'Committed Christian'? Obama's religious history unmasked

Posted by mdk2608 10 years ago to Politics
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A follow-up to LetsShrug's post on Obama's prayer breakfast comments
SOURCE URL: http://www.wnd.com/2015/02/committed-christian-obamas-religious-history-unmasked/

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  • Posted by wiggys 10 years ago
    0 is a MUSLIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    haven't you noticed how the arab mind works; corner one and he will change the subject until he believes he has the upper hand. in the case of 0 he is in a unique position that he can say what ever the hell he wants and knows nobody will respond back to him directly to his face. he has never read the history of which he spoke but was TOLD what to say. then again he never knows why he says anything because he is always TOLD what to say. I keep looking for the string coming out the back of his neck.
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  • Posted by NealS 10 years ago
    That pause he does after making a statement, the ones where his chin is sticking out and he has that nasty smirk on his face makes me sick to my stomach. It like he's giving the audience time to ponder and absorb his genius. What is this man trying to pull on this once great country? He actually believes in everything he does and says. The whole administration is in cahoots with him from the DOJ to the State Dept. and beyond. Is half our population so hypnotized now that they can't read and understand the facts anymore? I would bet if he told the world that he was of (fill it whatever, White, Indian, Chinese, Polish) decent half the population of the US would actually believe him. I think this man has no religion at all, I think he fakes any Christian games he plays. These last six years of politics are the scariest I've seen so far in my lifetime. God help us.
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    • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years ago
      When his chin sticks out and he has that nasty smirk, his nonverbal communication is saying, "Naa Naa Naa Naa Naa Yuh" just like an arrogant eight-year-old snot. He is figuratively rubbing the excrement in producers' faces.
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  • Posted by coaldigger 10 years ago
    I don't agree with and frankly don't understand almost everything about BHO but I can see the problem he has regarding Islam. The US has positioned itself as the moral police of the world. There are 1.6 billion Muslims. Their fundamental teachings demand that they convert or kill all nonbelievers and establish a world caliphate. Some, perhaps many Muslims do not, at present, act on this aspect of their faith but they have not corrected it. They have not formalized an "Enlightenment" and therefore give credence to their brothers that are not extremists but traditionalists. In Obama's position if he recognizes this he must act. He does not have the courage to a act and doesn't think that the rest of the world does either.
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    • 10
      Posted by sumitch 10 years ago
      I'm not sure it's a matter of courage. I think he believes as a Muslim does. Muslims have been a boil on the backside of humanity for two thousand years. The only thing they understand is hatred of non believers and the lust to kill them. The burning alive of the pilot proves what rapid animals they are. We put down rabid dogs don't we?
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years ago
      We have to get off this business of islam fundamentally requiring killing all non-believers or taking over the world. This is just not true.

      The offending text refers to the polytheists in Mecca that persecuted Mohamed's people and is is taken out of context. The quran also states that jews, christians and muslims are all people of Abraham who will go to heaven..

      "2:62 Those who believe, and those who follow the Jewish (faith), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in God and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."

      The statements being used to assert islam is fundamentally intolerant are little different than the old testament, where god instructs Samuel to kill women, children and infants:

      "Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass."

      Islam is being used by individuals to control the masses for power, exactly, like christianity and other religions have been used to control people for power.
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      • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years ago
        I'm going to have to get back on this, my references are on a different computer. But what I remember is that there is some hierarchy in the text of the Quran, and the later verses take precedence over the earlier. I think that this passage is one of those "earlier" ones, and subsequent verses say that infidels should be offered the opportunity to convert and if they choose not to, then their heads can be separated from their bodies. Again, I'll have to find my reference to this for the exact citation.
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      • Posted by sumitch 10 years ago
        The quran clearly says to kill and behead all infidels. That's not the whole book so you can say it's out of context if you like but anyone not trying to cover for these murderous animals knows that's what it says and that's not some misunderstanding. God did not instruct Samuel to kill and behead all that are not Christians. Maybe there's a little difference there. .
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        • Posted by sumitch 10 years ago
          And no I'm not talking about all Muslims before you pull that out of your bag of excuses. I'm sure some (most) are peaceful but point them out to me. I'm talking about the low rent swine that burned the pilot alive, or those that behead or those that stone and mutilate women or those that crucify. I don't recall hearing or reading about any Christians or Jews practicing that abomination today.
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        • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years ago
          Please point me to the specific passage in the quran where it says to kill all infidels.

          Also please show me where it says in the bible to slaughter the amish and mormons.
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          • Posted by sumitch 10 years ago
            Quran (5:33) - "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"

            Amish and Mormons were not religions at the time of the writing so naturally the bible does not say to slaughter them.
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            • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years ago
              Yes and 5:29 says:
              "If you should raise your hand against me to kill me – I shall not raise my hand against you to kill you. Indeed, I fear Allah, Lord of the worlds."
              and 5:34 says:
              "Except for those who return [repenting] before you apprehend them. And know that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."

              As I said, using statements like the one you quote out of context is inappropriate. Even the passage you quote is in defense against an aggressor, not an instruction to conquer.

              Now, back to the second question, and the main point. Indeed the bible does not instruct the killing of amish or mormons or heritics, yet self-proclaimed christians did just that and worse. Now you probably respond with something like they were misled, not really christians or we aren't like that anymore... Exactly!

              Now offer islam the same relief.
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              • Posted by sumitch 10 years ago
                Naturally you'd say it's out of context. I showed you what you asked to see. I also answered your stupid question about Mormons and Amish. I have no desire to quibble with you and take the time to answer every diversion you can come up with. Your book says exactly what I said it did.
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                • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years ago
                  If you don't want to quibble, you shouldn't start such discussions.

                  A boil on the backside of humanity for two thousand years? They didn't attack Europe during the Crusades. Europe attacked them, and at the time, they were far more tolerant of other religions and more technically advanced than Europe, where persecution and book banning against heliocentricisim were instituted by the church for the next thousand years.

                  BTW, my books are not the bible, quran or toban's spirt guide. They are Physics and Chemistry texts and Scientific American Mind. No place in my mind for mythology. I just point out that ALL mythology serves to control a populace, and none are innocent of killing.

                  Do you know the Italian word for homosexual? Finnoccio, which is the word for fennel. Why are these related? Because they used to burn homosexuals at the stake, a little like a cage but publicly endorsed. To cover the smell of burning flesh, they'd put fennel in the fire. Thus when one smelled fennel, they knew it was a homosexual being burned.

                  How far is the Westboro Baptist Church from this really?

                  Do not preach against islam, unless you are ready to condemn the misuse persistent in all religions. If so, please do join me and let's
                  stop arguing.
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                  • Posted by sumitch 10 years ago
                    I could drag out a bunch of my old chemistry, physics and math books and type down portions of them just like you did. But you should get out a history book. The Saracen had indeed attacked Europe and virtually taken over Spain. The crusades were the Christian answer which evolved into the battles for Jerusalem.
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                    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years ago
                      Did I quote from chemistry, math or physics texts?

                      The concept of the crusades being the christian answer to saracen invasion of Spain versus seeking to take back Jeruselum from the beginning is arguable. Clearly it was about power, the power of the ignorant, intolerant christian church over people versus the more tolerant, far more advanced muslim peoples over peoples.

                      You can argue that the saracens took over Spain in 771, but Spain was hardly secured by christians at that point. No doubt the christians were mortified of the muslims at that point. Around this time the muslims looked a whole lot more like the US than the christians. They were more tolerant, had banking, trade, technology and science. During this time, it was the saracens that tolerated other religions, particularly jews. Charlemagne, Urban and the christians were as bad as Nazis. Cordoba had muslims, jews, christians, mature trade, clocks compasses, paved streets, street lights and knowledge of Asia. Europe had none of these.

                      On his way to the crusades, Count Emicho (of Germany) took it on himself to slaughter jews in many towns. His troops killed ~5,000, in 1096, when the population of Europe was ~50M.

                      My point is that christians have been on the wrong side of the same justice you complain about more than muslims. Today is just a day, and neither text has changed significantly in 1,000 yrs.

                      Why are the christians so tame? They have SUVs, all the food ten people could eat and 50" TVs. Again, what would the Westboro Baptist Church be doing if it could institute policy, and separately where were the self-policing christians in Nazi Germany?

                      It is wholly inappropriate to act like the recent disgusting behavior is unique to islam. It is just wrong. Islam is a tool of the present terrorist to gain power and attention, nothing more, and chritianity has been used just as many or more times for the same end.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
        "Islam is being used by individuals to control the masses for power, exactly, like christianity and other religions have been used to control people for power. "
        Extremists of all types try to use religion get people to turn off their brains and hate one another. I can hear them in their chops at the prospect of widespread fighting and killing in the name of the religion.
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      • -1
        Posted by $ jlc 10 years ago
        Thank you, Thoritsu. I really dislike all Muslims being thrown into one basket (and turned to glass, according to some). I also think that it is crucial to realize that Christians pick and choose amongst the statements in their book just as the Muslims do. Enlightened people will find religious justification for their views; so will terrorist radicals.

        We do not need to eliminate the Muslim religion; we do need to deal with Muslim terrorists (and, yes, call them "Muslim terrorists" - maybe some of the Muslim non-terrorists will get tired of the term and turn on their extremist element and start kicking their butts. Wait that has happened: the Kurds are Muslims (at least some of them).).

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        • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years ago
          The Muslims need an Islamic Reformation. While there have been those who have used the Christian religion as a pretext for their power and conquest, there is nothing in the theology of Christianity that advocates such. That is the difference with Islam, where the fundamental tenets of the religion itself dictate that an infidel should be offered the opportunity to convert and if they refuse, they can be beheaded. No other major religion says convert or die, only Islam. Until they renounce such, they are an existential threat to which the only result can be elimination of one or the other.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years ago
            Interesting thought, Rob. Christianity for a while lost its Dark Ages mind but so painfully for gradually Age of Enlightenment did a course correction more in tune with the teachings of Christ.
            I'm not so sure what kind of kinder gentler course correction can be made with the teachings of Mohamed, though. I don't think the idea of coexistence really works for Islam.
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            • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years ago
              They need the equivalent of a Martin Luther.
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              • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years ago
                First thought: That would be a miracle.
                Immediate second thought: They need a miracle.
                I stare at those thoughts in print.
                Nothing else comes.
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                • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years ago
                  Pray for a miracle? Just a thought.
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                  • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years ago
                    That's doable.
                    Still, I've off and on been wondered about a passage in Revelations that the Antichrist will have his followers chop off the heads of Christian who refuse to worship him.
                    What's the only religion left in the world whose members (not all) still lop off heads with gleeful abandon?
                    Is this Islam's irreversible destiny? Is that from where the Antichrist shall spring up from?
                    Or shall the future prove that my theory barked up the wrong tree?
                    I'm just supposing here.
                    And there is a Christian school of thought who thinks Revelations should be one of the "lost books of the Bible."
                    Most of those lost books aren't really lost. I once had a book that contained such "lost books."
                    Later that became a program on the History Channel.

                    Just ran back after taking a quick look. There's gobs of stuff about those "lost books" on the Internet. Here's one picked almost at random--

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                    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years ago
                      Yes, not really lost, just not "acceptable" to whatever hierarchy was in place at the time. I disagree with all "editorializing" when it comes to "truth." Too often failing humans use their own desires as the filter to "truth."
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                      • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years ago
                        I've interested in a Geneva Bible that King James is said to have altered for his, of course, King James Bible.
                        I grew up with a Catholic Bible that Catholics were not encouraged to read. Each Sunday mass had a reading from an Epistle and a Gospel before the sermon was preached.
                        When I moved away from home I also moved out of being a Catholic.
                        I had a problem with Purgatory and praying for souls in it. I also had a problem with praying to Mary, angels, saints and dead relatives.
                        My parents told me that the Church just needed to grow.
                        I was all like, well, it already has had two thousand years.
                        I learned a couple of years ago that the Catholic Church finally grew up enough to finally dump the Purgatory that was never even in the Catholic Bible.
                        I'm still not going to go back and pray to Mary or even to St. Patrick on my same day birthday.
                        I always wear green and brag about being a quarter Irish.
                        Jesus is the door to God. That's all there is, folks. Neat and simple.
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                        • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years ago
                          I also like the doorway analogy.

                          Just curious, having corned beef and cabbage on your birthday?
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                          • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years ago
                            I was not planning to. never have, can't recall if my dear departed mother ever did that, but it's an idea.
                            Some mouse coward gave you a zero just above and and before your "Yes, not really lost, etc."
                            I just did what I could with my own +1.
                            I am peaches, I am cream.
                            I'm the captain of the team.
                            Yay me!
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                            • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years ago
                              You make me laugh. Whomever is doing the down voting (I have my suspicions who's having the snit fit today) is just wasting their time. No need for you to waste any in trying to "correct" their error. The points really don't matter.

                              As for the corned beef and cabbage, I love it. Can't get anyone else to eat any, so the stew pot that I make once a year lasts me for a couple of weeks.
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                              • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years ago
                                As for the snipped-off points, I just can't stand by and look at that unless it has happened to CG or someone really writing something stupid or being a troll.
                                I've helped other picked-on innocents here with that.
                                Harrumph! Be assured that Capt. Allosaur shall carry on in that noble crusade. Oorah!
                                For as Robin Williams said playing Popeye in that movie, "I have a sinsk of humiligration."

                                How do you fix that corned beef and cabbage stew pot by the way?
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                                • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years ago
                                  Since I only get to have it one time a year, I don't have a set recipe, but just go out to the inter-web and find something that looks reasonable.

                                  Here's one that looks good - http://www.food.com/recipe/corned-beef-a...
                                  I'd drop out the onion (I hate onions) and the potatoes - they're merely filler in this recipe. The bay leaf, allspice, and cloves are necessary for the flavor. And the carrots and cabbage add the sweetness.
                                  I'm the only one in my house that will eat it. What can I say, the rest have no taste (although they all like it when I grill Fillet).
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          • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years ago
            An Islamic Reformation is exactly what is needed! Could be a great idea, and an excellent platform for a Republican (or better Libertarian) presidential candidate to use! The idiot progressives would be crushed at their own game of European wimpiness, and we'd be calling out the middle east to self-police.

            "We westerners have had our challenges with religious intolerance, including all sorts of intolerable, abominable acts of persecution and violence against persons not conforming. These persist in modest form, as do most forms of diverse opinion. However, they rarely society or cause violence. Ours was a Renaissance, a religious reformation taking considerable time. With the resources and speed of communication available today, the west (or US) seeks to help islam to free itself from the cancerous radical element causing so much societal damage to its people, in a manner more rapid than our own transition to religious tolerance and secularism..."

            Great idea Robbie!
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            • -1
              Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
              "An Islamic Reformation is exactly what is needed!"
              Yes. I think they need a widely-recognized Pope-like figure to define the religion's position on modern events. Otherwise people are free to pick passages that show the religion is whatever they want it to be. Islamist extremists use this to call for a religious war, and people who want war for whatever reasons are eager to oblige.

              If the Caliph represented the *average* religious person, the religion would be focused on things like getting our kids to respect others, work hard, and not squander their inheritance; it would be much less about violent extremism.
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              • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years ago
                Seems like dominant figures like the Kings of Jordan and Saudi Arabia and perhaps the partially secular Egyptian and Indonesian States (others?) could be brought together to document a position on what Islam is and what it is not there might be some traction. None of these peoples benefit from radical islam.
                Perhaps they could persuade their clerics to make specific statements rejecting radical islam, and encouraging people to "identify non-believing criminals that seek to bring about war, pestilence and continued poverty on their countries by wastefully taunting and offending the wrath of peaceful countries outside our borders. Our texts says to wage war on invaders, but these people are not invaders. We have become the offenders through radical actions."

                Maybe I'm just jousting at windmills...again, but I think this could work, and what a position for the US to take!
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                • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
                  "I think this could work, and what a position for the US to take!"
                  I agree with you. I wonder if there's some way to reach the average people. Baywatch reached the average person, which gets people's attention but can used to show how decadent the secular world is. The thing I don't get is science and capitalism *deliver the goods*. Do people want have thousands of on-demand video show? They can debate whether the shows should be porno or religious programming, but science and capitalism are what delivers them. I wonder if most average people see these Islamists taking over their country and say, "you teenage fools. Science and capitalism makes things happen. Your policy just aggrandizes you and fires up war-hungry teenage fools in foreign land and that's until some combatant kills you. You could instant learn to do something productive and enough for a nice iPod to spread the word of god to your friends or just do whatever you want."

                  Science and capitalism work. I don't understand why they're not universally popular.
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                  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years ago
                    Love the Baywatch note! So true.

                    Also agree that science and capitalism work. Why don't people make them more popular? Great question, and where Objectivism stalled.

                    As Don Adams would say, "Would you believe the problems parallels the Ant and the Grasshopper motif?" The Klingon in me says that when natural selection stopped (a long time go for humans), the positive traits were no longer cherished and erotic traits succeeded, even though they are not PC. We humans are smart enough to recognize success, but like paddling a canoe from the back, it is easy to coast.

                    Even better, feel good by participating in an institution where the ants support the grasshoppers! ...Feels so good...

                    Because we lack external limits or controls, we settle with sloth and lethargy...except the few that are self-driven. These successful are despised by the others (back to the force the ants theme).

                    Unfortunately, all this seems natural to me, except for the absence of limits, but the gothic conclusion also seems natural. I would love to be able to objectify this problem and get people seeking controls to limit it...or we wait for the second coming of the invisible pink unicorn.
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                    • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
                      "the positive traits were no longer cherished and erotic traits succeeded, even though they are not PC."
                      Have you seen the movie Idiocracy. It's a goofy comedy about that.
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                      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years ago
                        Seen it several times.

                        While watching, I keep wondering 1) why I can't stop watching, and 2) is there is any reason it could/couldn't happen. Now that you mention it, it does seem like a comic version of Atlas Shrugged, 1984, Brazil, etc.
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              • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years ago
                The Christian (well, Protestant as it ended up being called) reformation was not done by the Pope, but rather a local priest who found that the church hierarchy had strayed from the tenets of the faith.
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        • Posted by wiggys 10 years ago
          maybe you haven't been paying attention, but have you seen or heard any of the muslims standing up and saying to the bad muslims you are hurting all of us with your actions; NO why because the bulk about 95 percent of them are not educated, so they know not of what is going on or if they do they have no interest in stopping it. the latest uprising started for the most part in 1979 so they have had 30 plus years to do something and they haven't because it does not mean anything to them. their life is in squalor and they obviously like it that way. just listen to the mulas.
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          • Posted by $ jlc 10 years ago
            Yes, I have. After an atrocity is committed, there is often a statement by a prominent Muslim spiritual or political leader condemning the terrorist attack and referencing the Koran to uphold his statements.

            Last year, a team of Islamic scholars issued a refutation of ISIS underlying theology: (quote)
            Awad said its aim is to offer a comprehensive Islamic refutation, “point-by-point,” to the philosophy of the Islamic State and the violence it has perpetrated. The letter’s authors include well-known religious and scholarly figures in the Muslim world, including Sheikh Shawqi Allam, the grand mufti of Egypt, and Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, the mufti of Jerusalem and All Palestine.

            A translated 24-point summary of the letter includes the following: “It is forbidden in Islam to torture”; “It is forbidden in Islam to attribute evil acts to God”; and “It is forbidden in Islam to declare people non-Muslims until he (or she) openly declares disbelief.”

            This is not the first time Muslim leaders have joined to condemn the Islamic State. The chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, Aiman Mazyek, for example, last week told the nation’s Muslims that they should speak out against the “terrorist and murderers” who fight for the Islamic State and who have dragged Islam “through the mud.”

            These acts do not claim much public attention, however. They disturb out blackandwhite mentality.

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            • Posted by m1tmc 10 years ago
              These statements need more PRESS so we are aware that there are those that are ?openly? condemning of actions by Islamic terrorists. People have, in the past, committed atrocities "in the name of Jesus", but we aren't supposed to identify those killing in the name of Allah or Mohamed? And they proclaim that they are? If we had a bunch of Christians running around killing folks today, one way to identify them would be if they were carrying a cross. Would we ignore that,? ....I wouldn't ignore a cross if I was living during the Inquisition, .I'd run like hell, it's too late if they are already coming for you.. A president is supposed to be .....neutral?. but this one either gets his talking points from his muslim advisors or is one. And that's his business, but "the Emporer's New Clothes" are symbolic in everything he does. .
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  • Posted by $ jlc 10 years ago
    I would like to say that it is a bad situation that we, as a country, have gotten ourselves into a position where in order to be elected POTUS you have to lie and say you are a Christian - whether or not you are.

    I would like it a lot more if someone just out and said they were Muslim or Atheist. Sadly, this would guarantee their non-election.

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    • Posted by sumitch 10 years ago
      They can say it if they wish but they will not be elected only if the majority of the Electoral College votes against them. This nation was founded on Christian principals which have been carried forward for over 200 years.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years ago
    There is no doubt that BHO has a proclivity toward Islam. His actions veritably shout it at you. The 20 years he attended Wright's church suited his far left background but never made him a Christian or anything else but a radical.
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  • Posted by Lucky 10 years ago
    There is an expression in rhetoric for this,
    diversionary tactic.

    You would be hard pressed to find a supporter of those Christian injustices today, yet s there is a flood of volunteers wanting to join in the current atrocities.
    Obama says, “No God condones terror.” Yet Muhammad is depicted in a hadith as having said: “I have been made victorious through terror” (Bukhari 4:52.220). And the Qur’an says: “Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah and your enemies…” (8:60)

    OB said: “It also just indicates the degree to which whatever ideology they’re operating off of, it’s bankrupt.”

    I make a call to help OB, does anyone know the name he searches for to describe- 'whatever ideology',
    some form of Presbyterianism maybe, or is it right-wing Zionism, Buddhists for climate action, or fundamentalist Objectivists? Beats me.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 10 years ago
    To Thoritsu and Sumitch, please provide the publication date of the Koran you a reading from. You see the translation differ a bit from pre WWII and more current publications. The one I have is from 1939, translated from the origin old Arabic. It is called "ALKORAN OF MOHAMMED". It is in chapters without verse numbers. In chapter II, "The Cow" spends a great deal of pages of how a believer should behave, pray and know that all others are "idolators". If a true believer is attacked by an idolator that Gods Mercy is to dispatch the attacker to hell. God is in this translation is not called Allah.
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    Posted by term2 10 years ago
    I think all of the religions are BS, and based on one sort of nonsense or another. They have all killed and tortured so called 'non-believers'. The mormons were chased after relentlessly by the very government that upheld religious freedom, and they finally fled the US into Mexican territory- only to find that territory captured by the US, and the persecution resumed. Supposedly it was over polygamy (whatever.....), but I suspect it probably had to do with the fact they believed different thing.

    All that being said, I suspect strongly that Obama IS a muslim, but just hid behind christianity in order to get elected. Not that I care, and would have felt better if he admitted it. I also think that the muslim religion is very warlike towards "non believers", and therefore I am very wary of muslims who dont come out specifically and vocally against the violence we see perpetrated by so called "extremist" muslims. If you dont come out against it, you are saying implicitly that the violence against non believers is OK.
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