Is the ENTIRE Media trying to Censor or Freeze out Trump?

Posted by woodlema 9 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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Is the ENTIRE Media trying to Censor or Freeze out Trump?

If it me? Or does it seem the ENTIRE media is trying to Freeze out Trump?
I have been observing what seems to be a concerted effort by the entire media to freeze out Trump. The Huffington Post, decided to push ANY Trump coverage tot eh entertainment section. Glen Beck refuses to even utter Trump's name on his show. Fox News torpedoed Trump with specific questions designed VERY specifically to torpedo his campaign while at the same time elevating everyone else.
Red State disinvited Trump to silence him. Since then the media is ONLY covering this in favor of Megyn Kelly, and Fox over the last couple days barely mentions the word Trump.
CNN and every other media outlet is also ignoring Trump now, and it seems trying to portray Jeb Bush into this favorable statesman like person.
How is it the ENTIRE MEDIA WORLD seems to be working together on this?
Trump was and from what I can see is still leading virtually ALL polls.
Right after the debate Megyn Kelly's twitter was FILLED with the VAST majority of negative feedback on her and defense of Trump
Trump after the debate in EVERY poll I could find was leading EVERYONE by 20 points or more, 36 points in many.
Does the GOP think for one Minute Trump is kidding or bluffing when he says he will run 3rd party if he is not treated fairly or frozen out? From what I can see, and observe he was yet again 100% right.
If you have ever read any of his books, you KNOW exactly what Trump is about and how he will react. Why do people NOT take other people at their word? SEE Bill Whittle:
Trump has written numerous book. Trump TELLS YOU HOW HE DOES BUSINESS.
Refer to rule number 6 of Trump rules to live by.
This from his book "Think BIG and Kick Ass"
Watch Trump's interviews. Does the GOP think for one minute Trump will not follow his Rule number 6? Watch him start a third party run now. Watch Trump possibly buy a cable channel dedicated to his run. Do they really think they can silence Trump?
We will see. Personally I am sick of the establishment and whoever the secret Cabal's are that control these things from behind the scenes. We have all heard of the theories where certain secret societies actually control things from behind the scenes. "The Skull and Bones" the "Illuminati", the "The Bilderberg Group"
Well I for one, am seeing these thing in play. Debbie Wasserman Shultz who refuses to articulate the difference between Democrats and Socialists. GOP who is really no different the Democrat of 1950.
The Push for political correctness. The gradual dumbing down of society with the exception of the elitists. If you think for one minute the majority of people have not been totally dumbed down almost to the point of the movie "Idiocracy" was this guys videos.
The GOP is creating their own self fulfilling prophecy. Perhaps this is on purpose because is sure seems to me that both the left, the extreme left, the right and the extreme right are working on concert to shut Trump out.
All I can say is why? I have yet to hear him say anything that is NOT correct. He may not say it in a watered down PC way, but he says is with clarity and making no bones about it. He is calling a spade a spade, and is sticking true to himself and EVERYTHING he has said in interviews for the past 30 years.
Every single politician running except Trump has a political handler. What is a political handler?
Who pays for these "Political Handlers?'' THE PARTY ESTABLISHMENT. Why? to keep the candidate in line and controlled. I know that Trump would face this kind of issue once I realized he had NO handler.
Like he said in 1988. He would not rule out a run for office. Because he loves this country and would certainly entertain the idea IF things got so bad he could not stand it anymore. He said the same thing in 2011. He kept his word and said the same thing this year. And people call him dishonest? Un trustworthy? From what I can see and observe Trump has a very provable and measurable track record of success both in personal life and business life.
Remembers those who can DO, those who can't TEACH or run for office. Donald DOES, and is the epitome of what Objectivism is and stands for.
Why are all the objectivists NOT rallying behind Trump? Is there something about HIS Rational Self Interest that we don't like? If he just too rich? Personally and purely from an Objectivist point of View Trump is the ONLY candidate that ACTUALLY practices Objectivism.

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  • Posted by conscious1978 9 years, 7 months ago
    Trump is on the far side of the spectrum from Objectivism. The idea that he "practices Objectivism" just makes me want to hurl. If anything, Trump is a flamboyant 'Orren Boyle'. A pragmatist that would deal away your natural rights in a heartbeat, if doing so meant "a good deal".

    He has openly admitted he donates money to candidates to get influence. Don't we call that cronyism around here, in the least, and corruption, at worst. Or, do I just not "understand how the world works."

    Trump is a paradigm of narcissism with the aspirations of a tyrant and in no way represents Objectivism.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
      Let's see what Ayn Rand said about C.C. Lewis.

      Ayn Rand on C.S. Lewis

      “The lousy bastard who is a pickpocket of concepts, not a thief, which is too big a word for him…This monstrosity is not opposed to science — oh no! — not to pure science, only to applied science, only to anything that improves man’s life on earth!”

      Seems Ayn Rand did not mince words, or hold back on flaming insults...

      So tell me again how Trump is that different? Don't get me wrong, I like the straightforward non apologetic tone and nature...Including Ayn Rand who took no crap from Phil Donahue's audience.
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      • Posted by conscious1978 9 years, 7 months ago
        This kind of reply infers superficial understanding of Ayn Rand or Objectivism.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
          I apologize for being some ignorant mental midget compared to your lofty and complete understanding.
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          • Posted by conscious1978 9 years, 7 months ago
            I didn't say you were ignorant or a mental midget.

            I stated that your comparison of vague similarities in the conversational style of Trump and Rand was superficial in any assessment of philosophical agreement.
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            • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
              Is an insult an insult? yes or no.
              How many argue Ayn Rand was a narcissist? LOTS
              For what reason? Her views on selfishness vs. altruism among other things.
              Ayn valued when people worked for themselves and exercised their minds
              Only in a fictional book can you do business at the scale of Trump without buying and selling politicians.

              REALITY is quite different. Hate the game not the player. Here is a clip from a really good movie, and THAT is how you do business in new York...
              In my opinion you complaint about buying and selling politicians, only exists in "Fantasy Land"

              Read Trumps book "How to Think big and Kick Ass." he has 12 rules of business...
              Ayn Rand was not a forgiving person, neither is Trump.
              Ayn Rand would CRUSH you in a debate with no apologies, So will Trump.

              You can draw more direct comparisons between the two than I can count, and yet you tell me I do not understand.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
      Virtue of Selfishness.
      Rational SELF-INTEREST
      Not Sacrificing HIMSELF for anyone...

      Say again?
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      • Posted by conscious1978 9 years, 7 months ago
        Wood, to say the least, I've read the books and stand by my assessment of Trump.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
          So have I. I have also read Trump's books, and Obama's books, and even tried to read Hillary's but that was just too painful...

          I have read Sun Tsu the Art of War, War and Peace, much of Aristotle, and Plato, as well as many things from Cicero.

          Shakespeare has some very poignant quotes, and two of my favorite, as regarding people who simply "justify" things, and on personal character.

          To thine owns self be true...
          A rose by any other name is still a rose.
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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 7 months ago
    Frankly, for the 4 weeks leading up to the debate, it was non-stop Trump in the media. As Paul put it, $1B dollars worth of free media time, while there was no play given to most of the other candidates. Actions have consequences and some of the things he said following the debate show his pettiness. His remarks about Kelly and the blood? Outrageous!
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    • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
      So what did he say about blood?

      "She had blood from her eyes and blood from her whatever." was his quote. So anyone who "ASSUMES" the whatever is something "Outrageous" he left that to YOUR mind. Apparently people in general left their own minds run to the outrageous which implies their own mind was the outrageous.
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  • Posted by broskjold22 9 years, 7 months ago
    I had a discussion with a friend on what separates conservatives from Objectivists. Conservatives, according to Peikoff, play up property rights without fair respect to liberty. That is to say, economic liberty is not the only liberty. Economic liberty is based on political liberty, meaning individual rights. Trump has said most things as a conservative, not as an Objectivist. I'm not convinced that he wouldn't choose to side with corporate bailouts or tampering with countries with whom I would prefer the US to keep out of. I think he would side with business cronies over a principled approach to individual rights. Money, when made through any coercive action, is not a value. I am not convinced that Trump is a "radical for capitalism", but is rather, seeking power to effect change in a practical (i.e. intrinsic) sense.
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  • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 7 months ago
    Trump is a loose cannon. The political class, and by extension the media, cannot have ANYONE roaming the countryside speaking the truth as they see would undermine their control and/or their access to the cash cow. I'm sure that his life has been thoroughly examined under the microscope; his life has certainly had more scrutiny than the current infestation of the Oval Office. It wouldn't surprise me at all if something untoward, or indeed unfortunate, was to happen to the man.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 7 months ago
    All politics are a sham, a distraction and sideshow. All of it. None of these clowns have any clue about the required basic concepts except for Rand Paul. And, he'll never get the nod. I enjoyed that last debate because we got to see how these guys tick. I enjoyed Trump. I, of course, understood Paul. I, of course, was repulsed by Christie (still a GOP darling) by what was either gross ignorance of the constitution or a desire to destroy America so he can eat all the donuts. I'm done with any debates or news coverage now. I'll spend my time playing with my kids and going fishing - or working. I'll let everybody else get distracted.
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  • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
    I am often amazed at how ones opinion can change on certain topics as time progresses, and you hear views and explanations.
    Megyn Kelly was just on a live interview on Fox. she described the processes the moderators used to craft the questions and her description shed a slightly different light, and actually solidified some other opinions I have.
    Megyn's "War on women question to Trump" based on her interview that just concluded, makes perfect sense. Megyn indicated they crafted the questions in an attempt to exploit each candidates specific weaknesses. After her explanation, I consider her question to Trump very valid, and in retrospect his response to the question how shall we say. Less than proper and showed is inexperience in a formal debate situation.
    I still hold that the first question was specifically designed to undercut him ONLY to the GOP population, since if Trump were the nominee that question would be totally irrelevant in a presidential debate.
    This also explained and change my view on Mike Wallace's question on proof of Mexico sending people across. I did post numerous articles and know firsthand this pamphlet exists, and also KNOW all about the Metricular Consular ID...North Carolina has had issues with this for years. Being it exists still proves conspiracy between the states and Mexico or the Feds and Mexico or all three, since this ID is nothing but a fraud in the first place and is in no way an official document. Trump certainly could have done his homework and directed people to these things. Again showed his inexperience in a formal debate situation.
    This did solidify that there really is an agenda. Fox and the GOP are really working to push Jeb Bush into the number one slot. Megyn toss Bush a total softball because she asked the SAME question during the same in the same way she did during her interview with Jeb some months ago when Jeb said he misspoke. This provided Jeb a totally pre-rehearsed answer to feed back to the audience.
    I am sorry Ben Carson did not get more of an opportunity although if your ONLY real criteria for president is someone who answers thoughtfully, honestly and meticulously, Ben Carson would be your guy. I do not believe he utters one word without first thinking it through, and his closing was to me a total perfect 10.
    Christy and Paul, I thought were just pathetic although the "go hug Obama" was a pretty good zinger.
    The one thing about Cruz and Paul I really like, way over Trump is their knowledge and constant references to the Constitution. But one can talk about it all you want, but if you really do not accomplish anything then so what. At least Rand Paul did stand on the floor 10 hours to stop a violation of our rights.
    But back to Megyn and the rest. I am no longer inclined to look as negatively on their questions, save that first one, considering Megyn's explanation of trying to go after each ones specific weakness was the goal of this debate.

    It still seems that the media as a whole is now working to freeze him out.

    Edited ..spelling
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