america-james-garner-reagan.jpg (JPEG Image, 919 × 500 pixels)
Posted by MikeGoodman59 10 years ago to Politics
Garner, a true American hero, in my book. Any comments on the Reagan "hysteria?" Plenty to disagree with Reagan on. Could have voted for him but didn't. No regrets. Surely better than Mondale/DuKaka.
Could be that Reagan's political ideas made him a less than perfect fit to run SAG, but made him a much better fit as a conservative POTUS.
Could be that Reagan cared more about America than he cared about the Screen Actors Guild.
"Yeah... a brilliant strategy.
Overcharge Iran for weapons to use against Iraq, then use he excess amount to fund the Contras that the communists in Congress wouldn't let us support in their fight against the communists of central America.
P.S. Why is Hiraghm being censored? I find his input very refreshing....
which was considered, well, unseemly. -- j
Too bad, since what comments I have been opening seem to be both respectful and relevant.
to stir things up a bit, from time to time. -- j
Overcharge Iran for weapons to use against Iraq, then use he excess amount to fund the Contras that the communists in Congress wouldn't let us support in their fight against the communists of central America.
"Yup, he made the mistake of making a deal with progressives and expecting them to hold up their end."
This happened to Reagan more than once...!
Happened to Bush more than once too. And Bush senior. And Ford. And Nixon. And Boehner. Seeing a pattern? :)
The Democrats are much better than the Republicans when it comes to "the end justifies the means." They definitely have focus, and a taste for the jugular...!
It is kind of like dealing with terrorists...the GOP needs to learn from the Democrats, and adapt their methods.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" was not provided to him, but adlibbed.
This was the beginning to the end of the cold war...which Reagan won.
Also Reagans' "Tear down this wall" was not what won the cold war. It was won when Reagan increased our military spending by a couple percent forcing the Russians into complete insolvency trying to keep up.
I would venture a guess that you would really have to go back to Lincoln and before to find presidents that gave speeches they themselves wrote and gave.
And I did say 'This was the beginning to the end of the cold war...', not that the quote finished it.
If history is accurate, no one but Reagan knew this was going to be said...and that fits the definition of adlib perfectly!
Reagan did both quite well...!
A consummate orator. Yeah, right. That's what teleprompters, pre-written speeches, and media lackeys are for. That's why Obama has never taken questions from the White House Press Corpse. (pun intended)
A consummate politician. This one's a logical fallacy. You didn't get voted into office to compromise. You ran on a platform of ideas and getting a majority to buy into those ideas. The politicians (see John McCain) who can't differentiate themselves from their opponents universally lose.
A consummate international negotiator. If you're not getting an "Oslo Accords" done during your Presidency, you're just not successful. Nevermind how well these "treaties" actually work out. Please. Leave such to the State Department and the Senate (for Ratification).
A movie star. It only really worked with Reagan. But it's great for hosting fundraisers!
A trial lawyer. Actually, this one is vital if you want to play the system or evade the laws entirely.
A professional golfer. Obama's lowered his game from an average of 100 strokes to just 80. Of course he's been on the links more than any other President in history...
A Teacher. Because that seat in the ivory tower is just so compelling as a reason for people to listen to you.
A Community Organizer. This one is politically necessary because you need to stir up trouble and inflame emotions for your pet cause.
A Police Chief. Because you know he has to have an opinion on every random legal violation that happens... Please. That's what the Justice Department is for.
Commander-in-Chief. Now this one actually is part of the real job description. But Hitler lost WW II for Germany because of his constant intervention. Sound familiar? No. The job of the C-in-C is to lobby Congress about when it is necessary to go to war and that's about it. Leave everything about the prosecution of the war to the Pentagon.
A perfect economist. Actually, of ALL the other jobs, this is the one I wish the President really DID have a sound background in, as it affects EVERYTHING else. What's the #1 predictor in an election year? Hint: it isn't abortion, religion, gay rights, or entitlements... It's the economy, stupid.
For me, I'd much rather have a President who recognized his/her limitations, had a solid foundation of rational ideals, and knew how to effectively use the CABINET (look up how many times Obama has even met with his Cabinet and compare that to the number of times he's met with Valerie Jarrett...) to come up with courses of action. Of course my idea of a Presidential Cabinet has only about 2-3 members of any import...
Agree, any good leader (CEO, POTUS, even an engineering manager) recognizes their limitations, and supplements with other smart people.
Reagan loved this country and warned people before he became president, about communism. Yes, he made concesssions to the CFR, like keeping the Dept. of Education, but he spoke up for this country. No, he did not end the Cold War, it never did end, communists decided to take over from within instead - and have moved into our school systems. Thank you CFR! I loved Ed Asner on Mary Tyler Moore, and the actors loved him as head of their union, but his ideas were pure socialism and really awful. So, how someone tries to appease a union full of socialists and communists is no way to judge a president who should love this country. Reagan was as good as we have seen for many years.
So, although I like Garner's acting abilities, his opinion sucks.
The Iranians were so afraid of Reagan, they did not want to wait for the man to be sworn in.
Diss Reagan if you want, but just getting that peanut brained Jimmy Carter out of office may be the best thing he ever did.
Uh, besides freeing millions of East Germans . .
who were strong u.s.-loving constitutionalists, I think,
with whom he was able to lead this nation. . we need
that kind of leadership now. -- j
... In My Never-So-Humble Opinion (imnsho)...
Which isn't always a virtue.
Al Gore is is Al Sharpton...and too many pundits on MSNBC.
Most of the 'actors' of Garner's ilk and after are, on average 'outspoken' about their beliefs AND enjoy the mass media's providing them the bully pulpit to speak from...
But they are also the epitome of people who "get handed speeches to present," too!
And then they have the nerve to critique Reagan for having done it? Talk about hypocrisy!
Obama's TelePromptErs provide better speeches than most actors do today...
I was trying to be polite, but I see I have to be more honest than that. Garner was off base. I saw him in a play when he was still "Maverick"..He was shorter than I imagined him to be.. So much for Mr. Baumgarner..
That explains his attacking his better.... ;-)
Here is proof that having a popular TV show doesn't require much gray matter....
And even more proof that looking for your American heroes in Beverly Hills requires even less...if that is possible!
Rockford Files, Maverick television (Garner).
MickGoodman69 gets the rest for thinking there are any heroes with the 90210 zip code....
It seems he was a Democrat activist.
He was so radical that he refused to play one specific role unless the political affiliation of the character was changed from Republican to Democrat.
Knowing that he was that ideologically driven, it is no surprise that he could find little positive to say about Reagan.
Jeb got many charter schools started, in spite of the rabid attacks from the teacher's union. They have been a godsend....
"... no one is perfect, Reagan wasn't, but much better then what we have to work with...."
Now: if it comes down to Jeb vs. Hillary, why wouldn't your above proclamation get you to the polls?
Rational thought is supposed to reign in here....
Your exact statements:
"I will not vote for another Bush. Period. Nor will my wife...."
" I also didn't say I wouldn't vote, just not for Bush."
By your own words, if Jeb is running you will not give him your vote. Therefore, you will have given the Progressive candidate a vote.
That, my friend, is biting off your nose to spite your face.
Illogical...and bordering on childish.
Hillary does, however, fit the evil definition quite well.
I saw my first 2016 bumper sticker today: "I am ready for Hillary". I sat behind that Prius and marveled how he could drive bent over, with cheeks spread...!
I 'wasted' my last vote making a 'statement' on Ross Perot...!
I voted emotionally...not intelligently.
Like I pointed out: I inadvertently (read: stupidly) helped Bill Clinton move into the WH.
You are totally wrong to assume that I didn't want Bush Sr. in office. I was simply more attracted to Ross Perot. If I had used my head, and not my heart, I would have realized that the "big sucking sound" Perot was talking about was going to be the 15% conservative vote that would have sent the Clintons back to Hope (or was it Grope) Arkansas....
In a struggle between your head and heart, use your head. (John Galt).
I wish that I had!
And I am sure that I am not alone....
And you mention that Reagan had a speechwriter? I can't believe I'm the only one here who's been a libertarian long enough to know the name Karl Hess. Wikipedia has a half-decent page about him, though they don't mention that Hess was a convicted tax resister who avoided ever paying by putting everything he owned in his wife's name. A hero in my book.
As for Garner, he's just a lefty like everyone else in Hollywood. But at least he's not as loudmouthed as Mel Gibson (or knows better than to drink as much as Gibson does).
You quoted John Galt with my solution: head over heart...every time.
I LOVE the US (too) but don't go to extremes on either side, so I still can't, in good 'faith' (so to speak) vote a conservative OR liberal ticket.
And most candidates' party platforms prevent them from achieving any 'balanced view' that I COULD support!
Yes, I feel very lonesome, that way.