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Step on my property without my consent and you will be challenged and/or detained, if necessary. Step on my property at night without my consent, you will be challenged and theres a damn good chance you'll be taken away in an ambulance, wishing you were arrested.
Thats my reality living in this border state. My family's safety is not trumped by anyone's individual "right to travel." My property is private.
is already the law. Unlawful re-entry after removal of an alien is indeed already a felony punishable by imprisonment of up to five years and a substantial fine. Many people so charged are also charged with a misdemeanor, unlawful entry, for the same act. The misdemeanor alone carries a penalty of up to 6 months (although that sentence is very rare for a first offense) and a potential fine (equally rare). I should also note that the vast majority of these defendants have gone nowhere near any private property. They are apprehended on government "owned" property in the desert. I hope this helps you.
I am glad that you do not feel unsafe. I've lived in the same west valley neighborhood for 22-23 years and have seen and experienced much. And yes, illegals have entered my property, one was on my roof and another left a nice 8in carving knife on my rock front lawn about 6 feet from my bedroom window (cops did nothing, wouldn't even print it). Comforting.
The hope is that Mexico and other nations abusing our southern border would use their resources to provide legitimate documentation to help facilitate legal migration to the US to either work or eventually live. The hope is that dead bodies would stop being found in the Arizona desert. The hope is that crime would be reduced in Phoenix and other border States to the extent that the people of the US (Arizona) can move freely, with less concern of abuse, within their own land.
I am in a middle class neighborhood, I am scarcely safe in my home or the local park 1/4 mile from my home. My children, particularly my daughter, have never gone to the park alone, without adult supervision.
its this commonplace, and this bad http://media.economist.com/sites/defa...
I'm truly happy that LV is less saturated by illegals (sincerely, no sarcasm), but that in no way diminishes the severe problem we have here AND the complicit federal governments active attempts to stop us from resisting. Literally American citizens are dying on a daily basis at the hands of those who shouldn't be here.
Who's not rationally thinking on this matter? Who is not using logic here?
Again, I would not come to your home, pitch a tent in your yard and use your hose, electric outlet and BBQ without first asking AND receiving your permission. My inherent right to travel DOES NOT extend into places owned by someone else (in this example you).
I have 12 more months before your Carousel.
I never said I would shoot or harm someone for simply stepping on my property.
Would you do any less?
From the first time someone made a rock wall to sleep behind, or pitched a tent, or turned some ground to plant, the right to travel freely was restricted. Unless you advocate open borders and one world governance and are you yourself are a collectivist, your (Rand's?) right to travel freely simply cannot exist anymore because of individual private property and national boundaries. To deny fact of reality is disingenuous and irrational.
1000 people find the Gulch. They make camp on the fringe and build. Soon their population grows, they trade with the Gulches,they expand taking more land, and their customs, culture and ideology begin to present themselves in the Gulch's youth. In time their numbers swell to the point where there is no physical buffer, they do their business and govern their lives. Soon rules are made by that group and they insist on their part of the gulch things are done their way and the people of the Gulch find their kids sympathetic and even favoring this different way.
Without some degree of filtering/restricting/determining who enters the Gulch loses its ideology in one or two generations simply by population saturation.
As for rules being made by that group and they insist on things being done their way, I am expected by my university to have a special class for the 20 Muslim students (out of 120 total students in the class) on Friday to make up the content that students will miss on Thursday for their religious holiday. I am willing to do so, because both my university and the Muslim students (and their they pay me quite well.
The loss of ideology by population saturation will happen in less time even than AJ thinks.
But you know what shows your true colors is that you ignore a pro-freedom solution.
This makes no sense.
A river flows freely wherever gravity takes it, except in those places where stones jut up to adjust its path - this is private property in this world.
I'm not alone. Nine other people see flaws in your argument.
I don't advocate kumbaya. I also don't "hope" or trust that other people with think as I do or come to think as I do. You're solution depends on mutual respect, which is a very rare thing in numbers. The only way your solution can work today is to eliminate private ownership of anything and erase state and country lines - any lines of ownership (Wyatt would be proud).
I do not advocate single world governance nor do I represent a nomadic, tribal, or herd mentality in the 21st century.
Apparently, on this matter we will have to agree to disagree. I cannot subscribe your purely philosophical point and you refuse to appreciate reality by calling me a collectivist.
Then you devalue the retirement income of the elderly by oh let's say thirty percent.
Then you screw with the medical benefits under the guise of helping them and make it illegal to buy over the border.
Legalize assisted suicide which considering the prohibitive cost of assisted care and the conditions I've witnessed is becoming better looking all the time as compared to the cruel but not unusual punishment waiting people in their last four or five years.
Next comes making it illegal to work at WalMart unless you are in the retail clerks union.
I'm again only half jesting. The .first four are real events. The last one is a work in progress
The only thing I can't refute is 'logic.' When it happens look for the out the escape hatch. It wil lbe their labeled Presidents, Congress and Friends only.
No logic to it especially the part about supporting them
You're scaring me.
Mama Nature will end me soon enough without any help. I do, however, have the benefit of having enough $$ so as to not burden anyone. Everything is paid for, including house and 10 year old mini van.
Half jesting? Which half should I be afraid of?
Please explain your stance.
I really need to know, having been put to death 31 years ago.
I see a lot of Pragmatism and Relativism and near Fascist Nationalism of the conservative type, in many of the comments as well as a lot of mis-understanding (maybe outright mis-statement) of Ayn Rand's thoughts. There's also much misdirected anger against the immigrant---not against those government actors that have bastardized our institutions to such an extent through government programs, non-prosecution, stupid and ignorant drug policies and wars, and outright scare mongering where the anger should be aimed.
Take a step back and review the principles of Objectivism and you will find solutions to your anger. While you're at that also do a little review of Hitler's promises to the German people if they'd just let him handle the Jewish, Gypsy, and mentally and physically deformed and weak problems. Germany would then be a country of prosperity and success again. Compare those promises to Trump's if we'll just let him handle the immigrant problem.
" All men are free, or none are." This is the basic idea that I had to keep inserting into my thought path to get this straight.
++++++ Well, all you get is the 1. :)
Politically, you are pandering to a declining demographic (Trump).
this was a political comment, not a philosophical one, which I have made already on other posts. Stridently, I admit-for MY freedoms are being discussed as limiting in the anti-immigration discussions, so I take this issue VERY personally.
Restricting immigrants to those from Europe (originally from Europe, not those using Europe as a way station between Iraq or wherever and the U.S.) is not getting rid of our freedom and will help preserve it. A citizen has the right to leave and return, a foreigner does not have the right to enter. Not if a nation means anything.
The United States is relatively rare in the history of the world because of the wide variety of people who make up the country,at least initially for the most part people coming to make a new life for themselves to where they could own property and start their own business.
Leaving aside, for the moment, the philosophical argument that has been raging with so much rancor, from a practical view our current immigration policy is horrific from the point of view of building the nation.
Legal immigration is very difficult. It's hard to move here if you are skilled, if you have money, if you are in most of the world. The legal path is tortuous. Yet we have lots of immigration but it tends to be from specific spots and by people who are willing to break the law to come here.
If you want to do the E Pluribus Unum thing, you need to have a wide variety of different ethnic groups. Too many from one ethic group encourages that group to try to turn this into "the old country". I lived for a while in a Polish section of Chicago. This is not limited to 'brown' people.
For example, if intelligence is correlated (not necessarily welded) with race – as Hernstein and Murray claim to prove in The Bell Curve – then letting in masses of race X, that has a lower average intelligence than currently exists in a country, will lower the average intelligence of the country.
Does average intelligence affect the culture of a country?
I will admit I found the racial graphs quite depressing.
... Average intelligence does not affect a country.
... All races on average possess the same intelligence.
... If either of the above propositions is false, it is evil of you to say so out loud.
Even asking “is there a correlation between whatever and race” is politically correct. Moving to a white neighborhood is the cultural leftist version of Original Sin.
It is fact that the average IQ of women is higher than the average IQ of men.
It is fact that the measure of men's IQ is a flatter Bell Curve than is that of women.
Yet men produce 8 times the numbers of genius than do women and also a greater number of idiots.
A genius 'moocher' is still a 'moocher'.
serious derailment going on in this post
Since you brought up sex difference it’s up to you to answer the rhetorical question concluding your post. My answer is:
If the US consisted of nothing but females – a rather extreme case – the culture would be different from today, which only helps my point.
Trump’s plan is a big step in the right direction.
Yes, I want to turn back the clock as much as possible.
It's fine to study the distribution of intelligence level distribution among the races from an academic standpoint, but it does not have a practical application. If intelligence were critical to some job function or decision, it's much more effective to sit the individuals down for an IQ test than to go look at the distribution pattern of intelligence in their races.
The US can let in masses of race X having a lower than US average intelligence, and even though that will result in a lower US average intelligence it will have no affect on US politics, culture, and way of life?
Note that intelligence is just one attribute. There are various other attributes that correlate with race.
If you bring in masses of whatever group having an average of whatever attribute, the country will change towards that average. This is not controversial, it’s grade school arithmetic.
“If you bring in masses of whatever group having an average of whatever attribute, the country will change towards that average.”
Or as Ann Coulter says:
“If you pour vinegar into a bottle of wine, the wine didn’t turn, you poured vinegar into it. Similarly, liberals changed no minds. They added millions of new liberal voters through immigration.”
Pick any genocide of the past; you will find your premise was one of the stones that paved the road to it. You can cloak and qualify your 'Bell Curve' ideas all you want, but their jack booted, white robed, faceless results are all too familiar.
Everything that happens has some effect. Politics, culture, and way of life are always changing. So I won't say no effect to anything.
Should intelligence be a criterion to reside in the US?
I say no.
Should we consider the average attributes of people's identity groups?
Hell no. Test the individuals' attributes.
Trump has no more to do with the core question than Hitler does.
If you have a counter to anything within my comment, please reply. You might wish to check the FAQ's of the site just to refresh before you do so. Some that apply to this little comment of yours:
General Etiquette:
"Debate is fine, but remember this site is specifically for supporters of Ayn Rand's ideas. If you don't support Ayn Rand's ideas, you're in the wrong place." (emphasis added)
Under Don'ts:
"Wage personal attacks or chastise other Gulch members. Ad hominem and/or "flaming" is not permitted."
"Assume the role of an Admin and attempt to discipline other Gulch members."
The core question of this particular post is 'Whether private property rights support exclusionary immigration and should this country exclude immigrants'. The poster has laid out an argument that the idea of Private Property being used as a justification of exclusionary immigration is flawed. Additionally, that immigration exclusions are not Objectivist. The latter supported by direct quotation from Ayn Rand.
When faced with those replies, several commenters have provided additional arguments of Pragmatism, Relativism, and Fascist Nationalism rather than counters from Ayn Rand or Objectivist thought. Pointing that out is not 'name calling' nor 'belittlement'. And such immigration arguments, as those made by Trump in the last couple of months are disturbingly similar to arguments made to the German people by Hitler in 1930.
My suggestion to those commenters, was to, "Take a step back and review the principles of Objectivism and you will find solutions to your anger." I find nothing within any of that to apologize for.
Trump's gang would never defend individual liberty or property as fundamental rights.
“A free nation – a nation that recognizes, respects and protects the individual rights of its citizens – has a right to its territorial integrity, its social system and its form of government. The government of such a nation ... has no rights other than the rights delegated to it by the citizens for a specific, delimited task (the task of protecting them from physical force, derived from their right of self-defense).”
“Such a nation has a right to its sovereignty (derived from the rights of its citizens) and a right to demand that its sovereignty be respected by all other nations.”
Unfortunately she didn’t say what she meant by territorial integrity and sovereignty. And she didn’t address the problem posed by a mass influx of migrants from the Third World. (For most of her life in the U.S. there was very little immigration and what there was came from Europe.)
I can’t believe she would tell historic Americans to passively accept this invasion, and I use the word invasion advisedly. What is happening is conquest by occupation. Look at California politics.
As for Ayn Rand, I won’t presume to say what her thoughtful, considered position on open immigration was. She published nothing on the subject. I reject considering her unprepared, impromptu answers to questions as always a correct application of her philosophy. Even a genius makes mistakes. You have to think for yourself. You must think for yourself even about what she published.
Rational thought must be applied to a comprehensive observation of the relevant real world, otherwise rational thought withers to rationalism. I look at what open immigration is doing to my country and rational thought leads me to conclude it is suicidal.
It appears that your referenced site includes those that directly challenge her and discredit her direct statements in apparent effort to support more conservative Nationalism, Pragmatism, and Relativism than those that study her reasoning, metaphysics, epistemology, logic, and philosophy.
I seldom if ever quote AR directly. I prefer to apply my own reasoning power rather than just regurgitate what she said, but her reply to a questioner quoted on your referenced site, addressing the exact topic of this post is meaningful:
“I have never advocated that anyone has the right to pursue his self-interest by law or by force. If you close the border to forbid immigration on grounds that it lowers your standard of living – which certainly is not true, but even assuming it were true – you have no right to bar others. Therefore to claim it’s your self-interest is an irrational claim.You are not entitled to any self-interest which injures others, and the rights of others, and which you cannot prove in fact, in reality to be valid. You cannot claim that anything that others may do – not directly to you but simply through competition let us say – is against your self interest and therefore you want to stop competition dead. That is the kind of self-interest you are not entitled to. It is a contradiction in terms and cannot be defended."
It strikes me that all free men would better serve their self interest through ridding our government of the collectivist and statist programs that are the true causes of this country's difficulties.
Edited for spelling
Were she to have elaborated she might have placed some restrictions, but she did not elaborate. She came here in 1926. Did she approve of the Immigration Act of 1924? Did she disapprove of the Immigration Act of 1965 that rescinded it? Or what? Her Q&A sounds like a definite No, a definite Yes, but we cannot know.
Personally I would want her answers to be a definite Yes, a definite No. Because unrestricted immigration eventually leads to the end of capitalism, of freedom, of the recognition of individual rights in the target nation.
We should be for Objectivism, not every single utterance of its fallible developer.
Then I said we should be for Objectivism instead of for every single utterance of its developer. She made a mistake sometimes and you must think for yourself.
Then Zenphamy plays on my word “utterance” and says “What utter nonsense.” even though it is sensible to look at Rand’s whole work and organize it into a consistent body of thought. Instead some people pick out a sentence from one of Rand’s question and answer periods and use it to flood America with the Third World.
In that 1973 Q&A about immigration, uncorroborated by anything she published, she misapplied her own philosophy. It is precisely her ethics of rational self-interest, together with the nature of culture, that should make us oppose open immigration.
Forget California if you want, look at what’s happening in Europe. It’s Camp of the Saints come to life. Tell me this is an application of Rand’s philosophy!
I know what she said. She was responding to a question on limiting immigration on the grounds of "self interest" against economic competition from foreigners, which she rejected. She did not use the term "open borders", did not endorse anyone wandering across the border at any time for any motive, and was not talking about today's political situation of importing welfare illiterates for Obama's agenda of "fundamental change" of American culture, let alone endorsing it.
I saw and heard her explain it. It was during the question period at the Ford Hall Forum in Boston. It was not a mere "verbal utterance". She was never "unprepared" to explain her ideas. She was was not groping for an "unprepared" answer in an "off the cuff" response. It was not the first time she had ever thought about the question of immigration. She was not "confused", let alone "beyond confused". She did not answer as an "isolated snap remark" "under time pressure", and it was not a "hostile audience" -- It was an extremely friendly and supportive audience, overflowing the hall after waiting on line for hours and which attended year after year. She knew what she was talking about, answered immediately, and meant it. The bozo at "ariwatch" does not know what he is talking about but his motives and methods are obvious.
The usual "ARIwatch" snide polemics are trying to dismiss what she said while posturing as an objective account. They are laced with the author's own interpretations and speculations interleaved with rambling side stories all trying to make a "case" that her statements were ill considered and "pernicious" and not really what she would think if she "correctly" applied her own principles. The polemics at "ariwatch" are not a credible source. Please do not try to foist them on us here again.
Rand used the term “open immigration” and said we had no right to “close the border” and “no right to bar others” in order to raise our standard of living, assuming it would. She said, by asking a rhetorical question, that “immigration should [never] be restricted.” See the full quote for why inserting “never” is the right word to make the question into a statement.
To argue that Ayn Rand said it therefore it is true, that way madness lies. The ARIwatch article gives a few examples that probably everyone here would have misgivings about. To repeat, even a genius is not infallible.
Doubtless Rand herself would tell you to think for yourself, not follow her over a cliff like a robot.
This reminds me of anti-private property rights arguments I used to hear claiming that property rights allows someone to "buy up a 1 inch strip of land around you to imprison you." It makes no more sense than claiming that someone could drop a steel cage over you to imprison you and you have no right to get out because he owns the cage. Or, someone could get away with shooting you because he owns the bullets.
The Trust subsequently tried to force the new owner to surrender remaining property rights by organizing a "protest" by radical activists staging a "mass trespass" to politically impose a "public right" to an oceanfront trail (copying political techniques previously used in England to seize land rights in the name of the "public"). One of the activists slipped and bragged to a reporter that the Trust had organized it, which the otherwise sympathetic reporter included in the article, not realizing that the Trust tries to create an impression of non-involvement under a good-cop bad-cop scheme.
Growing up in Chicago, I knew nothing about what went on down here, until I moved here. There is a constant flow of people, drugs, weapons, sex slaves, and other bad things flowing across the border.
I firmly believe that we are a country, not a charity. We should have sovereign borders and they should be protected.
On the 100 mile exclusion of the Constitution which affects 2/3rds of the country (Borders and coastlines) they turned down a DOHS bid to broaden their powers. Another small step for mankind.
The 100 mile from the border or coastline means every major city except what Chicago and St. , Minneapolis, St. Paul, Denver and St. Louis? has the partial suspension of the Constitution in effect. Discussed elsewhere in another post in more detail.
I maintain that Islandia can deny access to anyone they want, and noone can set foot on their land without the permission of the land owner.
People, therefore, are not free to travel: they may not travel in Islandia for free.
But noone is being imprisoned by Islandia. And Islandia is not keeping two people from meeting - they can meet by simply traveling via water, or they can pay the toll and use the roads.
Now how does this differ if the size of a nation is increased, or the number of its property owners, or the number of roads?
By the way, who owns the waterfront. It changes several times a day.
But if they are Objectivist or believe in freedom, they're going to have difficulties establishing trade or interactions with others or asking others to let them visit them.
Of course they'll also meet a little difficulty with shipwreck victims.
So, no I don't agree with what you're attempting to establish through an overly simplistic example.
Starting from the concept of property rights is correct. Then, it is necessary to put the question, Who owns the thoroughfare? The answer is- the people, the nation, the citizens. The owner has delegated management to an agency - the government. That agency has fiduciary duty as it is impractical for the owners to take on the management. The agency may legitimately restrict access (of non-owners) if that decision has the ok of the owners. Such restriction does not need to be defended to any outsider, it derives from property rights, it only needs acceptance from the owners.
" This argument shows a flawed understanding of property rights. You obtain property rights in something because you made it productive or created it. "
Yes, but this is not a full definition unless inheritance is denied. The thoroughfare is owned by citizens who have ownership by a process akin to inheritance.
Much the same conclusion would be reached by defining the owner as government with government in turn being owned by the citizens.
A logical way you could disagree would be by legitimizing government having more power than most Objectivists would allow- by banning discrimination on grounds the political class de jour does not want. This detracts from property rights.
Or, you could propose that every living person everywhere has an equal share in ownership of all land not privately owned, I wouldn't.
" the gulch is private property and that private property did not limit anyone’s ability to travel freely."
To my reading, the border protection fence was quite effective in keeping people out. Technology that can not be seen beats fences and guards.
Wrt getting out once in, you could argue about Dagny being a prisoner or not.
What I really like about dbh's paper is what I call a timetable, it starts from "There is a principled solution .."
And; the article ignores the moral standard most of live by...it's called knocking upon your neighbors door and asking to come in out of respect for their right of property.
In general there are laws and precedents on this issue because it does occasionally come up even with the dominance of so much transportation as 'public property'. It is additionally important because of the logical concern that with more private roads it could occur more often, not in a sweeping way -- it did not, for example, with privately run railroads, ships or airlines excluding people from travel -- but occasionally due to disputes or irrational behavior, including personal feuding or political ideology like the Trust case above.
Can you expand on this a little bit? Or point me to where you already have? I did read your article but I am still having trouble with this. I was also under the impression that Rand was entirely opposed to any sort of public property.
I am not disagreeing with you, I am in 100% agreement with your solution to the "immigration problem" that is actually a welfare state problem. I must admit to letting my mind rest on the pragmatic idea to stop the bleeding first, until now, and it is hard to leave behind because I'm fairly certain we are going to bleed to death before the welfare state is ended but, as you have said, that is no reason to toss principals aside.
I apologize if you have already covered this thoroughly somewhere but I've been watching this drag out over many posts and in so many pointless directions that it has been impossible to follow all of it. I just can't put together in my mind an Objectivist version of a public thoroughfare or other public property (other than minimal buildings and offices necessary for proper government functions) that does not violate someone's rights somehow.
The government does not own the public thoroughfare and now one may maintain it. However, you can never have property rights that enslave someone that would be a violation of the whole idea of rights.
What if a person can't pay the toll? He/she can barter, trade or make a deal of some kind. But that relies on the willingness of the owner or a third party to help. What if none of these options work out? The right to travel cannot be a claim on the product of someone else's labor. Yes, it is a legitimate question deserving of a legitimate answer. No doubt the market will find an answer. Most likely a third party or a charity. DB? Zen? Thoughts?
Customers will decide if they want to go through your conditions, or find another route, or a competitor will offer different conditions for use that draw your dissatisfied customers away.
But where this is different is you have the possibility of having the only route available or possibly the only thing within many miles. This would effectively eliminate competition. How do you deal with that? Specifically if someone can't pay. I realize this looks like nitpicking details but If you're wondering why some people are having difficulty with this subject (I AM NOT BLARMAN!) here it is. I can't back something if I can't follow it through as far as I can see it going.
If someone can't pay in a free market economy for travel, he handles it the same as if he can't pay for food, or housing, or medicine. Sometimes reality bites.
I may be making a bigger deal of it than it should be but that is still a fine tightrope to walk there.
I am not yet on board with the government as just a caretaker of public property. It took me all day to get this far (been working too) but I have long maintained that there is no such thing as public property, just park a 5th wheel camper in the wrong area of a national or state park and you'll find out who owns it real quick. I know it's a pragmatic position for dealing with an overreaching government but nothing is owned by nobody, and everybody can't own anything. I'll keep working on it though. Right now my head hurts.
So the individual's freedom to travel gives them the right to traverse any place on earth, private or public, as long as they (the traveler) have no clear intent to harm anyone.
This implies that any tribe, country, or nation can have no control of its borders, that all humans are citizens of the earth who can live wherever they choose.
So if America wants to control immigration by controlling its borders, they are, in reality, imprisoning 7 billion humans who might want to come and live here.
What would this stateless utopia of yours look like? What form of government would it have? Would this "right to travel" supersede all private property rights as to ownership of land?
The topic of traveling freely vs trespass is not as simple as some might like to think but it has not been dealt with thoroughly enough. At least not all in one location in these posts.
Every time someone does begin to deal with the topic someone else goes off on a tangent. Some intentionally, I think. There are at least 4 posts (maybe more) and it has been impossible to follow.
I kept quiet until this post hoping to gather enough information to deal with the conflicts I was seeing but whenever the subject went the right direction someone got frustrated and quit trying to explain what they thought was obvious or someone else started their tangent, causing even more frustration.
Look for my interactions with DB and Zen on this post to see how I had to work it out. I wrote out my basic train of thought (the shortened version) so those who take it for granted could see the process I went through. I had to ask my questions very carefully because I was essentially asking questions that had been asked before and dismissed outright without explanation.
You are absolutely right that "no one shall shall trespass onto private property" vs "free to travel" needs to be addressed differently. But not more clear. More in depth. Students of Objectivism need to know why that is and how that can be accomplished without violating someone's rights. While we must come to the proper conclusions in our own minds you can't just say "this is the way it is, figure it out." The answer is more in depth than that. And not so obvious. This debate should be evidence of that.
I am still having trouble with the idea of government as a "caretaker" of public property but I don't want to open that can of worms on this post.
This is probably the best place to start. It worked out very well for me but I don't think very many saw it. I would appreciate feedback on it if I missed something.
Also see this one. I think you guys take some of your knowledge and experience dealing with these subjects for granted. Not at all intended as an insult
Edit; fixed links
Tahitians like many in the South Seas have no concept of private ownership. they need a hammer or saw they walk over pick up one not in use and perhaps return it whenever. Their concept is why would you be different? Then everyone would have to buy a hammer and everyone would have to work all day.
Sounded like paradise to me....
Point is we are fifty states with fifty ways of living. The main complaint here is why does it have to be the same way everywhere? Fine for robots and humanoids. Except at the border of the larger entity.
Which reminds me the difference between an entity and an individual. Entities can't vote - unless George Soros gives them permission.
are you confusing a nation with private property?
And just because you call yourself an American instead of just a man doesn't increase your ability to deny or limit my rights as a man. If I need to move to a different place in order to continue to exist or to conduct business or to freely associate or just to explore, I have the right to travel there with no restriction, again other than to initiate force against another.
It would seem you have a contradiction there. One that your logic doesn't solve. If you are a student of Objectivism, you know what to do next.
The group excluding others from what it calls It's Territory is the epitome of Nationalism as well as the others. One cannot be Objectivist while at the same time denying or attempting to limit others rights, before those others at least demonstrate their intent to apply force to gain what they want.
As I've said in other comments, 'If some are not free---then no one is free.' One only loses that freedom when he runs into my right of self defense from aggression or force.
And private property carries with it the right to exclude others from one's "territory". In a nation where all or nearly all property is private, this "territory" would be the entire country. Anyone coming into such a country could do so only with permission of the owner of the property that he or she landed on. Thereafter, the immigrant could only travel on or otherwise use this property in a manner that was acceptable to the property owner. The same would apply to any other private property accessed by the immigrant. Under such circumstances, mass immigration would likely not exist and thus would not become a huge political and social issue.
And Capitalism in the world today is a failure. Look how poorly it has done in the banking, health care and insurance industries.
Do you see the severely flawed logic in these two statements?
Since you have chosen to evade the question there is no use to continue.
My mistake on the second phrase. I used a capital "C" Capitalism referring to Ayn Rand's definition of it. I assumed that, as a long time fan of Ayn Rand, you would understand. You could easily have substituted "free market" and gotten the same results. My apologies.
Glad you're willing to learn. Otherwise this has been a great waste of our time. Eh?
Better than could be said for some.
The current situation violates everyone's rights. The proper routes of travel are blocked by armed guards and barricades. Remove those and there is no reason to cross private property.
Mexico is not quite a dictatorship, but if you were stuck in Mexico, you would want to come here. I know I would.
Therefore; The government must end the war on drugs. The government must end the income tax. The government must, absolutely must end welfare.
Three things.
If you want to buy a piece of property along the border and defend it against trespass, I'll support that, though the collectivist and statist governments we've allowed to take over our country probably wouldn't. But I won't support you because of your desire to be Nationalistic. Then I might buy the land next to you and build a road with a big sign, that says "THIS WAY TO FREEDOM"
sovereignty: Def. understood in jurisprudence as the full right and power of a governing body to govern itself without any interference from outside sources or bodies. In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme authority over some polity.[1] It is a basic principle underlying the dominant Westphalian model of state foundation.
Westphalian Sovereignty: Def. In the Westphalian system, the national interests and goals of states (and later nation-states) were widely assumed to go beyond those of any citizen or any ruler.
The terms you use in the way you use them (i.e. immigration and control of human travel) are not Objectivist and aren't really related to immigration. They come from the Westphalian model in international law dating from the mid 1600's and define the concept of non-intervention by one nation/state into the internal affairs of another nation/state.
In order to apply those terms to immigration/emigration one must twist the definitions and concepts of all three. I think, of what I've read of Rand, that she well understood the correct definitions and proper relationships between all of them and used them within that understanding.
And I'll repeat one more time, no-one is or has advocated that private property trespass should not be enforced.
It won't help and you won't feel better but...
They're going to make you do it anyway, might as well get it over with. :)
And regarding the last paragraph of your post, is it your position that the U.S. government should be defending property owners near the Mexican border against the waves of immigrants overrunning their land?
America's existence is by the authority of its people. As you know each state was its own entity and those States (acting on behalf their people) authorized a federal government to maintain common interests - one being defending the states united. You cannot defend what you cannot define. A border is the definition, that line of demarcation, of the people of the United States landmass (and any country) which defines its private property. Logically and rationally the United States as a sovereign nation, granted its authority to exist by its people, can and should regulate immigration how its people see.
Just because Objectivistism does not acknowledge the sovereignty of nations does not make it so, even if you say it 250 or 250,000 times. The passages quoted by JBrenner in another thread make a hell of a lot more sense in reality.
It's sovereignty does not derive from it's citizens, it derives from "We the People" and "All men are created equal" and "have the unalienable right to life, liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness"
I simply can't understand individuals whom are supposedly and avowedly Objectivist that can buy off on the concepts of Nationalism. The two just don't mesh in any rational or logical manner.
Please define what you mean by "nationalism", and where you think it conflicts with Objectivism.
patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.
• an extreme form of this, especially marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries.
• advocacy of political independence for a particular country.
Objectivism is egoistic, individualistic, man's rights derive from his right to life and are supreme to the rights of the group....
“You don’t apparently know what my position on self interest is.
“I have never advocated that anyone has the right to pursue his self-interest by law or by force. If you close the border to forbid immigration on grounds that it lowers your standard of living – which certainly is not true, but even assuming it were true – you have no right to bar others. Therefore to claim it’s your self-interest is an irrational claim. You are not entitled to any self-interest which injures others, and the rights of others, and which you cannot prove in fact, in reality to be valid. You cannot claim that anything that others may do – not directly to you but simply through competition let us say – is against your self interest and therefore you want to stop competition dead. That is the kind of self-interest you are not entitled to. It is a contradiction in terms and cannot be defended.
“But above all, aren’t you dropping a more personal context? [At this point she begins to become intense.] How could I ever advocate that immigration should be restricted [becomes very intense] when I wouldn’t be alive today if it were.”
Zenpahamy - with how much conviction and vigor would you support an actual Gulch? While not a nation, you'd be exhibiting a form of nationalism, no?
I've never hid that I do not consider myself anything but a Constitutional Conservative. Thanks to these discussions the reasons for me doing so has never been more apparent to me.
Welcome to what will be Arizona and the US. The Gulch will be a collective society like every other society ever conceived and it will eventually be forced to protect what it values or forever be running to find somewhere where it can't be easily found - or make a forcefield to stay hidden. If you have to hide are you free?
This post is not dealing with current US law, this is a philosophical discussion on what is the proper answer. Why do you continue to conflate the two? Please answer just once, why you are so resistant to a pro-freedom solution?
better to shave off a few more freedoms to get it just right
If you want to go back then you're talking the nomadic migratory mentality before tribal communities.
Pro-freedom is a misnomer for what you're peddling. You want open borders or no borders without private property (the US border IS the private property of the American populace). This is unacceptable to me since I value that which is mine, including this country and its history.
1) No nations?
2) No borders?
3) No laws? If there are to be laws should they be made and enforced by a global agency such as the U.N.?
A couple of quotes that I'm reminded of in these discussions:
"We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive." —Albert Einstein .
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius—and a lot of courage—to move in the opposite direction." —Albert Einstein
"I believe that liberty is the only genuinely valuable thing that men have invented, at least in the field of government, in a thousand years. I believe that it is better to be free than to be not free, even when the former is dangerous and the latter safe. I believe that the finest qualities of man can flourish only in free air— that progress made under the shadow of the policeman’s club is false progress, and of no permanent value. I believe that any man who takes the liberty of another into his keeping is bound to become a tyrant, and that any man who yields up his liberty, in however slight the measure, is bound to become a slave." —H. L. Mencken
The only situation that limits the activities of a man is when he attempts to infringe on the rights of another. The infringer's rights aren't limited, he doesn't have the right to infringe in the first place. And as to being alone, there is no one to infringe on.
And since he doesn't have that right in the first place, he encounters the Individual Natural Right of the man being infringed on, of self defense.
And we can and will spend endless hours debating just what infringements are acceptable and which ones are not. And we won't agree.
That's my debate stance.
This isn't difficult. It more respectful.
To go back to Jan's Goat Evisceration argument, if we have neighboring plots of land and you burn tires on a day when the wind is blowing in my direction you are going to forcibly fill my property with noxious fumes. Or you may simply play rap music really loud in the middle of the night which will certainly forcibly interrupt my sleep.
My point is that people toss around our rights but even here there is little consensus on what they actually are.
Going from rights to laws and specific situations under the law is real work and Rand was not a legal scholar nor claimed to be. She laid out the framework for a proper legal system (she and many others). You are asking detailed specific situations opposed to general principles. Working out the detailed legal understanding of a particular situation would not be appropriate on this post nor is it necessary to resolve any issues regarding the general principles of the right to travel. btw, I laid out the general principles for how property rights work on this post. However, I can lay out the general principles of genetics, but that does not mean that it does not still take real work to apply these principles to specific situations. That does not mean principles in genetics are unclear.
Excellent description in this reply.
What you just accomplished in one paragraph. Nice
Thanks for the help earlier, too.
Ok, but that's not a very useful use of the word absolute -- it becomes synonymous with unchallenged.
A natural right is absolute. You do have to properly define them. This is Locke and Rand. You are a US citizen, go read about Natural Rights. For all of those so worried about being invaded, they should at least study rights as defined by the philosophers who influenced the founders and the founders on issue.
I'd wager the Gulch would soon take up arms or at the very least provide some filtering (regulating) at a guard post. After all, you protect what you value...unless of course you have no right to own anything.
Yes, individuals have the right of self defense which includes the right to exclude trespass on the property they own. But they do not have an Individual Natural Right to exercise those rights over property that they don't own. That concept is statist, collectivist, and socialist.
The Founders of this nation explicitly said that all men are born equal and have the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, not just those that are born here or are citizens and not just those we consider worthy. There is no authority over immigration granted in the Constitution, only naturalization.
Only because 1 person owns the land it can be considered private. A group of individuals cannot delegate a person or group of people to manage their combined lands?
So you're saying that kings, communist countries, and a dictatorships that claim all land and all possessions as their own had it right?
Are you then saying that serfdom is preferable to representative government because only the overlord can have private property?
Yes, I'm being absurd..but I cannot agree with this right to travel fantasy. Not only isn't it practical it defies reality and reason where private ownership is concerned.
The fact that it was the private property of a single individual as well as the secrecy, oaths, and exclusiveness demonstrates the problems that constructing such a thing in the real world entail.
Single ownership would not be attractive to most of the individualists on this site who would like to own their own land, thank you. And once that happens you have to have ways for them to jointly manage any land that is considered for common use.
While the basis of rights is the individual, many of our commercial activities are carried out by many individual acting jointly. Frequently property is jointly owned. I am a major shareholder of a company that owns our office unit. The office unit, itself, is part of a condominium structure and fourteen other companies or individuals own the other units. There is a common area owned by all of us, but we can jointly control access to that area.
This is very common.
1) "...self-ownership means that you can travel freely. If that was not the case then someone could control where you went, which means you do not own yourself."
Your logic here is faulty:
Statement A: "self-ownership means that you can travel freely"
NOT A: "self-ownersnip does NOT mean that you can travel freely"
Thus your conclusion does not follow logically from your premise. In fact, I like the logical conclusion better.
2) Private property means property that is owned by someone. If a person owns property, then he has a right to control who can enter it. So the owner of private property controls where you go. This is freedom.
3) "There is a principled solution to the immigration problem..." Admitedly, your "solution" is desirable. But it does not solve the "immigration problem", unless your meaning is that people could then enter the country without anyone having the need to stop them. But private property owners - meaning the whole of the country - would still require them to have permission to enter their property, so there would be no place for the immigrants to go. This is the reason for border controls.
4) "Anyone who continues to push ... limits on the immigration and travel of people across the US border can no longer pretend they are freedom." I maintain that you have not shown this to be true. In fact such an "anyone" is sticking up for freedom, by insisting that such "people" have permission to travel on private property before entering the US.
You ignore all simple logic and tie yourself in knots trying to justify your statist point of view.
however...just because someone buys land next to mine...that happens to be landlocked...it does not impose on me a duty to provide to him an access. He may well have been defrauded by the seller...but that has nothing to do with me and does not impose a duty upon me or make me a slave to the purchaser.
There has also been numerous cases of enclosing another's land by buying up all the surrounding land, then trying to deny access. Attempting to gain water and/or mineral sources, etc. Even the government. Easements were forced by courts.
In some cases in which a county or state road, (even trail) had been abandoned, the owner of the land crossed tried a Quiet Title, again to deny access to another section of land, and the courts have forced easements.
So I'd say the author's example wasn't flawed.
What is really amazing is that I have shown a pro-freedom solution to immigration, but you ignore it. We now know where you stand.
What is really amazing is that I have shown a pro-freedom solution to immigration, but you ignore it. We now know where you stand.
Government of the people, by the people, for the people (at least the original intent)
It's never what they say, it's what they do.
Yes, what they do is more relevant than what they say. Even so, for the purpose of my statement the sentiment remains.
I think that some of the problem has been some oversimplification. Many of us Are checking our premises and finding contradictions. But the simple answers aren't enough to eliminate those contradictions. Sometimes you don't find those contradictions until you throw the extreme examples at it. Sometimes what looks like a contradiction is not a contradiction at all but if you stop before you get to it you might go in the wrong direction. If all you find are contradictions you might settle for a pragmatic solution. I got my answers. Some didn't. Some didn't want answers.
Just sayin'
"Your rights in say land are limited by the activity you undertook to obtain those rights."
Your rights to property are defined by what you lay claim to and the control you exercise over it, I agree. This is also usually extended to recognition by legal authority due to filed claims, etc. for external enforcement purposes (executive and judicial actions).
"It also does not mean you can put a huge pigsty on the edge your land next to your neighbor’s house."
This is the same logic the EPA uses to tell people they can control the waterways. It is a collectivist argument. You sure you want to go there?
"your property rights in land cannot be used to make someone a prisoner"
The first implied argument (sorely flawed) is that freedom of movement trumps property rights. This is nonsense. Property rights by definition mean control over and access to a physical entity delineated by boundaries. If you argue that one has the freedom to go wherever one desires regardless of anything else, you are arguing that there is in fact no private property because you are arguing the invalidation of jurisdictional boundaries of geography.
The second blatantly false assertion is that I am emprisoning or coercing someone else by refusing them permission to cross my land. This whole notion is patently absurd.
"self-ownership means that you can travel freely."
Not so. It means that one has actuation/control over one's own thoughts and to extension one's own body. However, the universe beyond that is not part of your inherent ownership, as it lies outside and distinct from you. That you have the ability to move is one thing. That you are permitted to move in a particular place is another matter entirely. Your argument is that the ability to move predicates the right to move anywhere one wishes. This is false. When one travels, one is asserting control over that territory - even if only briefly. But what happens when that claim of control is disputed? Who's use takes precedence? The owner's of course.
By your argument, I should be permitted to travel freely through Groom's Lake and Area 51 in Nevada - being public lands - and open a shop there for business. Yeah. Good luck with that.
"Property rights cannot be used to imprison someone or to keep two free people who want to meet or trade from doing so."
Again, you presume the right to passage through another's domain regardless of permission. In so doing, you completely eschew their property rights. You may have permission (such as in the case of general use or "public" property), but this is far from being a given. I would note that the Constitution specifically identified and prohibited the US government from placing restrictions on travel between the individual States, but made no such prohibition on travel outside the States.
"Public thoroughfares are controlled by the government. The government does not own these public thoroughfares, but it does police them."
Police can certainly haul away a broken-down car from the side of the road as a travel nuisance. They can put up traffic signals on roads to control and manage the flow of traffic. And are not all of these restrictions on use of "public" thoroughfares? Absolutely. Use is conditional - never absolute as your argument holds.
AR advocated for a system of laissez faire, free market capitalism. In that case, an individual/group rather than a government sets up a thoroughfare through land that he/they owns, buys, or receives from donations and then operates and maintains it as any other business would operate. The business owner makes contractual arrangements to connect to other owners' thoroughfares. It's a simple affair until government gets involved, or some authoritarian wants to use travel restrictions to control people.
There are few of you on this site that I think have a better understanding of Objectivism and its application than I do. Only a few who's comments I will seek out on an issue that has me perplexed or questioning. And every Damn one of you gets pissed off when someone else asks a question that I think is relevant but you think is self evident. And when you guys get pissed off, you don't tend to answer questions very well. Makes it tough to ask a question from where I'm sitting.
That's my rant. I'm not asking you to pander to me. I'm just telling you what I see happening.
So ask all the questions you want kevin. If I see them, I'll make every attempt to answer them or suggest somewhere to look and I'll save my rancor for those that earn it.
I hope you understand that was not personal and not directed at you alone. Perhaps this was not the proper place for such a rant but you did (a couple times) express interest in why some were having a hard time with the subject.
I understand completely your frustration with those on here who would rather bend Objectivism to fit their ideas instead of the other way around and I admire your ability to see the root of their argument and not get trapped arguing with their endless rationalizations. I wish I had that ability. And those with malicious intent... Yeah, I understand. But I was pushing 40 when I was introduced to Objectivism and after 9 years these subjects still come up that I haven't thought through completely. And sometimes it is uncomfortable to realize that. I'm not the only one here but I also realize it can be hard to tell the difference. Thanks for keeping us in mind.
1. In any Objective, natural rights, system-it is a contradiction to suggest that property rights can be used to imprison someone
2. A "proper" government cannot stop someone who is traveling on roads unless they have probable cause they are criminal.
3. Property Rights are not unlimited, based on what you created.
so, think of a private tollway that encircles a city. According to the "unlimited theory of property rights" tht person has the right to starve the entire city to enforce his "rights"?
Dale went through this in great detail. Property rights are 1. not unlimited and 2. can NEVER be used to enslave people. and you know this. The contradiction is so huge that yes, it seems like people are not willing to think very hard about it. I see that you are willing to go through this.
4. the anti-travel position can only be supported by a collectivist idea of property rights (which is a contradiction since they yell about trespass) violating my ability to travel and freely associate with other people.
5. Dale showed in detail, property rights without the right to travel to and from the property, makes those rights meaningless.
6. Every man has a property right in them self. That gives them rights. That means they need to be able to travel-otherwise you re a prisoner. Property rights can never be used to imprison someone.
I'm not sure how I re-state this more clearly. Please present a logical argument where you are having trouble that does not result in one of these contradictions.
Think of the troll under the bridge story. sorry :) it's a good example. that's closed borders
[edited for restating]
I felt welcomed. I am a US citizen and I NEVER feel welcomed coming into the country.
That is how we know ISIS is still winning.
It will go to the weeds. we're going to get comments on
1. patent trolls
2. evil capitlists (Brechtian verson ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEllH... Three Penny Opera :)
3. drug wars-taking advantage of someone else's property-a criminal.
BUt this is a Grimm fairy tale and there was no established capitalism or property rights. This was a tale about the government
This was a looonnnnggg time ago. :)
I admitted to my pragmatism and to put it clearly, for the record, I never had a logical argument for my contradictions. Hell, I didn't even realize I had contradictions until I heard you on the radio. then there was continued commenting on a page that I can't even find now. Not too sure how I got there in the first place. But it got me interested and thinking. I tried to follow it but it went everywhere. I tried my usual approach when I'm stumped, find the go-to guys and see what they're saying. but by then they were already frustrated and not answering well. that's where I had to jump in and start asking questions.
I think it was the concept of imprisoning someone to the entire rest of the world that was the hardest to figure out. I didn't get what I needed from DB's article. Remember, you guys live this topic. I've been to Canada once. Twenty years ago. You accept it as simple. You take it for granted. I had to go through the process. Now I'm glad I did.
I only tell you all this to make this point; There is a small group of people I look for on issues that stump me. I don't usually need to ask questions, someone usually clears things up nicely before I need to. But I'm the majority on this site and this subject wasn't easy for me.
Just looking at issues addressed in your response above, here are some questions that need to be resolved. Must a road owner make his property and services available to the entire “public” (all the people outside of your private property), or can he exclude certain people? If he retains the right to exclude certain people, and all roads are privately owned, does the term “public thoroughfare” have any valid meaning in an Objectivist society? To what extent can the owner make and enforce rules of conduct for people using his road? How much flexibility does he have to modify or suspend the rules if external conditions change? Can contracts (such as easements) be made and enforced that bind all future owners of the road and adjacent land?
The above questions and dozens of others need to be examined and discussed in light of Objectivist principles related to law, politics, economics and individual rights. The fact that many principles are clear does not mean that their application is self-evident. It’s anything but “a simple affair until government gets involved.” And even in an Objectivist society, governments will legitimately get involved from time to time, in order to enforce contracts and settle disputes related to the use of the roads. It’s one of the core functions of a proper limited government.
Public Thoroughfare I think of as one built and operated by a government. The free market would have private Toll Roads.
Reply to kevinw above:
"It's your toll road, operate it however you want and face and accept the consequences, except that you're not allowed to initiate force to your customers.
Customers will decide if they want to go through your conditions, or find another route, or a competitor will offer different conditions for use that draw your dissatisfied customers away."
So how does someone ever get possession of property in Nevada? Who would issue a title and by what right. And, I would argue, that if you have the right to issue clear title to land, then you own it. If it is the government that we acknowledge as having that right, then we acknowledge that the government currently owns it.
In 1956 Eisenhower ordered his administration to conduct an inventory of federal jurisdictions. A huge tome was then declassified in 1963. What it shows is flabbergasting. Federal jurisdictions stemming from land ownership is very limited. In my home county of Elko (northern Nevada) the feds have exclusive jurisdiction of ----- a third of a square mile. That is the parcel that the Post Office is on. This stems from Article I, Clause 8, Section 17, known as the Enclave Clause of the US Constitution.
Elko County, like the rest of the State of Nevada is dominantly public land. Ostensibly the feds owns these public lands, but as a proprietor only, like everyone else, and is subject to the laws of the State of Nevada. This is in the Eisenhower report.
But it is still not even that simple. With Nevada's enabling act for Statehood in 1864, the State agreed to relinquish claim to the unadjudicated public lands to the feds. Hence the feds claim to ownership as a proprietor. The intent was that the feds would provide mechanisms to privatize to individuals via Homestead Acts, Desert Land Entry Acts, Stone and Timber Acts, Mining Acts, etc. The intent was entirely based upon the original US philosophy that resources are best managed through private ownership by individuals. This more or less proceeded fairly orderly for the next 100 or so years. But then, in response to the ever escalating progressive calls for collectivization - that the public lands "belong to all us" -- the onslaught rise of the federal leviathan culminated in the passage of FLPMA in 1976. This Act for the first time purported to say that the feds will retain these lands in perpetuity. A reversal and betrayal of what was essentially a trust fund ultimately intended for the people as individuals.
This started the first Sagebrush Rebellion that in Nevada culminated in the Nevada Revised Statutes series 321 passed in 1979 and 1980 by the State legislature and signed into law. This statute laid State claim to all the public lands in the State of Nevada in the interest of individual US citizens. Privatization mechanisms would continue with similar means of disposing resources by proofs of beneficial use. This is actually based upon the US Constitutions Equal Footing Doctrine. This is very simple. Any new States admitted to the Union are admitted on an equal footing with the original 13 States. The original 13 did not have federal public lands. The States have merely to exercise their sovereignty.
The principal is simple. The history of obfuscation leading us to our current predicament in Nevada and other public lands states is horrendous and is the subject of a book I have been writing.
Could you clarify the distinction between Federal jurisdictions via land ownership and the public lands as proprietor? In your opinion, how does this ownership differ from that of a private group such as a corporation?
ed: I will say that I wholeheartedly approve of moving the vast majority of the currently unused land into private hands so that it can be productively used. Unfortunately the 'Greens' want exactly the opposite.
And, while it's not a particularly objectivist approach, the reason the government could do this is because they sent armed soldiers to move other people out of the way so that you could claim the land.
If I am acknowledged to be the one who can give you title to the land that no one will contest, it seems to me that I 'own' the land. And if the government can give you that title, then it own's the land. You cannot simultaneously say the government doesn't own the land and that it has the authority to give you title to it.
I have no problem with the government owning property if the government is acting as an agent of its citizens as a corporation acts as an agent of its shareholders.
I understand a government is not a voluntary association. But either you have anarchy or you have a government constituted in some manner. That government will carry out its duties in line with the guidance of someone.
Either that someone is it's citizens or it's random groups of people around the planet, but someone has to be responsible for directing the actions of the government. As you say, government officials have no right to act on their own. Who tells the government what to do?
If you believe that the government has some purpose, and Rand definitely did, then there must be some facilities that are owned by the government.
It's damaging to our rights when this critical distinction is wiped out by oversimplified analogies. A proper government's ability to act is granted and limited by its citizens, not (as you point out) by "right"—not based on the freedom to act as required by its nature.
Perpetuation of all the stolen concepts and other contradictory packaged ideas that personify "Government" make it easier for government officials and employees to overstep their tasked responsibilities and further erode the property rights they should be protecting.
Keep in mind, I am not saying that Government should be able to act independently of their charter as a free individual might.
The key thing is that you can point to any rock and say "who owns that rock"? And some entity does. If you want that rock, only that entity can give it to you. Sometimes it's the government.
What the Government can do with it's rocks is limited. And it should have no more than necessary to fulfil it's function.
Many stalwart Objectivists are trying to fit the reality of what happened into an objectivist philosophy and the results don't quite make sense -- at least to me.
I think one has to face the reality of what happened and move on. That the government should sell as much of the land it holds into private hands leaving only as much as it needs.
As to the property tax meaning that you only rent your land. I think that is a false equivalence. The government can seize your property for almost anything. It doesn't have to be property tax. Obviously I don't approve of that.
The realities that you refer to that we face today are there, only as a result of the general we that let them become such, by compromising those essential principles.
Much of the purist Objectivist declarations I see sound much like the arguments of "sovereign citizens" and Anarchists. Long on philosophy, but short on reality. The "sovereigns" do resort to violence to try to put their principles into effect, and much of the statements about how to create a "pure" Objectivist state sound much the same.
I may be labelled a "pragmatist" by the purists on this site, but I think that I'm trying to envision a way to instill what I regard as admirable Objectivist goals in the real world. I think of myself as a "practicalist."
Unclaimed lands in this context means unclaimed ownership, not improper political claims by previous statist governments subsequently thrown off the continent..
I would have said something but I figured you already knew all that.
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