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From Matt Ridley's Green Scare article:
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are a case in point. After 20 years and billions of meals, there is still no evidence that they harm human health, and ample evidence of their environmental and humanitarian benefits. Vitamin-enhanced GM “golden rice” has been ready to save lives for years, but opposed at every step by Greenpeace. Bangladeshi eggplant growers spray their crops with insecticides up to 140 times in a season, risking their own health, because the insect-resistant GMO version of the plant is fiercely opposed by environmentalists. Opposition to GMOs has certainly cost lives.
Besides, what did GMOs replace? Before transgenic crop improvement was invented, the main way to breed new varieties was “mutation breeding”: to scramble a plant’s DNA randomly, using gamma rays or chemical mutagens, in the hope that some of the monsters thus produced would have better yields or novel characteristics. Golden Promise barley, for example, a favorite of organic brewers, was produced this way. This method still faces no special regulation, whereas precise transfer of single well known genes, which could not possibly be less safe, does.
Environmentalists are currently opposing neonicotinoid pesticides on the grounds that they may hurt bee populations, even though the European Union notes that honeybee numbers have been rising in the 20 years since they were introduced. The effect in Europe has been to cause farmers to return to much more harmful pyrethroid insecticides, which are sprayed on crops instead of used as seed dressing, hitting innocent bystander insects. And if Europeans had been allowed to grow GMOs, then less pesticide would be necessary. Again, green precaution increases risks.
- See more at: http://rationaloptimist.com/blog/the-...
The full article also addresses global warming and resistance to implementation of nuclear power.
in this subject area for years and years. . Thank You Jan!!! -- j
Just label it, that isn't asking a lot. Having a choice is never a bad thing.
Lacking that 'obvious proof,' I find it really difficult to support anti-GMO-folks' assertions of danger!
Question: would you drink Round-Up? Then why tolerate it in your food? Do you really think the industry washes it off completely?
Part of individual rights is respect for the rights of others.
The right of your neighbor to expect you not to pollute his soil, groundwater, etc.
The right of your eventual customer to expect you not to poison him, either fast (acute) or slowly (chronic).
The automatic and unwarranted assumption that no group of investors establishing a company, nor the management team they install to run it, would ever act out of negligent or reckless expediency--not to say panic or malice--has always been one of Objectivism's greatest failings. But this is less a failure of Objectivism than a failure of imagination, due diligence, and consistent application on the part of its students and practitioners.
Nice Graphic, too... glyphosate is slightly more toxic than alcohol (the kind in your wine glass, according to THAT research.)
I'm a seriously skeptical guy when the links you provide come from one source, given all the data out there that's google-able.
I'm still skeptical. Can you change my mind?
Did you know that, because of lousy yields per acre, most "organic foods" are resource- and energy-wasters compared to "non-organic farms"?
I've been in a few cults in my time. I try to be VERY critical in my thinking when presented with "evidence."
I think that's a very nice aspect of Objectivism.
Do you doubt that glyphosphate might trigger cancer? I realize, of course, that people have trouble grasping how they can avoid cancer with simple measure that, nevertheless, they must apply every single day without fail. Perhaps you have "learned" that cancer hits you like some player at a cosmic shooting gallery--an unskilled player holding an inaccurate gun at that. But I submit that brings only cold comfort when one of that player's bullets strikes you. And the reason I come down hard on negligence in the face of cancer is: I lost my wife to cancer, I almost lost my mother to cancer, and I had an aunt I never knew because she died of cancer.
I lost an uncle to cancer and an aunt to Parkinson's.
All of our data are, to a degree, anecdotal. I sprayed my first home with malathion regularly to kill ants and have been exposed to gasoline and benzene back in the 'old days' of working on my cars.
I have not developed cancer.
While science is getting damned close to figuring out what REALLY causes cancer, the final answers haven't appeared yet.
I'm sorry to hear of your losses. Those are the kinds of things that create extreme sensitivity to certain things in people.
I found the lump in my wife's breast and she says "I saved her life"... but we haven't made any major life changes as a result... other than surgery, radiation and chemo... but they're not part of our daily lives today.
The source I found also suggests ways to change one's diet to enhance the immune response to cancer, and to remove some of those slow poisons. So--back to my analogy of cancer to the player in the shooting gallery--we don't have to be sitting ducks, and can both armor ourselves and duck away from the bullets to some degree. Eating organic and non-GMO foods is a way to do both.
One of the things you might conclude is that, 1) hockey-stick graphs can be VERY misleading, and 2) more people are dying from cancer today because life expectancies have "recently" increased to the point where people CAN DEVELOP cancer.... didn't happen when life expectancy was a few dozen years....
Ayn Rand died of lung cancer because she smoked like a chimney. Once she received the diagnosis, she stopped. But by then she had done damage she could not reverse.
Ayn Rand died of lung cancer.... Fact.
Ayn Rand 'smoked like a chimney'... "Fact."
Correlation? Maybe. Causation? We don't know for sure yet. Some recent discoveries make it look like cancer may be 'caused' by some stem-cell malfunction... long before GMOs or nicotine could be blamed... unless Mom smoked... OR Didn't ... during pregnancy.... Or her mom did... Or, or, or...
I don't support assumptions or conclusions until theories can be experimentally tested and proven.... somewhat Objectivist of me? I like to attribute it to innate skills plus training in Engineering and Scientific Methods.
Or maybe it's genetic... or...
Do You See My Point Yet????????????
At some low concentrations, the body doesn't recognize a threat and can be damaged by it.
At a high concentration, the body is overwhelmed and may succumb.
And sometimes, at some larger-than-tiny concentration, the body defends itself and survives quite well.
YMMV, again... Or in the terms I learned in a grad school Business Law course, the right answer is Very Often, "It Depends."
Keep on Googling...
That's a good thing. I remember in Korea in the 1960s we were told not to eat the food because they used human waste as fertilizer which is not used locally.
Growing up we routinely rotated livestock into different fenced areas as part of the crop rotation plan. Why buy fertilizer when we had our own mobile production and distribution system?
In Korea Encephalitis was one of the dangers
Here in latin america we just use an extra heavy dose of salsa followed by a good burp.
Seems like organic farming yields are so low per acre and per acre-foot of water used that we'd all really be starving if all crops were suddenly to go All-"Organic".... unintended consequences due to lack of data, anyone? They're fun reading, too....
Keep in mind, our arrogance is what created the Killer African honey bee.
I do not trust Monsanto, or the like, to modify a seed for health and nutrition over economics of growing a crop. I do not trust the FDA to ensure it's safe to eat.
GMO has NEVER been put through long term trials. WE are the trial. I choose not to be a lab rat. I want to know what I'm eating. That label doesn't cost a dime to print.
Five Years, Ten? Two Generations of humans? Ten generations? Using a nebulous, unspecified "standard" to judge success or failure of a proposition or theory is... well... kinda silly, y' know?
There was an old joke going around a generation or two ago that "after five or ten generations, acetylsalicylic acid causes permanent infertility in all users.... "
But "aspirin" hadn't been in use that long, so there was no way to prove the fear was grounded in reality or not... :)
So, with no clear definition of 'long term effects,' I conclude the 'advice' is worth less than the electrons it was transmitted on.
I'm open to new input, though... if there ever is any... :)
As I tell the pre-op bariatric folks I talk to every month... "Everybody Is Different. AND Every Body Is Different"... my version of YMMV... :)
But hey, that's me, again... :)
Labeling? CERTAINLY... but so many advocates seem to be coming from a position of "controlling" that it discourages me from being supportive. Maybe some of THEM could change Their "labeling"... :)
Statins: My mother was on statins for awhile. Then one day, I was walking through the mall with her and she said she couldn't continue, it felt like she was walking through water. she had test run and they couldn't find anything. They concluded it was a "uncommon form of ALS". 1 month after she first started having problems she was using a scooter to get around. within 3 months she was mostly bed-ridden.
9 months after first had this problem, she died. We're convinced it was Statins. Note their claim of "Muscle pain or weakness"
Statins have not been proven to provide any benefit.
I do not trust the AMA, CDC, FDA, USDA, or any other gov't agency - they are overrun with special interest.
There has been plenty of studies of GMO on rats - and they didn't live. There has been ZERO studies on Human.
"Scientific Consensus" is not science. Just like Climate change, we're being told to Sit Down, shut up, and eat our peas.
It gets real simple, if Monsanto can produce a crop that bugs won't eat, why should we eat it?
I can detect a difference between the two 'theories' or "experimental processes."
Apparently, the mainscream media can't, and a LOT of folks believe the MSM....
There is sufficient data to raise concern and warrent further study before releasing this wide spread. There's also the problem of Monsanto being able to sue a farm whose crop they contaminated with their pollen. That is very wrong.
Fact is, information is being withheld from us regarding GMO.
Sorry for shouting, but blaming GMO foods Directly for Birth Defects smells like the worst kind of conspiracy theory and the worst kind of Critical Thinking yet...
Demand or protest that "Some Other Place" (nimby, of course) be used for such testing!!! But again, it's NOT the GMO-ness of the crops that are 'causing the problem.'
Poor kid; lives on a steady diet of rabbit food and cardboard.
That being said, I think the labeling of such foods is important for it allows for more consumer choice. Having more choices is ultimately a good thing as well. I don't believe that this sort of labeling should be mandated however.
I think part of the surge in popularity over organics, or non-gmo foods has been driven by a more heightened awareness of where our food comes from. As we all have moved further away from an agrarian existence, a profound disconnect between the consumer and their food supply has formed. Most people really don't have any idea where the foods they consume every day come from, how they got there, how they were processed, etc. Awareness and education are good for the consumer.
Labels with Meaning? "Organic," per se, just tells me that it probably is carbon-based and likely has hydrogen and oxygen somewhere in it... :)
I agree, 'organic' is just a marketing phrase that is technically confusing.
Though few of THEM seem to be life-threatening.
The results have been in for quite a while now.
Eat organic non GMO food; however, not all organic is organic in the true sense thanks to the government regulations and yes, some do charge a premium for the privilege. (thanks a lot).
I also follow the right4yourtype bloodtype diet and it has change my life and allowed me to live past Everyone in my family.
The best body of work on GMO's I have found thus far is: Altered Genes, Twisted Truth by Steven M. Drunker. It gives you the whole story from the beginning and the mindless sets involved. It's very detailed.
Colony Collapse Disorder is a major threat to all of us. Studies estimate that nearly one-third of the honeybee population has been wiped out." -- http://guardianlv.com/2014/04/monsant...
From ProLiberty (reprinted from the Idaho Observer)"
"In July, 2007, the German corn crop was infested with the rootworm. The German government ordered that every possible method should be used to eradicate this pest, including the use of clothianidin. Shortly after the seeds were planted, in May of 2008, some 330-million bees abruptly died.
According to the German Research Center for Cultivated Plants, 29 out of 30 dead bees had been killed by direct contact with clothianidin." -- http://proliberty.com/observer/200904...
From Prison Planet / Infowars:
"The Illinois Ag Dept. illegally seized privately owned bees from renowned naturalist, Terrence Ingram, without providing him with a search warrant and before the court hearing on the matter, reports Prairie Advocate News.
Behind the obvious violations of his Constitutional rights is Monsanto. Ingram was researching Roundup’s effects on bees, which he’s raised for 58 years. “They ruined 15 years of my research,” he told Prairie Advocate, by stealing most of his stock." -- http://planet.infowars.com/health/bee...
Motley Fool remains cautious:
"At this point, we cannot say that neonics alone are the leading contributor to honey bee population declines. That doesn't necessarily let Bayer and Syngenta off the hook for their use of neonics, or Monsanto for its use of pesticides that could have unintended effects on honey bees, but investors and consumers need to remember that multiple factors play a role in fluctuating bee populations. Parasitic fungi, parasitic mites, pesticides, temperature, and more likely combine to put pressure on honey bee colonies -- so it's irresponsible to focus on any one culprit in this case. For now, it appears that neonics are as risky as their current labels suggest. Nothing more, and nothing less." -- http://www.fool.com/investing/general...
The crop in question is corn (maize). While corn does have a place at the table, most of it is grown to produce high fructose corn syrup, perhaps the worst of all common "food" products.
That being said it's not clear that colony collapse disorder is actually a growing problem or if there was a spike a couple of years ago. They seem to be recovering both here and in Europe. And if it is, the involvement of neonics is still under study.
You are mixing issues, since Roundup is not a genetically modified organism, it's a pesticide -- basically you are going for the "Monsanto is Evil" argument and using it against GMO technology.
"“Since GE farming and neonicotinoid pesticides are here to stay, we first tried to modify the bees as to increase their immune system to these insecticides, with little or no success” admits the specialist." -- http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/genet...
And, do you realize you are quoting a parody site as evidence?
Sounds like Germany chose the DDT solution without bothering to find out Rachel Carson was a mass murderer in the end.
C'mon, kh, the Post as a reliable source?
Not in this lifetime.
That writer's work doesn't give any reassurance either. Looks almost all politically motivated.
This article looks like typical "don't worry, be happy", sweep it under the rug, and business as usual corrupt administration line to me. The question should be, why are the bees dying, and is it related to chemical insecticides or other man-made products.
The rest of the question is: what other effects have been glossed over or hidden or were longer term than the tests of the manufacturers? the article doesn't answer the questions that matter.
I do not have a problem with all GMO foods, and although there will be a cost to labeling, to paraphrase the fedgov, if they don't have anything to hide, what's the problem?
Monsanto does have something to hide and they are using every unethical tool they can to avoid the consequences of their actions.
Q: Why is the fedgov protecting Monsanto? A:The fedgov are bought and paid for.
Assuming a fair trial and if found guilty by the market, if Monsanto was bankrupted over this, would research and dev on GMO's stop? NO, the honest competitors would flourish, and all the researchers at monsanto would find other work.
It's little different from TBTF banks being protected. Its corrupt, and it should face the court of the free market without protection from looters.
I always mention the crony relationship Monsanto has with the govt. No different than any other major corp-
As is the case too often, those who oppose business also often exaggerate the situation.
With the power that they are facing, it's understandable but it can destroy their credibility and provide cover for the cronies they try to oppose.
The free market is the best judge in the long run if there is also reliable information for consumers; that speaks in favor of fair labeling of product content.
Yep, I've concluded that corruption isn't unique to businesses OR government(s). It may be a genetic or species-defect, but power over others seems to be the source of most 'evil' on this planet, and government is one of the most fertile breeding grounds for growing such power.
I love searching for Root Cause of Problems, but again, that one might have had its roots in Earth's primordial 'soup.'
Good luck to us all...
Just Wondering...
Silly or serious --choice is always good.
"Non-GMO" is for anti-technology phobics opposed to genetic variations that produce superior food in taste, storage, etc. Most seeds you buy for a vegetable garden are hybrid varieties, dogs are bred for superior traits and special breeds (but don't eat them!), etc. They are all "genetically modified".
With organic, my understanding is it depends on the food. The standards for making something organic are not necessarily the best standards for quality food or protecting the environment, although they often overlap. My wife researched this a little and thinks she knows which products are best. Sometimes their "organic", but not always. It's not as simple as just buying all organic.
GMO is nothing new really. We just went from splicing trees together to grow a new apple, or grape to doing it in a lab. More technological but the same basic premise.
In a non-organic farm we test the PH levels in soil and water to get just the right nutrients to maximise production. Nothing wrong with this but the byproduct is that differences in the chemical makeup of the food will lesson or be completely gone. Carrot A will be identical in what its got in it with the rest of the carrots, or at least much closer. In organic farming the variations in nutritional value will be there within the same batch of carrots far more so. Does that have any effect on the value of the food to our body? It could if the variations in the foods we eat are what keep us from developing allergies, like variations in the gloves doctors use keep from developing latex allergies as much. It is a stretch but its the only thing I have come up with that may make a difference.
Basically its a marketing gimmick
I am not opposed to GMO crops. But, I am opposed to eating what is sprayed on GMO crops. And, a lot of people mischaracterize GMO as basic, old-school, hybridization. That's not what it is.
A few years back we had a GMO labeling proposition here in California. Even in leftist, granola-eating California it was defeated. I asked a (fellow conservative) buddy why he voted against it. His answer, "Because the trial lawyers will make a lot of money filing suits around it." My answer - "Well, they started labeling trans fats a few years back and it didn't happen then." (crickets chirping). He got his science education from the same place most people do, talk radio. GMO is a highly-politicized topic. Therefore, the science behind it will be mostly ignored as the media whips the public into its standard partisan, anti-science froth.
But if you can buy direct from a grower anyway (from a farm, or farmers market) then ignore whether it is organic or not.
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