Producer of the Week: khalling

Posted by sdesapio 11 years, 2 months ago to Featured Producers
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Better known as khalling, one of our most active Gulchers, and the coauthor of Pendulum of Justice, is Kaila Halling. Thanks to Kaila for taking a minute to tell us about Ayn Rand’s influence on her life, her passions, and her favorite Ayn Rand book.

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Favorite Ayn Rand book: The Fountainhead
Favorite Ayn Rand character: Francisco, but a huge crush on Ragnar

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Q & A

* When were you first introduced to Ayn Rand?
In college. I was a bridesmaid in a wedding and the best man chided me for being an English major who had never heard of Ayn Rand. He was so cocky and self-assured that I was irritated. So a friend and I began peppering him questions about her novels and Objectivism. I was annoyed and appalled that she promoted selfishness as a virtue! I remember him laughing and taking all of our questions one by one until we exhausted ourselves from the discussion. Two years later, the best man became my husband.

* How has Ayn Rand influenced your life?
There have been times when Objectivism has been more important in my life than others. I was raised that emotions trumped [everything]. I have to consciously work on reason and rational thinking as a foundational tenet of my life. When I look at times of conflict and rocky roads in my life, there is almost always a common thread of emotion guiding my thinking. Obviously, during the happiest, most productive times in my life it has been because I was exercising my unique human trait of being a rational animal.

"If a man takes his emotions as the cause and his mind as their passive effect, if he is guided by his emotions and uses his mind only to rationalize or justify them somehow—then he is acting immorally, he is condemning himself to misery, failure, defeat, and he will achieve nothing but destruction—his own and that of others." AR, Playboy Interview

* What passion project are you working on now?
My passion is writing thrillers that celebrate the productivity and inventiveness of man. My husband and I are a writing team. We like a flavor of justice in our novels. Pendulum of Justice, our first thriller, came out in September. We are currently writing the second novel in the Hank Rangar series with the working title Trails of Injustice.

As well, I am passionate about Galt's Gulch Online. You all can deduce that! It is a passion and joy to meet people from all over the world who have seen the movies and found this site, like I did a little over a year ago, and discover the philosopher and writer Ayn Rand. I never tire of producers sharing the same sense of life as myself who had no idea that this amazing thinker developed a philosophy around this sense of life---celebrating the productivity of exceptional individuals and the power of reason and logic. Yes, Virginia, the world really is A is A.

I am in a unique and exciting place in my life. My kids are grown, (my daughter is currently a production assistant for the ASIII movie), and we decided that we had enough of the US. You could say we "galted," but I am not sure a gulch can exist outside of one's mind. Like many before us, we went to where we could find more de facto freedom and happiness. I now have time to focus on my writing and to help educate others about how the US is seriously ill. They have lost so many of the economic freedoms they were founded on, and we're not going to take it anymore.

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Buy "Pendulum of Justice": http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1491264...
Visit khalling's blog: http://www.hallingblog.com

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 2 months ago
    So, I was already impressed... Now I am struggling for words. You deserve it for all you bring. Kudos!
    Beautiful picture... Why are your eyes following me around my office? and why do I feel as if they see right through me? My wife gives me that same look... :)
    Best wishes,
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  • Posted by jrsedivy 11 years, 2 months ago
    Hi Kalia - I am new to the Gulch and found your interview fascinating. It is always interesting to hear how people discover Ayn Rand and Objectivism. One aspect in particular stood out: "You could say we "galted," but I am not sure a gulch can exist outside of one's mind. Like many before us, we went to where we could find more de facto freedom and happiness."

    If you don't mind sharing - Where outside the U.S. did you relocate? How does it compare in terms of free market principles and enjoying a free, independent lifestyle?
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
      I am south of the border. If you are in here awhile, you'll figure out where. ;)
      It is hardly ideal, but on a personal level, we as well as other ex-pats, enjoy more personal freedoms on a day to day basis. It is why many choose to live here. We still run a business while writing our books. But the cost of living is much lower and I would say the quality of life in the community is similar to the States in the 50s
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      • Posted by jrsedivy 11 years, 2 months ago
        Fair enough :)

        Yes, it appears that everything in life is a tradeoff to some extent, location being one such aspect. What you describe sounds interesting. I look forward to learning more as I get to know you and the other members of the site better!
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        • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
          you live in a good city for high tech startups. How's the economy doing there? Are there lots of skilled jobs available?
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          • Posted by jrsedivy 11 years, 2 months ago
            I am fairly new to Austin and literally just arrived four months ago. As an entrepreneur I can't really attest to the job market, but there does seem to be lots of activity, at least compared to the rest of the country. There are lots of techies here, probably the most I have ever encountered, so I imagine that increases competition. Last I heard there are something like 1,400 people a day moving to Austin. I believe many are fleeing the more regulated states and seeking opportunity.

            In terms of business many local distributors are open to new products which is a good sign. Also, I tend to watch the funding activity and there are many businesses securing angel and venture capital funding. In addition, there are many businesses relocating (or adding locations) from Silicon Valley, literally every day. I have heard that Austin is quickly becoming the next Silicon Valley due to having the benefits of tech talent and funding activity without the downside of the California regulatory environment.
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            • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
              excellent news! angel funding for what though-all green and govt backed? We do IP and high tech (outside of govt backed) has a very difficult time getting angel funding. Many have moved to new types-like kickstarter for raising investment. I wish you luck there.
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              • Posted by jrsedivy 11 years, 2 months ago
                I believe these are privately funded as they are through professional angel and venture firms, although that money could very well originate from government sources in a different form. My information is mostly through the funding announcements and not through personal or business contacts so I cannot say for sure. My perception from the announcements is there appears to be much more activity in Austin.

                I am very aware of what you are describing though. Mostly I have seen this in the form of "economic development" councils and grants to more established, high profile firms mostly in the green sector as you had stated.

                You're correct that the crowdsourcing platforms are gaining traction. They really do seem to represent a free market allocation of funding.
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                • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
                  trust me they are mostly backed by grants and govt contracts. sigh.
                  I'm all for crowdsourcing-but the trend is towards less protection for invention-which I fundamentally disagree with.
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