits of our labor, a government that didn't redistribute wealth, why should THAT government keep innocent people out.
Also I'm not indicating they have a right to a home or anyone's land.
I'm curious, do you believe in any form of government? And if there is a form of government you preferred, would you oppose that form being in control of the world?
If govts used objective morality as their basis, such as natural rights, they would end up with essentially the same conclusions, and if their were one world order or 10 or 10000, it wouldn't matter. It is not as though algebra varies depending what country you are in. Which brings to mind patents. :)
You are the inventor. Period. Just as with a novel, your rights should be protected across borders. That's reality. There can only be the inventor. Everyone else in the world is not the inventor.
One reason could be to protect it's native work base from being 'forced' out of the market by sheer volume of anxious new workers. Ask the black community about what effect the onslaught of Mexican workers can have....
Another reason is to take pressure off of the community financial resources that new 'citizens' will necessarily demand and/or have to have. Ask California, and Texas, about that.... Texas actually has to educate Mexican children who commute across the border daily.
Yet another reason is to try to preserve a nation's values and traditions. The era of immigration assimilation has 'flown the coop' in many regards, especially in the Southwestern states. I don't have to tell you who to ask about this....
There are numerous more reasons, but I think that you get the point.
To argue that there are no reasons to control the influx of non-natives out of some Pollyanna image of a totally beautiful society with the perfect government silently 'watching' our back is just that: a wonderful fairy tale.
I agree that it would take a financial burden off of the community, however that isn't a very good reason to deny people access to the country. You could also redistribute more wealth from the rich to reduce the burden on the majority of a community. That doesn't make it morally right. The government shouldn't be paying for these things, and that's where you should target your restrictions.
As for preserving a nation's traditions I fully disagree. Many governments in the past had horrible traditions. Slavery could have been called a tradition. If you have a tradition of restricting someones rights, the fact that it's traditional does not make it right. Also I didn't get your reference and I don't know who to ask about this lol.
I think maybe our disagreement is over whether being allowed to decide where you want to live is a right or not, so you could try to express why a human should be disallowed from using his best judgement concerning his own life and no others.
They fit your argument, since they definitely worked on the 'cheap', and added to the "free market" economy of the South. According to you, it is natural market forces that made poor white cotton pickers refuse to wear leg irons and work for daily food rations. But that is their loss, if they weren't flexible enough to bow to the market reality.... Then they were dumb enough to don butternut gray, and charge into blazing fire to support the right to lose their jobs to imported labor.
As for traditions: check out what is happening in too many European countries. There are virtual areas of Paris that the French will not even go into, regardless of the reason. The same is happening in England, where Sharia law is being applied, and the English are caving in. All of this was brought about by a relaxed immigration policy, and it won't be long before Europe will no longer be what we all read about in the history books. Political correctness gone amuck.
Unrestricted immigration sounds good with the Marsala wine being sipped at the liberal dinner party, but that is not a healthy (or productive) doctrine. It can be a nation killer....
I do not follow. The influx of Mexican workers to the US does not affect job opportunities for the blacks any more than US Latinos, whites, Asians, el salvadorans, etc. Time was, immigrants came into the country with the idea of starting a business, growing said business and hiring......US citizens. The Asians are still doing that. I rarely hear complaints about the Asians to the complaints about Mexicans. Why is that?? Really, I do not want to distinguish immigrants into groups any more than I want to say a certain group is at a disadvantage in the US. I will say this. Productive people produce. If they are not allowed to produce or they are hindered by regulations, stripped of freedoms, taxes raised on-they will emigrate eventually. The blacks are disadvantaged by immigrants coming into the country? absurd.
start at 2:00 in. huh. watching this video reminds me of when I last saw Chicago perform
I was referring to the dancing moves. :P
I saw Chicago at the Colorado State Fair one year. They were having a great time, dancing all over the stage doing "the Bump" with one another. I had to half cover my eyes
Shining Star dance...
In Florida almost all the roofers are now Mexican, while at one time they were local blacks making a decent living. The work crew will have one English speaking foreman, out of sheer necessity. On the last commercial job site that my business was supplying, the entire roof crew of over almost 30 workers were undocumented, save for their 'boss'. ICE rolled onsite on day, and the entire crew jumped almost 20 feet to the ground and scattered in all points of the compass. As a side-note, I got to know their foreman pretty well, and he told me that his crew were all living in one rented home and cooking their own meals communally...thus the majority of their wages were being wired back to their families South of the border. I can't answer to the tax situation, since he always changed the subject.
Every single job now being performed by an unregistered could be filled by one of our distressed black, or white, work getting around that one.
The old comeback that they are "doing jobs that Americans will not do" is pure spin: these jobs were being done at one time by, guess who, Americans. Just look to the Okies from the Dust Bowl to see if Americans would stoop to work in the fields.
Simple Math 101: take a job away by hiring an illegal, and that is one less job for an American in the same economic sphere.
Pathway (read: rush) to Citizenship will play right into the Progressive's hands, and will only accomplish adding X million more voters to the Democrat voter roles. When this happens, the Conservative movement will cease to exist except in the history books.
If you think that the Democrat party will ever reduce the size of government, or even reduce the oppressive taxes (and laws) that we all hate, then you are sadly mistaken. The best that you will ever get from the Democrats, as I type, is more government, and if the borders are relaxed, more Democrats (even if they only speak Spanish)! None of the reforms that you mention will ever see the daylight. It will get worse beyond your belief....
Oh yeah, one other point: a large percentage of illegal workers add nothing to the economy, since their earnings are sent to their families in Mexico. But they DO add to the tax payers burden due to the social services that we refuse to deny them.
So...the sheer number of workers in the system does not automatically equate into an increase in the economy. If this were a truism, then California would be the nation's leader for being in the 'black'...instead of on the brink of default.
But, alas I fear none of this will happen. So get ready for the collapse.
You slam "dunk" jsambdman for his Zarlenga link, but have you actually read the plan that is proposed?
If you did: you would realize that it proposes that the monetary system be 100% nationalized, and under control of whatever party is in power. That means that our monetary system would be removed from all market influences, and handed over to our elected leaders. The disclaimer is that they would have to adhere to existing law, and that we can 'boot' them out through the ballot box.
How well has that been working?
Inasmuch as government is already too large, can you envision what this means when they have complete control over the economic (read: monetary) scenario? It boggles the mind.... It would be exactly what John Galt ran from.
No natural forces attempting rewards to enterprising... no 'cream rising to the top'.
To put the cherry on the top of the Zarlenga sundae...he proposes the the government (now in control of the printing of money) places it's new-found wealth into energy alternative markets. Does Solyndra ring a bell?
If you are wary of too much government, than you need to understand that this plan leaves nothing left outside of their control. Nothing left to do but have the last person turn out the Republic's light....
Be careful of what you ask for....
P.S. jsambdman is not far removed from islam badman.
Coincidence? Or are we being propagandized....
to your final comment: I have been commenting back and forth with jsa quite a bit. It has been my experience that those who are not AR fans also will not sign up as producers. For me, producers get more of the benefit of the doubt initially.
I will keep reading and report back just where (if any) I stray from the argument.
In the meantime, I will submit that anyone reading our posts to consider just why the Democrats demand that none of the reforms we have talked about can even be 'on the table', except for the welcome of open borders. That fact should get our attention, and raise the DANGER flag(s).
To concede to the Progressive demands is playing straight into their hands, and will only entrench their party perhaps forever in the 'drivers' seat. And I certainly include Rubio on my enemies list in this one regard....
P.S. I also deep down believe that a total failure is on the horizon...but would like to take punitive action so that it will come later, not sooner.
What the heck...we just may find a workable solution before that time, but only if we make the best choices in the interim.
Maybe Dennis Kucinich sponsoring a bill for this has tainted the well, since I have never known him to support anything that would benefit the Republic.
Kidding aside, since Zarlenga insists that the value of money is solely derived by law, I have to suspect the rest of his argument. That premise fails in the face of history, in my opinion.
You must have some interesting dinner conversations with your hubby. If I mention the FED to my bride, she asks if I'm not hungry enough to drag out the wok....
What is his take on Zarlenga?
usually, the discussions are not over dinner, since we work together all day long. We have an IP practice and we write novels together about an inventor and entrepreneur w
ho has gone vigilante
Also, twice in our nation's history we have tried Zarlenga's solution to great affect. As a colony, when we simply printed colonial script and spent it into circulation on infrastructure (It only failed when Britain parked two printer ships off our shore and flooded the colonies with counterfeit script at the cost of the paper, some have estimated more than10 times the then circulating money supply was counterfeit) And again when Lincoln printed greenbacks to fund the Civil War. The banks of the day were offering him loans at 36% interest, he instead printed money and spent it into circulation with no debt. This was perhaps the only time we went to war and had no debt later to pay off. Had he not done this we would probably still be paying off this debt today. From before WW1 to present, the Isle of Guernsey has provided for their own infrastructure by printing Guernsey Pounds and spending them into production, without a debt attached, on items of public necessity. They do not have inflation and they have some of the highest living standards in the world. The Roman Empire ruled the world with "worthless" iron currency, when switched to a gold standard, the economy quickly collapsed into deflation and wealth was concentrated into the hands of a few wealthy families leaving many without homes or jobs. Similarly, the English empire expanded on the back of tally sticks (pieces of carved wood accepted in payment of taxes). Once the Bank of England succeeded in ending the tally sticks and switching to a silver standard, the empire began to collapse into a deflationary depression. There are other examples, but this is getting too lengthy.
The purpose for the money supply is to encourage commerce. If the moeny supply is inadequate for the needs of the community you have a deflationary depression, if it exceeds such demands, you have inflation. It is possible to manage the money supply such that there is neither inflation nor delfation as is the case in the Isle of Guernsey right now and was the case in the colonies in the past here. Gold is a representation of wealth, money is a medium of exchange. Should we go to a gold standard, we would experience a deflationary depression that would dwarf any in human experience.
But don't get lost in the minutia. Stay with me on the issue.
Firstly: blacks can do what the illegals do, and work off of the clock. That sidesteps the hope that they will take a political stand against a law that is engraved in the liberal Blarney Stone. It shouldn't make any difference to the employer, since either worker is outside of the 'system' in regards to the law. Many local blacks do yard service for 'cash only'. Maybe there is a stiffer penalty for paying Americans under the table, over paying non-citizens off the books...I don't know, since I never did this while in business.
The crux of the matter is that illegal workers are flooding the market place, and Americans are taking the 'hit'. Opening the borders to even more of this doesn't sound appealing to me. Changing the wage laws does, but you might as well try to lasso the moon.
I don't "blame" the illegals, but I blame the government that has the laws in place to reduce the impact, but are inclined to 'look the other way'. I am also convinced that the Democrat embracing of these workers is not a sympathetic reaction, but a political ploy to 'stuff' the ballot boxes.
Which Asians are we talking about? China's workers are told that the complaint box is "right over there...under the hangman's noose". Our Asians seem to have a pretty solid value system that preaches "the flexible reed doesn't break with the breeze." I have nothing but respect for the Far Eastern culture, and marvel as to how industrious they seem to be.
I have seen the New York and San Francisco china-towns, and even though they remain tightly knit Chinese enclaves, and make little effort to assimilate our culture, they don't seem to make any demands for us to accommodate them other than to give them our patron-ship. My guess is that they have an underground monetary system that the IRS would love to 'tap'!
And pointing out the isolationist policies of other nations does not excuse the isolationist policies of our nation. If Mexico jumped off a bridge, should the U.S. do so as well?
Milton Friedman said it best:
on xenophobia: if a certain culture is based on changing our Constitution to align with its culture of less freedoms, religious justification for laws, reduction in private properties-I'd say a little xenophobia is not that bad a thing
Your definition of invasion is too narrow.
in•va•sion [in-vey-zhuhn] Show IPA
an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by an army.
the entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful, as disease.
entrance as if to take possession or overrun: the annual invasion of the resort by tourists.
infringement by intrusion.
1400–50; late Middle English < Late Latin invāsīon- (stem of invāsiō ), equivalent to invās ( us ), past participle of invādere + -iōn- -ion; see invade
Related forms
pre•in•va•sion, adjective
re•in•va•sion, noun Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013.
Call it what you like, but it is de facto invasion because it is not documented or authorized. In fact the Mexican government’s lack of enforcement on their side of the border and net benefit of American dollars provides motive for an implicit approval/encouragement of invasion. If they do not check in legally there race or nationality is not germane to the term illegal. The argument is a red herring trying to conflate the illegal act with the person themselves. We should call them criminals instead of illegal aliens, since we would call anyone breaking a law a criminal. This cannot be labeled as inherently racist, if it is applied to all races. Xenophobic could be applied, however it requires proof of intent and denies any legitimate reason for immigration control, or any room for those who want limited responsible immigration. Nativist may be applied but that also denies any legitimate arguments for control. The fact that we had more open immigration while the country was less developed is irrelevant. That is not an answer to the problems faced by a more populated nation in an age of increased security needs thanks to informal armies of terrorists wanting to do ill, and a government already bankrupt from handing out more than it receives. If only ten percent of those coming in illegally are doing so for the welfare, considering the numbers it is a significant problem. Certainly the welfare state carrot should be removed, and our policies are the magnet, but that is no excuse to break the law. Those who are citizens taking advantage of the welfare state are no different except that they didn’t break the law getting here. There is a legal method of immigration and it should be followed until it is legally changed.
Remember those boots. They're not made for the pool...
:) I have a Barnes and Noble card. I order regularly and let them do the driving.
I don’t do Amazon, so I have a problem aquiring one of Walter Donway’s books.
Unfortunately they only have two of his offerings. The Price of Hannah Blake, and Carebrum: The Dana Forum of Brain Science. His works are not the usual material I would choose. What to do???
on the other subject, my apt was at the edge of town, and there was actually a farmer who raised horses and offered riding. If I had saved my tips from the restaurant I worked at, 'The Breadline," I would reward myself by riding. If I mucked out stalls and fed and groomed, I didn't have to pay. :) In the summers, I was a girl scout camp counselor, and although my main duties were to run the pool, I could ride whenever I had free time. You could be more spontaneous if you had boots on-except in the pool
Nothing in particular with Amazon. I resist putting my information out to more places than necessary. I was hacked just a week ago and had to change my password on one of my e-mail accounts and had to send a notice to everyone in my address book that the spam/dating service link was not sent by me... Spammers and hackers suck!
there is one time that being fully clothed and perhaps booted in the pool is necessary, and it has to do with lifesaving practices. You are tested over a minimum length of time treading water clothed. As well, techniques used in lifesaving while the victim is fully clothed. but I LOVED said pair of boots-there was no way those were going in the pool
Now, is ownership of an area defined as being the first there or being the one who can control that area? While common courtesy would dictate first there owns it, history says it is whoever can control it and there is no such thing as common courtesy. When you own something, you get to make the rules provided you can enforce the rules you make. If you can't enforce your rules, then someone else is making the rules and they must own it.
You mention how a moral government can deny you the ability to act in your own interests. But what is morality? Morality is determined by consensus of a group. I'm sure the Nazis believed they were moral while most of the rest of the world did not. And how was the issue settled? The physically stronger triumphed.
So there can be no moral government. There are governments you agree with and ones you do not. Why can a government deny you the ability to act? Because it is stronger and can force you. Think of it this way, what is the difference in a rebellion and a revolution? Is one moral and the other not? No, you simply win a revolution and lose a rebellion and morality plays no part whether you win or lose.
Morality, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
Morals exist as a way to decide the difference between what is good and what is bad. But good and bad are a subjective thing, unless you are using parameters such as whether something is good for your health or bad for your health, then you can measure it and it becomes objective.
When talking about the morality of a human, you have to look at what he values. I would state that the most important value is the individuals life, for without life you can have no consciousness or value system of any kind. So with life being the highest moral value, you can objectively measure what's good for individual life and bad for it. Now we look at how human beings are the only creature in existence who has the ability to knowingly make a decision to hurt itself. Also we have no instinct for survival, no pre wired program to tell us how to hunt or farm or play tetris or anything, we have to use our mind and we have to use reason to survive. I'm sorry I'm going to have to cut short here I'm working and will have to finish later. Promise I will though!
Upholding morality is only a concern among the free association of men, who recognize the objective nature of it. Otherwise you are engaged in a defense of your life against those who would seize it for their benefit and your concern isn't morality, but survival.
My dog knows when he has done something I don't approve of him doing. He will act guilty or ashamed when I go around, put his tail between his legs if I scold. Does he know right from wrong? No, he knows what I allow and do not allow.
In order to test if humans are born with such inherent sense, we would have to remove any outside stimuli that influences their decisions....or maybe take a look outside and see where a lack of acceptable corporeal punishment is taking us.
You learn right from wrong. You decide if you want to do right from wrong, most of the time with the knowledge that punishment will come if you are caught. Of course, most criminals would never commit a crime if they thought they would be caught. So I would say it is more likely we learn right from wrong, and for way too many to be an aberration, if the odds of not getting caught look in our favour, will do wrong in order to satisfy our wants. Not everyone is born with a conscience. I'm guessing here this is what you really mean by an inherent sense. If all humans are born with an inherent sense of right and wrong, we should destroy any who later demonstrate a lack of it. They would have to be genetically flawed and should immediately be removed from the gene pool
ouch, hit a slippery slope there =p
I was shocked to read this from khalling; "Our policies on affirmative action make it advantageous for immigrants to get high paying government jobs, scholarships to schools, hiring, etc. all of this at the cost of white Americans. When they cross the border they are eligible within 90 days for govt assistance. no wonder people are xenophobic.
Now whites are emigrating to economically freer countries for opportunities and lower costs of living."
It was not just her racist claims, but the fact that no one called her on them. What would Ayn Rand say?
The complaints that "they" do not know "our" cultural traditions or political heritage was leveled against the -Irish- by Americans who were English. Progressives of the late 19th century were aghast that Italians were flooding in. No one here seems to mind now. (Or maybe you do.)
When my grandparents came here... is a good opening line. I do point out though that very few people actually showed up with NO resources. Most people moved into ethnic communities from which they were assimilated in the next generation. Sixty years later, we still read a local Hungarian language newspaper. But, also, one time, my uncle came over to watch football and Grandma asked us in Hungarian if we wanted something to eat and my uncle said, "Jesus Christ, Mom! You've been in America 50 years. Speak English." So, I get the complaints about immigrants being slow to assimilate, but that is part of the process. We all spoke English, but our parents spoke something else. I learned to call my friend John on the phone and speak enough Ukrainian to his mother to get through. It's a process.
it is easy to cite vague claims from conservative think tanks. How many of you actually work with illegals? I do. I have been a security guard since 2002. I have never seen an Anglo come to clean the washrooms. Most of them have two such jobs because none is an eight-hour gig. They clean a motel in the days and an office at night. They bust their humps. That's what I see first hand.
I also saw three generations of Indian women in Target the other day. Grandma and Mom were all sindoored up and in saris. The teenager would be indistinguishable from her classmates in school. It is a process.
The xenophobes here are just freaked out over the latest wave of new people.
One time in German class we read this story set in some mythical ancient time and place and this honest hardworking city guy was crying because the town had been invaded by barbarians and the emperor did nothing. Actually, they were just subjects from the frontier...
I now live in Texas. When I lived in New Mexico, I learned to think of this as the Spanish Borderlands Frontier:
Finally, I am not only familiar with our southern border , I have lived beyond it. My neighbors will laugh when I tell them today I was called racist because I expected US policies to support their citizens first and foremost.
Do you CARE what color they are? I might be concerned that -producers- are leaving. I might say that "many Americans" are becoming ex-patriots. That is true. American ex-pats go back to the Lost Generation of the 1920s. But I do not care what so-called "race" they are. Apparently, it is important to you to be White.
I couldn't agree more! I singled out immigrants in response to the original post "A moral argument for freedom of immigration" The twin killers of America are Altruism and Collectivism. Programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, and Food Stamps have made takers of the majority of us and we are witnessing the end of Individual Rights here and around the Earth.
Have you two actually published a novel? If so, I would like to read it....
Company store: Yes, people will take advantage of other people. However, they did not have to take the job. many chose not and many left. It was a risk, and I can understand taking the risk depending. If there was force or fraud, there was a legal remedy. We had bankruptcy laws in place.
I disagree with exponential growth curves collapsing as they do in nature. Not True. I'll give you one example: knowledge.
money is a store of value. I see no reason to believe bitcoin cannot work. Money is an open ended IOU. a way of keeping score. Computers keep score. There is no inherent reason bitcoins should be inflated to destroy value. Bit coin's concern would be govts' jealous concerns.
Knowledge is not a physical thing subject to physical laws or limits as a population might be.