A photo that says it all

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 4 months ago to Pics
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A friend posted this on FB. I HAD to share it. Enjoy!

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  • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
    You'll note that government didn't go off the rails until the 19th Amendment was passed. Research shows that as women got the vote, they forced unrelenting deficits. If you think $17 trillion in debt, $200 trillion in unfunded mandates over the next 50 years and borrowing 25-46 cents for every dollar the Feral government spends is a problem - thank a woman.
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    • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years, 3 months ago
      It is a bit more complicated then that. The women’s movement wasn’t really going anywhere till they joined forces with the labor forces which often were made up of young european women immigrants. Women had the vote when this country was first founded.Had that not changed, then maybe things wouldn’t have come to a head when marxist labor unions formed. Do men like your approach? Or are you obliged to follow some strict christian dogma or something that makes you want to see your sex in a subservient role in politics? You are a girl, right? Just checking...
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 11 years, 3 months ago
        Might have had the vote in a state or two but not nationally. The women's movement really ballooned with the prohibitionist.
        Remember that the labor forces were socialist and communist - still are.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
        maybe she's a Moslem, did *that* ever occur to you? No. You Objectivists are all alike...

        Back in the mid '80s, buried in a science magazine, there was an article about a study that was done.
        Men and women were tested for their views on justice. The men tended to think that justice was a matter of rewarding good behavior and punishing bad behavior.
        The women tended to think that justice lay in doing the least harm to the smallest number of people.

        The conclusion drawn was that men in hunting parties had to do the right thing or somebody got killed, or at least they went home empty handed.
        The women, on the other hand, were back at base camp, with the elderly, children and infirm to look after. They were sitting on a kettle pot of social conflict, and their interest would primarily be in keeping things peaceful. The gathering they did didn't require specific behavior to stay alive, or usually even to acquire food.
        Due to the differing social dynamic, a schism in thinking occurred.

        So, yes, this study might be used to suggest that women have a greater affinity for socialism than do men. This, not surprisingly, mimics what I've learned from experiencing and actually speaking with women.
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      • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
        Wow, Mimi, your knowledge of history seriously sucks!

        Wyoming was the first state to grant women the right to vote in 1869. It began to run deficits almost immediately. Over the next 50 years, about 25 states gave women the vote. In each case, they began to run deficits, while states that had NOT given women the vote did NOT run deficits. Neighboring states - women get the vote in one, not in the other. The one where they get the vote? Instant deficits. In 1920 when the remaining states and the Feral government gave women the vote, all began to run deficits.

        If you can think of another factor that would cause a state to NOT run deficits BEFORE women get the vote, but uniformly caused states to run deficits AFTER women began voting, and which took place over a period of 50 years - let's hear it.

        As for following "strict dogma", I'm just tired of watching women (whose knowledge of economics is, on average, 5 times worse than men's) ruin America with their "charge it" mentality. Aren't you?
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        • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years, 3 months ago
          What’s up with all these people who keep telling me I don’t know anything about history????
          How about the New Jersey Constitution of 1776, moron. I’m done here.
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          • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
            New Jersey wasn't a State in 1776, was it? It was still a colony...
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            • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years, 3 months ago
              No. I threw the word “State" in by accident. I was tired and pissed. Good catch, Hiraghm. My point was that women had the vote early on when this country was founded. Had they left the New Jersey law alone, setting the example for others to follow, the woman’s right to vote wouldn’t have languished until several points of serious contention in society came to a head. The women’s suffrage ran head on with child-labor, poor working conditions, unsafe housing, political corruption, poverty, then the early socialist labor unions --all these things served to synergies the women’s suffrage movement. My point was women wouldn’t have taken on such radical political views (for the time) had they been allowed to vote all along.
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              • Posted by $ Susanne 11 years, 3 months ago
                Or worse, exploited by the sociomarxists for their own evil purposes... face it - the Marxists used women so they could get power on false promises by having women push their false doctrine in the name of "social justice" with the BS promise of "We'll get you the vote".

                They backed the Suffaragists for their own evil intent. Look at the timeline - when was the Marxist Doctrine extablished (in 1848), and when did the sufferagists start to hold sway?

                IF we weren't later denied what was once given us as our right when our country was a babe, the marxists and their horsepatootie doctrine wouldn't have had us to carry their weight and shoved their filthy banners in our hands giving us the lie "We're here for you, comrade"... we were opportunity for a cheap and easy laborforce for their game, and they used us.

                They were there for themselves. They always are. Ans you can smell that stink a mile away. And what's sad is you can smell it creeping in on this board, trying to divide us and conquer.

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    • Posted by khalling 11 years, 3 months ago
      now I remember you! I wondered when you were going to bring THAT up again.
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      • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
        I'll bring it up as long as there are people who don't understand that the destruction of America is a direct result of women getting the vote. I don't know if women can learn to be more responsible. 100,000 years of evolution argue against it - but experience is a harsh and sometimes effective teacher. When the society that made it safe for women to speak out collapses because of the irresponsible voting of women (to spend more than the society can bear), maybe they'll connect the two.

        Probably not.

        The Democrat party is the party of women. A majority of women (and a minority of men) elected Obama. Twice. The gender gap is 20%+. The economy, government and society you see today is the net result of ~100 years of the female vote.
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        • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 3 months ago
          I'm pretty sure your audience in here is NOT irresponsible woman. Admittedly you make a couple of good points BUT would you have us leave the country? What's the solution? I think irresponsibility is across the board. Maybe some just feel more sorry for a woman who's made bad choices than they do for a man. Maybe THOSE people are the problem (the ones who have too much sympathy for bad choices). Or Maybe it's those stinkin' babies that those darn woman make all by themselves that are the real root of all the problems. Self impregnation should be outlawed!
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          • Posted by Zenphamy 11 years, 3 months ago
            "Maybe THOSE people are the problem (the ones who have too much sympathy for bad choices). Or Maybe it's those stinkin' babies that those darn woman make all by themselves that are the real root of all the problems. Self impregnation should be outlawed!"
            Or maybe women should have to take responsibility for the idiots they let between their legs. Tossing babies into the discussion seems a little outside of AR's philosophy.
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            • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 3 months ago
              We're ALLOWED to discuss things outside AR's philosophy.
              And men should take some responsibility for what happens when they get between someone's legs too. That was my point. BambiB was blaming everything on women (I mentioned he made some points), but in some cases it takes men getting involved in the mix with these women and their messes. Believe you me, I am not excusing ANY of them from anything. Idiots...all of 'em.
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              • Posted by Zenphamy 11 years, 3 months ago
                You are very right about responsibility and correct in bringing both sides(?) into accountability. I'm afraid I might have over-reacted to the inclusion of children in the discussion. I'm fairly new to this group and have yet to fit into some of the humor on the site, though I do enjoy it.

                But on the other hand, I find much merit in BambiB's voicing of what so many think, but fear to speak. I'm not a misogynist to any degree, though my life experience has provided an understanding of the differences between women (in general) and men (in general). As both a libertarian and obectivist, I'm really interested in trying to understand a way(s) to bring those differences to solutions to problems facing both sexes.

                By the way, thanks for responding.

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          • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
            I think there's truth in what BambiB says, but I don't think it's (necessarily) inherent in women.
            Consider the black vote, that went 98% or some such for Obama. Is that some genetic failing of black people? Some black propensity for supporting Marxism? One could point at all the failed Marxist states in Africa as further example.

            No, I don't think it's genetic. Consider what BambiB said about Wyoming and other States running deficits. Women have been in their own world for decades, primarily centered around family life and civic interactions... and not educated about national/world affairs the way men were. They're not going to make consistently wise and reasoned decisions, and will in large part have to go on "feelings" about issues.

            It's why would-be dictators everywhere have supported "democracy" for ignorant masses, and then fought to keep them ignorant. Stalin, Mao, Castro, Ho Chi Minh... hell, it goes all the way back to the French Revolution.
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            • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
              Actually, I think the "failing" is that women are more risk averse. They aren't brave. They don't REALLY think they can make it on their own. 100,000 years of natural selection has told them this. For most of the time our species has existed, woman who couldn't tie a man down to provide for her, to protect her and her kids - was last-week's sabertooth chow. Men were the hunters/defenders/providers. Women were the communications/schemers/manipulators.

              Along comes the opportunity to nail down ANOTHER man as provider, and hey! Why not? So they hook up with "Uncle Sam" and he starts giving them goodies. After a while they figure, "Who needs a real man when Uncle Sammy will give me what I want - and I don't have to clean up after him, or cook for him or any of that other stuff I might have to do for a husband!!?" And so divorces (which as late as the early 20th Century could ONLY be had by a man) became the new female pastime. Today, single-parent families are nearly 50% of all families. Yeah, women are biologically programmed to pop out kids too, which used to be the glue that sort of cemented the family together. The idea of paternity payments and alimony was to compensate for the idea that the man was making all the decisions, and if he bungled it, he had to pay. Today, a considerable portion of women (surely none on THIS site :-O ) hook up, pop out a kid, send the government to collect money and never have any intention of forming a traditional "nuclear" family. When women can get money from an ex-husband (courtesy of Uncle Sam), why put up with the person? The joke goes, "Why get married? Just find someone who hates you and give them half your stuff and half your income for the next 20 years."

              Unfortunately for women (well, for all of us really) women have gone too often to the well, and it's run dry.

              As for the black contingent, there IS a biological component, but it's not politically correct to talk about it. Most blacks in the US came over as slaves and were bred, not for intelligence, but for physical strength and endurance. So what race dominates most sports? And what race is routinely at the bottom of the barrel in any sort of mental or academic testing? Another inconvenient truth is that a very large component of intelligence is hereditary. What you DO with that intelligence is open to motivational variation - but if you lack the basic tools to think, well, you'll do things like vote for Obama. Then again, politics tends to be seen by the stupid class (Republican, Democrat, male, female, black, white... the dumbest and least experienced of each) as some sort of tribal contest. They don't seem to realize they're voting for something that affects their lives. It's more like they're voting to kick the OTHER tribe "off the island". So of course you get the black tribe voting for the black tribe member, even if he's the leader of the women's tribe. On the men's tribe side, the presidential candidate chose a running mate from the female tribe - so the pattern is pretty clear. Candidates try to look like they "fit" within as many tribal groups as possible. (If Hitler were a black female conservative christian he'd have a shot.)

              Finally, as I've mentioned before, when tested on their knowledge of economics, 5 times as many men scored "outstanding" as women and correspondingly, five times as many women posted failing scores as men, so whatever the reason, family, civic interactions, whatever, women generally don't have the basic knowledge to make rational decisions about economic matters beyond the purely microeconomic environment of their personal experience... and Home Shopping Network exists because even THAT level of knowledge is highly suspect.
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            • Posted by $ Genez 11 years, 3 months ago
              I've always believed the vote should be tied to property ownership. (now of course, if you are making payments, ie mortgage that would have to be included since by todays standards that is property ownership). In the case of a husband and wife, both would get the privilege of voting. The point is that the people who pay the property taxes and presumably are earning an adequate income to pay the bills, pay for the property etc, get to vote. Alternatively if you are paying either income tax or property tax you would have the right to vote.

              What would this accomplish? It would eliminate the welfare dependent, the unemployed students and so on from being able to vote. Who votes for more benefits, government expenditures and so on? those benefiting from them in many cases. This way only those who have a vested interest in the results would have a viable say in the decision.

              The problem is not just 'women' or even 'ignorance' (although that is a MAJOR factor) but simple irresponsibility. If you're not paying the bills, of course you're going to vote for people who promise more stuff. If you are paying the bills, you're going to think more about what's being done with your money.
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            • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 3 months ago
              Can we all just stop being dumb? Can we sound an alarm... a "get your head out of your ass" drill of some kind?
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              • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                Yep. It's called "the economic crash of 2014" when the dollar drops to 10% of its present worth (which is only about 2% of its value in 1913). When that alarm goes off, consider it the "you were stupid too long" alarm.
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                • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 3 months ago
                  I think you might be right..... and I can't believe I just said that to you.
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                  • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                    I know. Really shakes people up when they start to understand what I'm saying. Shakes them up even more when they figure out they agree.

                    The overall problem is that people seldom think much further ahead than the end of their own nose. Part of it may be Cassandra fatigue. After all, if you believed the global warming alarmists, you'd expect the Arctic to be ice free by now. The fact that the ice pack increased by something like 60% in one year would make your "mind wobble" (Thank you, Kelly Bundy).

                    That and thermonuclear war, malthusian overpopulation, massive starvation, Kalifornia falling into the ocean (well, we can still hope for that one to happen)... so many warnings, so few came true.

                    The difference is that beyond a point, the economic crash is a mathematical certainty. Have we reached that "point of no return"? Don't know. But it's sort of like steering an ocean liner. If you wait until you're 1000 feet away, forget it. You're gonna crash. The problem is, most people are only looking 10 "feet" into the future.

                    Take Obamacare. Women are for it. Men are generally against it. In the short term, it "promises" better health care for all. But only the men ask, "At what price?" For women, the day the bill comes due is an abstraction they probably don't want to hear about, and might not be able to understand.

                    Another part is that women are just not very good at mathematics. Don't get me wrong - they're actually BETTER than men at arithmetic - less likely to make an addition or subtraction error, or an error pertaining to application of a rote rule. (Better attention to detail than men, in general.) But women are significantly worse than men at abstract analysis, which generally limits their ability to do economic forecasting. I sometimes compare overall gender awareness to two types of light: Women are floodlights (aware of a wide range of data in the near field) while men are spotlights (narrower field, but far deeper awareness). So for quick decisions in the short term with a lot of factors, maybe women are better. But for in depth analysis in the long term, they might not be suitable.

                    Of course, these are broad generalities as applied to the entire population, and not necessarily true as applied to a specific person. Unfortunatley, in our "democracy" (another place we fell down - degenerating from a democratic republic) it is the masses that vote for the future, and at the moment, the majority of voters are not mentally-equipped to do a reasonable job.
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                    • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 3 months ago
                      I've been having the "women think" discussions for years with my husband...this is nothing new to me. It started over gun control (this is going back 30 years and I was young then and lived in a bubble). I always had more guy friends than girl friends because so many girls are petty and air heads and don't realize their brains are for thinking and should be used. Messed up priorities (we can go into the Princess Syndrome that Fathers encourage but I won't go there other than to say my Dad had 5 girls and we didn't think of ourselves as Princesses)...
                      I agree that the voters are not mentally equipped to vote reasonably but that problem is way way bigger than females. Gotta go to work.
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                      • Posted by khalling 11 years, 3 months ago
                        I've met just as many airhead men as women. I call it the good ol' boy syndrome- slapping each other on the back and heading to the links to discuss...wait for it....the last game and when the next game is. they can't take serious discussions because they work hard all week and this is down time. they'll talk about it later because they'd better get to mowing the lawn or the wife will get stirred up...
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                      • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                        Actually, the problem is NOT "way bigger than females" primarily because female voters are the largest voting bloc. I would agree that a large number of men are also responsible for the mess we're in - but the bottom line is, in a "democracy", the mob rules - and the mob is made up of mostly women.

                        The fact that most of your friends are male is an indication that you probably think more like a man than a woman. I've known women like that - but they're relatively rare.
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                        • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 3 months ago
                          I don't agree that women are solely to blame. In the current Senate there are 53 Democrats; 16 Democrat women, which my mathematically impaired brain says leaves 37 Democrat men. Those Democrats are all in lock step with the prez, so who gives him the most votes for his agenda?
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                          • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                            I never said women were "solely" to blame. There are a lot of stupid men out there too.

                            But the representatives were selected by voters, the majority of voters are female, and the gender gap is on the order of 20%. So the MAJORITY of women and a MINORITY of men are to blame for the Demoncrat imbroglio.

                            If you take the vote away from men, you get the same result. If you take the vote away from women, would any Democrat ever be elected?
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                        • Posted by 11 years, 3 months ago
                          Most of my friends, and myself, think for ourselves, earn money, and fall into that "rare" category. I find that I don't really care to be manipulated by others telling me I should feel a certain way, because somehow it's the thing I "should" do, for everybody else.

                          I am an artist. I don't kowtow to the left's propaganda though. Why should I? Just because I'm creative, it doesn't mean I'm for social irresponsibility. I despise when I'm told that I should feel guilty because of success. Or that I think each person is responsible for their lives and actions, that I am NOT in ANY way beholden to them for their existence.

                          I vote not for what can be squeezed out of the system. I vote for hands off, fiscally responsible small government candidates.

                          I guess that makes me a minority thrice over.

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          • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
            Repeal the 19th Amendment.
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            • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 3 months ago
              What next? My gun?
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              • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                An alternative is to divide the economy by race and gender. That is, let the women tax themselves (but not men) for their own benefit (but not men's benefit). Let blacks set up any sort of welfare program they want - funded purely by taxes levied by blacks on blacks, and anyone who wants to contribute. And let men tax men for the benefit of men. You could have blue money and pink money, and black money and the goods made by each gender could be purchased only with the corresponding currency.

                Well, i'm just tossing this out there, but at least that way, when the women vote to spend more than they have, and go into enormous debt, and the pink dollar begins to trade at 1000 to the blue dollar, it will be the women who suffer for their stupidity and not the entire society.

                Hmmm. Representation in government could be on the basis of exchange rate. Or maybe each side could buy votes. Heck, companies are buying votes now... why not get rid of the middle man? Literally BUY votes. If you feel strongly about an issue PAY for the issue with your dollars, and whichever side racks up the most cash, that's the way things go.

                Just musing here. I can see a hundred problems with the idea... which makes it about 12 orders of magnitude better than what we have now. And that's still not saying much.

                As for your gun - keep it in good order. You may need it sooner than you think.
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    • Posted by Zenphamy 11 years, 3 months ago
      And a lot else as well. How many voted for Obama?
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      • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
        According to USAToday:
        As expected, the race between President Obama and Mitt Romney produced the biggest gender gap in presidential election statistical history, according to Gallup.

        Obama beat Romney among women, 56%-44% — 12 points.

        Romney beat Obama among men, 54%-46% — 8 points.

        "That total 20-point gender gap is the largest Gallup has measured in a presidential election since it began compiling the vote by major subgroups in 1952," said the poll.
        "There are a number of possible reasons for the increase in the gender gap this year.

        "For example, Romney's business background may have been more appealing to men than to women.

        "Obama's campaign stressed maintaining the social safety net, raising taxes on the wealthy, maintaining abortion rights, and requiring health care coverage for contraception — all in contrast to Romney's more conservative positions on these issues of potential interest to women."
        In other words, men wanted more rationality and freedom, while women wanted more socialism and bigger government.

        Women won.

        Now we all lose.
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        • Posted by Zenphamy 11 years, 3 months ago
          Thanks for the answer BambiB. The question was a bit rhetorical, but I'm surprised to find someone with so many of my own thoughts on the issues discussed in this thread, particularly one that's so unabashed in voicing the issues. Looks like you've done quite a bit more research than I, but we both have similar views.

          Other research includes a paper done from the University of Michigan in the late 70's to mid 80"s by a female PhD candidate researching the evolutionary pressures that caused the major differences in the female/male world view and even delved into some of the 250 or so physical differences, including brain structure.

          In the mid 80's, a pair of female psychologist in Portland, OR gave a very interesting seminar type of presentation for men (actively protested by NOW) with the lead in of: Are you tired of always being 'wrong' when talking with your wife, your secretary, your daughter (paraphrased)_ that I got to attend, that addressed many of the same issues as they impacted social interactions of today. About the unhappiness so many 20 to 40 year women in the types of relationships they were told by the women's movement to look for. About the mistakes men made in trying to be the type of man that they were told to be. Bottom line - listen to women in your life, but don't act on it, ie don't cry when a whale is killed. Continue to be a male in the interaction and the women find themselves happier.

          Some of my own thoughts are that socialism/communism is necessary and works within the basic family unit of a father(bread winner), mother(home care and child care), and children(growing and needy), but never really works outside of that defined unit. Women, biologically and evolution-wise, are naturally drawn into that type of ism, but few can differentiate the need to alter that outlook when looking at things outside of that unit.

          Although I've had a few friendships and work relations with blacks that were individually rewarding and close, I believe very much as you when it comes to the 400 to 500 years of controlled breeding programs that were designed to exaggerate the genes desired for the owner's desires and benefit (much as has been done for horses, dogs, other farm and work animals) but not necessarily to fit into today's societal structure. Combined with that is the nation's destruction of black social structure and achievement, engineered by what was probably(?) well-meant programs, to urbanize so much of that population into free project and subsidized housing, and single parent support, beginning in the 50's and particularly the 60's and 70's. It has essentially stopped many of the economical and social advances made by blacks during the first half of the century and has turned that community into what it is today.

          I fear that we find ourselves in the unenviable side of the politically correct nature of today. But bravo for your willingness to discuss the taboo.

          It might be interesting to start a thread with the assumption that much of the above is true and ask what are rational Objective thoughts/solutions. Don't know, it might be a war.

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          • Posted by khalling 11 years, 3 months ago
            In your scenario regarding home life, can you explain further. because it seems like you're saying, it's alright for women to be irrational as long as they remain in the home child rearing and leave the important things-bread winning and perhaps voting to the men. Even if I go with that line of reasoning-where is the rational critical thinking developed for the children? The bottom line is men and women are both genetically capable of rational self interest. Period.
            Now to your african american breeding genetic nonsense. Against every measurable criteria, the key component in prosperity across race is economic freedom. Slavery has always existed-there is no unique stamp to the genetics of African American slaves and the brain capable of rational thought Now your second point regarding government policies having more impact on the economic prosperity of blacks in the US has validity. I would say forced busing played a huge role in the breakdown of black social communities. But I certainly agree that minorities taking advantage of public housing placed in urban centers reliant on public transportation and limited job opportunities especially for low skilled workers further caused a break down of the family structure which does result in children growing up learning to rely on emotions rather than critical thinking. There is a post in here somewhere discussing this phenomenon that goes across all race lines. The example cited is Caucasians raised in Hells Kitchen turn of last century. The men had to leave the slum to find work and often they were gone from "home" weeks and months at a time. In the meantime, there was promiscuity and eventually the removal of male affection and obligation to the family. This is result of bad urban planning more than racial tendencies. but go ahead and start a new post on these topics.
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            • Posted by Zenphamy 11 years, 3 months ago
              Khalling: I apologize if I sound like I'm placing or assigning any type of fault. What I was trying to say was that the socialist/communist system was, throughout all but the last few years of our race's evolutionary development and history, essential to the well being of the reality of the family unit in that the resources needed were typically brought to the unit by the man, hunting and exploring for new resources for protein necessary for our brains evolution, while the woman with child had to spend a significant amount of time closely caring for that child, typically 10 to 12 years, and the others that came. In a socialist/communist system, I understand it to be one in which resources are available to and spread between all involved regardless of effort or skill expended to obtain those resources. In the family unit thought to exist, with a few exceptions, for the vast majority of our race's and our ancestor's evolutionary development, such a system was essential to the survival of our race.

              I in no way wished to imply that it's OK for women to be irrational as long as they stay in some kind of role or that a 'proper' role for women led to irrationality on their part. I don't think it's OK to be irrational for any human being, except maybe a small child. I also believe that any and all humans ought to be able to strive for any role or activity in life that they want. My father passed when I was 51/2 leaving my mother with 5 stair-stepped boys to raise. I can certainly remember watching her come out of her irrationality and become a very solid rational human, but it took her about 10 years. Though not extensively educated, she was a very sharp lady, but still had to struggle mightily. But I do think that there exists sufficient evidence to show that men's primary roles throughout the race's history has selectively evolved, in general, to certain innate biological characteristics and abilities and even restrictions that, again in general, require them to perceive and analyze planning and problems in a more expanded nature than women. There does exist identifiable, measurable, and certain physical and biological differences in the female and male brain and perceptions.

              One of those is the numbers of rods and cones active in the female eye compared to those in the male eye. That difference allows women to perceive many more shades and hues of color than do men. Evolutionarily, that is explained by the typical role of women doing much of the plant and herb searching and gathering, while men were primarily required to search for and identify prey at distance and in camouflage. Both were essential components to the race's survival and were selectively evolved by survival.

              Another is the connective tissue between two halves of the cerebrum of the brain, the corpus callosum. In females it is much larger than in males. It is apparently why females, again in general, are better at language and many other societal interactions than males. It's also why men are better at envisioning and analyzing spacial relations than are women. I'm not going to list here all of the accepted, much less those proposed advantages to one sex or the other. I'll leave that to those wishing to research such. It looks like BambiB has much of that detail readily available. It's just factual that these differences exist and are well studied in evolutionary, biological, and psychological science. These particular differences have even been identified in gay and transgender individuals and it's believed that the expression of certain genes result from a misapplication or mistiming of sex hormones prenatal and postnatal. As for your bottom line, yes particular individual women and men are genetically capable of rational self interest, but I'll maintain that certain genes' expression not only are turned on biologically, but also from external stimuli. Thinking and practice. And with this thread, I've certainly learned that there are women on here that are expressing. LOL

              Now, as you say, to black breeding for certain genetic traits. I fear that our Southern ancestors took slavery and the management of slavery to heights that hadn't really been explored or reached prior to then. It's little discussed, but much of the wealth of a plantation owner/operator was vested in his slaves and the purchase of new slaves was a costly expense. Large southern landowners didn't have as much cash available as the northern manufacturers and bankers, so it was even more of a problem. The solution for most was to therefore put more effort into maintaining their 'stock' of slaves and breeding themselves for not only replacement of their own 'stock', but also as a source for sales for cash. Selective breeding of human beings is a horrible, Nazi-like practice to think about, but the successful plantation owner was good at it. Many slave owners even made it their sole business including raising 'studs' and brood 'females' with pedigrees as well maintained as those for horses and dogs. Slaves from those breeders were sold at premium compared to a newly enslaved individual. Breaking in the new slave was a speciality that most plantation owners didn't have or want.

              And as I've mentioned in the discussion of the evolutionary differences in the 'normally' expressed genes of men and women, particular individuals will differ. One of the major roadblocks in any discussion of this type remains the differentiation of the general vs. the individual.

              I agree with you that bussing certainly had some impact, but I maintain that the 'forced' concentration of particularly black families into urban project housing added to significant increases of Aid for Dependent Children programs has been the major contributor to what I feel has been the outright destruction of that particular community's economic gains, educational advances, and societal acceptance in Northern and Western parts of the nation that had been gained by the mid 20th century. While it's true that only small areas of the south had made comparable gains by than, similar programs were employed in that region as well, with comparable results. Most throughout the nation were taxed out of their property and homes rather than 'taking advantage' of urban housing.

              While it might be easier to sensibilities to think of the cause as just inept or bad urban planning, I'm afraid that the word evil comes more to mind for me. I agree with your 'Hells Kitchen' example, remember that most of those immigrants were Eastern Europeans and that the majority of Americans at that time were Eastern and Northern Europeans, but your point remains that the 'phenomenon can certainly go across all race lines. But it has happened in different places, again throughout our race's history and it's always turned out the same for the affected minority. I would think that any 'urban planner' knew that history and I wonder ...

              But thank you for your response. I will certainly give more thought to opening a thread, but again, I'm new to the site and not terribly familiar with the process.

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              • Posted by khalling 11 years, 3 months ago
                you've got alot going on in this post. Consider breaking it down to gender or race. Here's how to post. Up in the righthand top is a button "submit post" click on it and a screen comes up asking you to give it a title, you can cut a paste a url link if you have one-if you don't just go down and write your points in the notes section. You can attach a jpg if you so desire by clicking the little camera icon underneath, if not, hit submit. IT will automatically recognize you when it posts. Don't worry that you have already written this here. Frankly, the post is long and unwieldy and about to get even more so since it made the newsletter.I would just cut and paste from this.
                I will withhold my comments for your post. But I will say one thing. Humans are unique from all other species. They are the only species with the capacity for logical thought-to reason. It cannot be bred out of them.
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          • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
            One of the more illuminating papers I've read on the subject of male v. female thinking was written by the College Entrance Examination Board (CLEP, SAT) folks. Seems they were having a terrible time gender-norming the Physics Level II Achievement test.

            Now this is a test taken by men and women who want to attend elite engineering schools like CalTech or MIT. The people who take it are "self-selected" meaning they take it solely because of their great interest in pursuing the study of advanced physics. All of the "Sally wasn't encouraged to study science" arguments go out the window because these "Sallys" have made a conscious choice to BE interested in physics.

            Yet try as they might, the women's bell curve was always shifted significantly to the left of the male bell curve.

            So the CEEB folks started examining every question asked, who did better, who did worse and what kind of question it was.

            They found that when a question asked for rote application of a formula, women actually did BETTER than men. They made fewer computational mistakes. But when the question asked for new, or abstract reasoning, the women self-destructed.

            The nature of the test was to explore each individual's potential for ADVANCED physics, so asking cookbook questions didn't do the job. On the other hand, asking the advanced questions was blowing women out of the water.

            In the final analysis, the CEEB folks concluded they could either gender norm the test, by eliminating the advanced questions, or they could test knowledge of physics. At the time, they chose the latter.

            One test I've done with women is a very simple analytical test. Draw a glass of water with the water half way up the glass. Draw the same glass tilted at a 30-45 degree angle and have the woman draw the new water level.

            In most cases, women are very careful to try to draw the same LEVEL of water in the glass - but they usually draw the water surface parallel to the bottom of the glass... as if gravity no longer applied! Men don't usually make that mistake.

            Feel free to try the same test on your acquaintances - and report your results back here!

            As for blacks - your point regarding social retardation is entirely valid. By capturing a class and conditioning them to "need" government largesse, the party of women has conditioned them to vote for the likes of Barack Obama. That they cannot see they are still slaves (willing slaves, but still slaves) is a measure of their (lack of) awareness.
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            • Posted by khalling 11 years, 3 months ago
              I have a hard time buying the glass tilted at a 30 degree angle and women drawing the water level surface parallel to the "bottom" of the glass. Unless I do not understand the scenario, the "bottom" of the glass changes to the tilted side of the glass. are you suggesting women have the mentality of 5 year olds?
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              • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                I think you understand the experiment, but the water level is no longer parallel to any side of the glass in a realistic representation.

                Yes, I had a hard time believing it too... until I tried it out. Suggest you do the same. Try it out on half a dozen women. My bet would be that two of them draw the water level parallel to the bottom of the glass, not orthogonally to the gravity vector. Depending on the sample, you may get more than two.

                One suggestion, don't tell them WHY you wanted them to draw the water level (especially if they mess it up) unless you want to be labeled as a "misogynist" or hear an endless stream of bad excuses.

                One friend of mine who got it wrong was a veterinarian turned technical project manager. Not a dummy. But still got it wrong. That one really surprised me.
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                • Posted by 11 years, 3 months ago
                  It doesn't make sense to draw it parallel to the bottom of the glass. Only to draw it relative to the horizontal surface. It's like a stove on a boat. It's on gimbals, so stays on the same plane as the gravitational surface of the earth, not to the heeled angle of the boat, in the case of a sailboat.

                  I also draft plans, and can rotate images in my head, and picture the other side of something. It seems simple to me.
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                • Posted by khalling 11 years, 3 months ago
                  I AM a woman.. and every single woman I know including some I would consider dingbats would not draw the the water level parallel to the tipped side of the glass or the bottom of the glass.. they might pepper you with questions about whether or not the circumference of the glass was the same at the top and bottom, if the 30 degree angle was from the vertical or horizontal axis, etc. who ARE these women you ask? I'll give you an experiment. have a particularly attractive woman dressed tastefully but with a fair amount of cleavage exposed walk up to a guy with a map and ask him to show her on the map where she needs to go. now, time it. Repeat experiment with women and see how quickly the directions are given accurately
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
              One of the things that used to, and still does, PISS ME OFF (you can tell that it really pissed me off because I used both the <i> tag and the <b> tag that the gulch still doesn't have)... was the nonsense the left kept trying to put forward that girls were discouraged from getting involved with video games and video game development.

              I did not know ONE SINGLE male game developer, and I knew a number of them (including the father of the Amiga) who thought women couldn't design video games, and/or who thought women weren't interested in video games. Being computer geeks, the one thing they wanted was women. If anything, women were encouraged to get involved with video game development.

              Interesting side note; women didn't express much interest in video games until Pac-Man came about. Now what was special about Pac-Man compared to Missile Command, Space Invaders, Battlezone, Gorf, etc?
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  • Posted by exindigo 11 years, 3 months ago
    Check this link. The Government Class is screwing us all.

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    • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
      The voters elected them. At least, the majority of voters did. The majority of voters would be... women.

      Connect the dots yet?
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
        The majority of voters are people willing to swallow Obama's fairy stories, obviously.

        You can't have it both ways; either way you figure it, it's men's fault.

        If the nation's women voted for Obama, obviously the men in their lives didn't exercise proper discipline...
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        • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
          Actually, it IS men's fault. Men allowed women to vote.
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          • Posted by Turner1330 11 years, 3 months ago
            LOL! Bambi is cracking me up. Yes it is men's fault because they treated their women as property for centuries, which made women (out of necessity) develop and hone their communication / manipulation abilities. That in turn, created resentment in women which grew over the centuries. Men are the one's whose brains get scrambled by the mere hint of boobies. Women used what they had to gain some form of Freedom, which all of mankind has a right to have. To boil it down to the 19th amendment is laughable, seriously. Women would not have had the "touchy / feely" tendencies, had they not been kept a prisoner beneath a mans thumb. Men can blame themselves for being A#@ holes for so long that they drove women to seek liberty. I do believe in gender roles, which women might have been happy in, had they not been made to feel they were subhuman in said roles.
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
              "Yes it is men's fault because they treated their women as property for centuries,"

              In which cultures? Or are you lumping the anglo-saxon placement of women on a pedestal with the debasement of women in the Islamic world?

              "Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper,
              Thy head, thy sovereign; one that cares for thee
              And for thy maintenance; ***commits his body
              To painful labor both by sea and land,
              To watch the night in storms, the day in cold,
              Whilst thou li'st warm at home, secure and safe***;
              And craves no other tribute at thy hands
              But love, fair looks, and true obedience-- " - Katarina, "Taming of the Shrew"

              yeah, I always suffer and sacrifice for the sake of my property.

              Some things never change. I wrote this short story in reply to an argument I got into with a couple of feminists. Sadly, the point was missed.
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              • Posted by Turner1330 11 years, 3 months ago
                Not a Feminist. Just a human being, with unalienable rights. I happen to have breasts. Human beings should never be the property of another human being. As King Arthur found out (as the legend goes) that what a woman really wants is to be in charge of her own life. Clearly you hold yourself in high esteem. Yes, we've all read Shakespeare. Anyone can pull a quote from anywhere, that doesn't make it truth. You're forgetting that if the husband should die while at his painful labor at sea or on land, the woman (since she was property) would be left with nothing. Destitute. All security passing to the closest male heir. If a woman were beaten or abused, or if the husband should stray, the woman had zero recourse but to endure it. If she were to leave, the children were given to the monster she had the misfortune of marrying. No thank you. Love my husband, I love being a wife and mother. But then, my husband actually loves me. In the true meaning of the word. As lancelot discovered when he allowed the witch he was forced to marry, to choose her form. Love = Respect and admiration. Sad to think you live such a shallow life. I'm done, reply all you want. It sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder, and I really can't be bothered.
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            • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago

              You make it sound as if women got nothing out of the deal.

              In fact, the law clearly codified the duties of each in marriage. The duty of the man was to provide and protect. The duty of the woman was to obey.

              The development of communication skills goes back more than a few "centuries"... to near the time when Neanderthals were exiting the scene. A woman who ingratiated herself to other women might count on their support in the event that her mate died (while he was out trying to get food to feed her). Guess that makes women the first socialists... and that hasn't changed.

              In comparison to men, women don't care about freedom. Look at the Democrat party. Mostly women. Tell me that freedom is high on their list (as they ram Obamacare down your throat). Look at the Libertarian party - OVERWHELMINGLY male. That's no accident. Women will happily sell themselves into slavery, socialism, marxism, indentured servitude, whatever, to anyone who can make a meaningful promise to protect and provide for them. What's changed is that men have allowed women to have power over them (through government), and the women have decided they want their end of the bargain in exchange... for... NOTHING.

              What you fail to recognize in your "prisoner" statement is that for most of the history of the species, women's children would NOT have survived without a male sponsor. So it's not that men ran out and enslaved women. It's rather that women seduced men, had to make themselves useful to men so that men would keep them around. If they did, their genes were passed on. Women who did not attempt to please men might have sex, might have children, but their children were far less likely to survive. That's nature - and one might argue, the free market in action - not male dominance.

              It's the system that worked for 100,000 years. Only in the past 100 years have women decided they can get everything they want for FREE by having the government do their dirty work.

              But Darwin will not be denied.

              The gross excess of western women, most prominently American women, have doomed the economic system. When the dollars crashes (and it will), money won't mean anything... the government won't mean much either, and women will be right back trying to be useful to men.

              But that may be a longer road than most women think.

              Today's men (and I'm not talking about the old farts - I'm talking the 20-30 somethings) don't have much use for women. Sure, if the sex urge hits, they pick one up, bang her like a drum and turn her loose. But the nuclear family? Fuggidaboutit! Why should they get married if they're only setting themselves up for a legal takedown? For that matter, why work to get a good paying job? Support kids? Let the Ho do that. Why mess with all that "kids" stuff anyway? That's what the women want. So get a low-paying job that meets basic needs, play video games, drink beer and bang a Ho once in a while. Men have been absolved of their responsibilities because they no longer get anything out of the system.

              Yeah, those women were geniuses!

              BTW, most of what I've just said can be found in the pages of Helen Smith's book, "Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream - and Why It Matters". If you have a problem with any of it, take it up with her.

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              • Posted by Turner1330 11 years, 3 months ago
                I am a woman, I am a Libertarian. Freedom is at the TOP of my list. I abhor liberal / Socialist politics. I am Laughing hysterically, genuinely cracking up because it has become CLEAR that you are in fact a misogynist. Don't blame women for your pathetic weaknesses. I agree the dollar will crash, that's about the most sensible thing that has come out of your overly simplistic mouth. Every woman in my family is FREEDOM loving and have been going back several generations. There isn't a single liberal female, not a one, in my family tree. None of anything that you have said has anything to do with the 19th amendment. You are reaching, at best. My mother was a single mother, because she divorced my control freak father. I love my dad, but man... c.o.n.t.r.o.l.l.i.n.g.! Never once did she take a dime from the government in any form. In fact she got a job, worked her ass off, and retired a Fire Chief. So, to say a woman needs a man is hysterical. You can't exactly blame the socialist labor unions for capitalizing on the sentiment of oppressed women. I am an equal in my marriage. I choose to stay home because we believe that one parent should be home. It makes logical sense. What's the point of having kids if I don't get to raise them. When I chose to leave the workforce, I made triple the $$$ than what my husband made. You are woefully misguided. As for the loser men of today, my son will not be one of them. Apparently you do not value fatherhood in the least. I am happy with two kids. My husband wants 5. Women flocked to the liberal party because the conservative men of that era were controlling, patronizing a-holes. Unfortunately. So, I'm not arguing the fact that women are overwhelming liberal, I am arguing with your reasoning as to WHY.
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                • Posted by $ GMudd 11 years, 3 months ago
                  I don't even want to argue with this bambi person, the level of ignorance displayed is appalling. This coming from a male btw! This is also why I ABSOLUTELY hate labeling. Try to label me! Just do it! You will fail every time. Conservative, liberal, libertarian! it is all a load of crap! I personally feel that the majority of our problems in this country stem from the fact that we have only 2 real parties to pick from and everyone is pigeonholed into either one or the other! You can claim to be an independent but when you step into the voting booth you are either a republican or a democrat. There is no we the people, it is now we the party and everyone is trying to blame one another for the shape that our country is in. George warned us long ago that the parties would divide America and it is happening. Even in a place like the Gulch where we are supposed to be freethinkers we cling to our party ties and throw accusations at anything that can be clumped into a group and blamed for our current situation!
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                  • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                    First of all, the ignorance is all yours. Revel in it. When I step into a voting booth, I vote for the candidate I think will best do the job, and that is seldom a democrat or a republican. Maybe YOU feel constrained to vote for evil (as in, "The lesser of two evils"). I do not.

                    As for "blaming" people for the mess we're in - isn't it proper that the people who voted for disaster be recognized as such? Demoncrats, for example, voted overwhelmingly for the most recent disaster - Obamacare. I've read that not a single republican did. So it's only fitting that Demoncrats be "blamed" for Obamacare. But who are the Demoncrats? Would it surprise you to learn that the majority of Demoncrats are... (steady yourself now)... women? Are women responsible for Obamacare? YOU BET THEY ARE! Women want the state to take care of them. Men generally do not. Women (as a group) want the government to go steal money from people who earn it and spend the money on... well, them. Men, as a group, would rather be left alone by government.

                    Recognizing this fundamental divide in mental process is only to identify the problem. Women vote in ways that make the concept of democracy untenable. So either they will lose the vote because it's taken away, or because society collapses (due to the way they vote) and government loses most of its authority.

                    Either way, it's a fail.
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                • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                  And yet the fact is that in the last two elections, it was women who elected Barack Hussein Obama. In the last election, where they should have known better, the gender gap was 20%!

                  And in fact, left to women, the last few presidents would have been Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama, Obama...

                  So while there's plenty of room for the MINORITY of women to declare their inability to read and that they would never vote for socialism, the MAJORITY of women are perfectly willing to trade freedom for the illusion of security, big government and lots of red ink.

                  In the final analysis you apparently agree that women are (predominantly) socialist, America-destroying deficit spenders who happily mortgage the future of all their progeny for generations to come for an anti-freeom lie, willingly enslaving all of us to their utopian dream of governmental control of... everything. You just want to quibble over the reason they do all that and argue that SOME women aren't like that? Well, then. Let's hear all the good and valid reasons why the majority of women vote the way they do!
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              • Posted by lrbeggs 11 years, 3 months ago
                "The gross excess of western women, most prominently American women, have doomed the economic system. When the dollars crashes (and it will), money won't mean anything... the government won't mean much either, and women will be right back trying to be useful to men. "

                Just wow.I am dumbfounded.
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                • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                  Dumbfounded because the economy is facing imminent destruction? Dumbfounded because women did it? Dumbfounded because the "independence" of women extends only so far as men provide security?

                  Or just dumbfounded because that's your natural state?
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                  • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years, 3 months ago
                    Psssst, Bambi, Experian doesn’t agree with you. Women are better at money than men are.

                    Buy a muzzle; let’s talk.
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                    • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                      So it would seem. The women, overall, have a whopping 1 point advantage over the men (at the moment), How big a difference is that?

                      Well, the scale goes to 990, but the lowest possible score is 501, so credit bureau voodoo aside, it would appear the 1 point difference is approximately 0.2% of the scale. I'm thinking a smaller difference is hardly possible.

                      Let's contrast that with the debt run up by the Women's Choice candidate for 2008, 2012: Barack Hussein Obama has run up $6.1 trillion in debt - a 54% increase in just 5 years. Clinton and Bush managed only meager increases of 32% and 38% in their full 8-year terms.

                      Yes, with the biggest gender gap in US politics yet, the women certainly showed their financial acumen by driving the last coffin nails into the US economy.

                      Oh wait - are women politically stupid? Gee, I don't know. Here are the results of one test of political literacy...

                      "The extent of these differences can be summarized in several ways. Of the 68 questions asked across the two surveys, for only five was the percentage correct for women as high or higher than for men, and in no case was the percentage correct for blacks as high as for whites, or was the percentage correct for low-income citizens as high as that
                      for upper-income ones. "

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                      • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years, 3 months ago
                        You were cherry-picking the article. Perhaps you missed this:

                        "The most significant difference at the state level is in Connecticut, where the average man has a mortgage loan of $229,510 and the average for women is $175,276, creating a gap of 24 percent between them. Men in Connecticut also have late payments 13.6 percent more often than women, carry an average debt that is 8.6 percent higher and have a 5.6 percent higher utilization amount than women.
                        Florida stands out in the study, as the men and women in the Sunshine State both have some financial strain, but women still maintain a better financial picture on average. West Palm Beach, Fla. — Men have 24 percent higher mortgage amounts than women, and their occurrences of late payments on them are 17.5 percent higher than women. Miami, Fla. — Both sexes are struggling to pay their mortgages on time, with men’s occurrences of late payments at 13.1 percent and women’s at 12.7 percent, with a difference of only 2.8 percent between the two. The women in Miami, though, have a 6.9 percent lower average debt than men, which indicates they are approaching their debts better.”

                        From Experian, the country’s leading credit bureau.
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                        • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                          Look who's cherry-picking. Connecticut representative of America? Really?

                          Buy a clue.

                          Better yet, as a woman, "charge it".
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              • Posted by $ GMudd 11 years, 3 months ago
                What a womanizing asshole!
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                • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago

                  (of a man) engage in numerous casual sexual affairs with women

                  Methnks your vocabulary fails you.
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                  • Posted by $ GMudd 11 years, 3 months ago
                    Oh my apologies, it was just that from reading your words the only deduction I could make was that you have no other use for woman other than as an object of desire. That women ruin our society and thus can only be used for sexual affairs. Pardon me for assuming that you actually "get some" and that that could be your only use for a woman. I can see now that you steer clear of the vagina wielding devils (joke) and thus womanizer does not fit as a tenable description of you. What term could we then use to describe you?
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                    • Posted by khalling 11 years, 3 months ago
                      hey G, Bambib just doesn't want women to vote or be a CEO or high up in finance at any company he has stock in. He still hasn't said what the remedy is for the women who do vote logically or what about black males who vote democratic to the tune of 97%, jewish males 77%, asian males 73%, . maybe we should only allow white males to vote....hmmmm
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                      • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                        How about we only allow people who pay taxes to vote on how to spend those taxes? Or how about allowing them one vote per every $1000 in taxes they pay?

                        How about we require people to demonstrate some knowledge of the topics being voted on before they are allowed to vote? If you cannot even name the candidates, should you be allowed to vote? If you don't even know what a bond is, should you be allowed to vote on whether one should be approved?

                        Do you think people should due elected and policy determined by voters who have no idea who they are voting for or against, or what the policies they're approving/disapproving mean?

                        The fact remains that until women got the vote, deficits were resolved on an annual basis. Since women got the vote, deficits have NOT been resolved and have grown out of control. The cause and effect is well established. It's not merely a correlation. Women (as a group) lack the foresight to decide on long term policy. Their only interest is "what can I take and how fast can I take it."
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                        • Posted by khalling 11 years, 3 months ago
                          the voting thing will never solve the problem. as long as people can vote in goodies at others' expense, your system will fail.
                          start with and maintain:
                          "When I say “capitalism,” I mean a full, pure, uncontrolled, unregulated laissez-faire capitalism—with a separation of state and economics, in the same way and for the same reasons as the separation of state and church." VoS

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                        • Posted by $ EloiseH 11 years, 3 months ago
                          A classic post hoc, ergo hoc error.
                          I could mention a dozen errors in you argument though I will acknowledge probably more women are poorly informed about the subjects they are voting on.
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                          • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                            I assume you meant, "Post hoc ergo propter hoc". (I think it's sad when the uninformed try to use terms they don't understand in place of facts and reason - which they lack.)

                            But even given your incorrect, misapplied and half-baked response: No. You're wrong. You've clearly not read the research, are uninformed (ignorant) and possibly incapable of a meaningful response.

                            Try again. Start here:


                            Now, either uncover FACTS that are in contradiction to the FACTS presented in the referenced links -- OR -- come up with an explanation that addresses the FACTS but results in a different conclusion.

                            When you fail, I'll accept your apology. If you succeed, I'll happily apologize to you.
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                        • Posted by $ GMudd 11 years, 3 months ago
                          well Bambi, up until the last paragraph I have found our common ground. I apologize for coming off so angry with my first comments it just felt as though you were placing too much blame
                          "How about we only allow people who pay taxes to vote on how to spend those taxes?"
                          I completely agree.
                          Although I have only paid around $10,000 in taxes this year not a lot compared to many here It bugs the heck out of me that someone can vote to receive my 10k without ever having to put a penny in the pot!
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                          • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                            But here's the thing: You're paying taxes. But something close to 45% of people do NOT pay taxes. And yet they vote. I'd be willing to bet $1000 right here and now that the majority of non-taxpayers are in the party of women - the Democrat party. They're the majority. They determine how YOUR tax money gets spent.

                            In effect, the Democratic Republic where only landowners voted was far closer to "the taxpayer gets to decide how his taxes are spent" than what we have today.
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                        • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
                          "How about we require people to demonstrate some knowledge of the topics being voted on before they are allowed to vote?"

                          I've advocated this kind of a poll test for a long time now. You have to be able to identify candidates, the office for which they are running, and the party with which they are affiliated. You have to pick among multiple choice answers as to what a given issue is. Pass, and you get to vote for that candidate/issue.
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                          • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                            Even bearing in mind that research shows that the average male is 5 times more knowledgeable about economics than the average woman?
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                    • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                      You may use the term "rational" to describe me.
                      To describe you, unless there is some objection, I shall use the term "emotional" or "illogical"… your choice.

                      Fair enough?
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                  • Posted by $ Susanne 11 years, 3 months ago
                    How about Sexist, then. Seriously sexist. You offend probably every woman on this board, then try to justify yourself by degradation of others... A real man would be ashamed to call you a brother.... and FYI using obama's middle name is kinda passe... we know he has sociocommunist dictator tendencies, and is a devout racist, however, bringing up the "H" word like a birther doesn't lend you serious credibility. Nor does assuming all women voted str8 democrat on a board where that would be a HUGE misstatement.
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                    • Posted by 11 years, 3 months ago
                      Well said, Susanne. And I think it reflects a widely held view of the narrowmindedness of BB.
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                      • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                        Is it more "narrow-minded" to point out the FACT that female voting patterns have put us $17 trillion in debt, facing $211 trillion in unfunded mandates and borrowing 25 cents for every Federal dollars spent, or to refuse to acknowledge the FACTS and instead launch an ad hominem attack?

                        Tell us, Mooch.
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                        • Posted by khalling 11 years, 3 months ago
                          NON mooch, watch it BB. what about all those men I posted about. whatcha doin with them? for all we know, as a collective they represent a larger percentage than women. of course, you would have to include the 44% of women who vote the way you like. that's a chunk of numbers BB
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                          • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
                            Yeah, non mouch, watch it; only politically correct people are allowed to be offensive here (like everywhere else).

                            Calling BB sexist is simply inaccurate and wrong.

                            He's a misogynist.

                            "One might say I discriminate against women because they are stupid, greedy, self-centered, blind and ignorant enough"

                            I would support discriminating against women as a group, or anyone as a group, as being an individual's God-given right.
                            But he's hostile toward women, something entirely different.

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                            • Posted by 11 years, 3 months ago
                              I already know he's hostile to women. I didn't say he was sexist. Narrow minded. Keeping women in the camp if evil liberal uninformed voters/members of society. That's like saying every LGBTS (not sure if I have inadvertently left any group off. If so, my apologies.), is a screaming liberal vegetarian. It's stupid. And that the women here are getting lumped into said category is really absurd. He knows nothing about me or any other woman here. I have not gone off judging his diatribes, only to say after getting thoroughly exhausted with his misogynistic diatribes, I'm fed up. I have a slow burn. I'm thoroughly annoyed now.
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                              • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                                If you're annoyed enough, why don't you go find one of the women who is in the majority and convince her that her views are STUPID, rather than ping on me because I bring to your attention that the MAJORITY of voting women are destroying America?
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                                • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 3 months ago
                                  Lord knows I've tried. They DON'T want to talk about it...or ANYthing else... Aside from the gulch, and my Mother (and a smattering of sisters), I'm the only woman I know who is an informed voter.
                                  You have a point BambiB but you are coming off a bit woman haterish. DO you hate women? What's your story?
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                                  • BambiB replied 11 years, 3 months ago
                                • Posted by 11 years, 3 months ago
                                  I have done so. Often. Some have acknowledged their misapplied non reasoning for choosing to vote the way they did. Others are firmly entrenched. The same applies to men though. And members of unions. They hold fast and firm to their ignorance.
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                                  • BambiB replied 11 years, 3 months ago
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                            • -1
                              Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                              Hiraghm: Once you accept the facts, and understand that women are systematically looting you (assuming you work for a living), and using the money for monstrosities like Obamacare and every other federal freebie giveaway program, once you internalize the facts, and think in terms of a long line of bitches reaching into YOUR pocket to steal YOUR money and spend it on themselves… would your feelings be hostile (or are you married and used to it, or divorced and assume that's what all women do)?

                              The people who don't hate what the majority of women in this Country have done either don't understand it, or are somehow profiting from it.
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                    • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
                      I find your use of the term "birther" offensive.

                      Article 2, section 1, clause 5, one must be a *natural born citizen* to be President. Natural born. Not "native born". Not "naturalized".

                      The only definition of "natural born citizen" that makes any sense in the context of the document and of the time, and the purpose of saying "natural born citizen" rather than simply "citizen" is Vattel's. That is, a citizen born of citizen parents.

                      As Obama's father, on his own birth certificate, was a British subject, he's not qualified to be President.

                      What I really find offensive is some feminist defining "real man" for me, and presuming to tell everyone what kind of men I would consider "brothers".

                      A "real woman" doesn't worry about what men do or think; she does her own thing and doesn't blame her failures on her sex or on society.

                      khalling, I told you this place had PC.
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                    • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                      Sexist. Hmm. To the casual a-critical observer that might seem accurate. But sexism is discrimination against women on the basis of sex. I admit to bias against women based on their record. One might say I discriminate against women because they are stupid, greedy, self-centered, blind and ignorant enough (as a group) to destroy America. But that's not discrimination on the basis that they're women. It's not discrimination because they're female. It's discrimination on the basis that they're destroying America (through their stupid, greedy, self-centered, blind and ignorant choices). The failings of women have led us to disaster. Men only made one mistake of equivalent magnitude - they allowed women to vote.

                      Finally, as I've said, not all women fall into the categories above. The majority do. If you're one of the minority who doesn't fit, you should be just as incensed as I that your stupid, greedy, self-centered, blind and ignorant "sisters" are destroying America.

                      If you don't get that, maybe you belong to the majority.
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                      • Posted by khalling 11 years, 3 months ago
                        again you blithely ignore large groups of men who vote the same way. don't worry your pretty head over them B
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                        • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                          Not at all.

                          In fact, if you could read and retain what you've read, you'd already know that I've said that a majority of women and a minority of men are responsible for the upcoming destruction of our economic system.

                          But the bottom line is, that minority of men doesn't matter, so long as the majority of the majority is voting for destruction.
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                      • Posted by $ GMudd 11 years, 3 months ago
                        My primary problem again is that you are labeling the problem. I guess my main problem is I hate when people try to label me thus I avoid labeling others. Yep some women, my wife included, made the decision to vote not for the individual who is now in the white house. It just bugs me that you would think that the problem rests upon the shoulders of the voters who made those choices alone. There are many other people and institutions that should have much of the blame placed on their shoulders. I for one will do my part when I have reached the age where I have the ability to make a larger impact. Until then I will expand my mind and my horizons. I think I reacted in such a hostile way because your previous comments tended to go on an all out attack of a gender. I have to wonder if you are married or divorced, assumptions would make me look worse than I do already?
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                        • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                          I think I've made it abundantly clear in multiple posts that when I say "women" I am referring to the MAJORITY of women, and not ALL women. To be more clear, I'm referring to the MAJORITY of AMERICAN women who VOTE.

                          Based on that clear definition of the term in context, WOMEN are destroying America faster and more effectively than any other combination of special interests. I am perfectly cognizant that the military-industrial complex is ALSO a suitable target, but its waste pales in comparison to the damages caused by women.

                          Once again, I recommend to you John Lott's study on the effect of the female vote on debt. If you can come up with an alternative hypothesis, I am willing, no EAGER to hear it. But that hypothesis, whatever it may be, must comport with the FACTS.

                          My sense is that you are unaware of the facts, haven't read the study, don't really know but one side of the issue (the emotionally-charged defender-of-women side) and hence are not making a rational decision, not by reason of defect of intellect, but by paucity of facts.

                          Finally, "labels" are necessary all meaningful discussions. Nouns are in fact labels. Try to have a discussion about anything that doesn't make use of nouns. Of course, there are trivial counterexamples. I leave you with one:

                          "Mmmmpfh", she said.
                          "Uh-oh", he said.
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                          • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
                            There's no "reply" for your comments GMudd, and a 3-inch column would be painful. I'll my reply elsewhere on this page (at the top level) with the LABEL (HORRORS!) "*** Reply to GMudd***"
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                          • Posted by $ GMudd 11 years, 3 months ago
                            I am super torn because I CAN see where you are coming from but I do not see your proposed fix nor how to institute said fix other than get mad about the state that our country is in (which is easy to do) No I am not an emotionally-charged-defender-of-women I am someone who is trying to compile a rational idea of how you propose to fix the "problem" that exists in our country.
                            Yes we slid downhill after women got the right to vote BUT that is because in all honesty (do not take this the wrong way ladies) women have been so suppressed for such a long period of time that they found security and they do not want to give it up. NOW women are increasingly becoming more open minded. Mark my words there will be an increase in freethinking women who cross party lines over the next 50 years. The numbers you have presented will CHANGE (ugh I hate that word ever since that ... I digress).

                            ALSO who is in the office? Who has been in the office? It has been men for many years. They may have been elected by women seeking security but they are still phallus bearing individuals that make the ultimate decisions.

                            KUDOS TO YOU! You can find and diagnose the problem! whooptidoo! Now give me a solution that wont boggle my mind!

                            BTW when I joined my wife in Holy matrimony she and I now share financial responsibility, so if I PAY TAXES it counts for her too, and vice versa. Dont head down the road of saying a stay at home mom doesn't have a job or you will start a losing battle.
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                            • Posted by 11 years, 3 months ago
                              Yes, G, that would be pure folly. I was fortunate enough to stay at home, but worked for an amazing woman who let me bring my baby to work. This was accomplished with ease, as she had a home office, and our clients were often not home. Interior design, btw. After moving back to the Northeast, I stayed home after my second child was born. But I'm an artist. I have a studio in my home. I pay taxes. Ridiculous taxes. As does my husband. It revolts me to see what he earns, compared to what actually goes in the bank. The government has not earned ANY OF IT. I don't vote for democrats. I won't vote for democrats. I use my brain when I vote. And even when we were first married 19 1/2 years ago, and we were piss poor, I didn't vote for any democrats. Because I used my brain.
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                              • Posted by $ GMudd 11 years, 3 months ago
                                Yep NMA, we have many here who can spot a problem (which agree it could be a problem but it still cannot be labeled as an overlying gender problem) but cannot find a fix. I would be willing to bet that the major problem is not "women" and their voting patterns but the way women were treated by men and the effect this has on voting patterns.
                                My vocabulary may not be as extensive as many of the people who respond in here but at least I am more "open-minded" (there it is again) than most.
                                I giggle each time I read some of these individuals post about something that is not the problem but they think it is. They need to find the problem beneath the problem that really yields these results we are facing now.

                                Edit: I would also argue that many stay at home moms are MORE educated and aware (depending on their background) about how to vote than are women who are out there working as business women "taking the world by storm".

                                Love that you are one of our women that thinks using their own brain. In fact this is going to sound terrible but I was never able to tell if you were female or male until now because you have none of the stereotypes of either group that fit you totally. That is a good thing imho
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                                • Posted by 11 years, 3 months ago
                                  Why thank you. I do my best to listen, to read and educate myself on a daily basis. I acknowledge that I have so much more to learn as well. I do, in this forum, because of the wealth of information offered by the hugely diverse members here. Glad to have you commenting. And don't worry about the vocabulary. You get your point across clearly.
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                                  • khalling replied 11 years, 3 months ago
                            • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 3 months ago
                              Women are becoming more "open minded".. define open minded please...
                              Also, I don't know ANY women who are more aware of what's going on around them. Some in fact only believe what they're told by their husbands. 'Splain that! (I'm sure their husbands find that to be 'useful'.)
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                              • Posted by $ GMudd 11 years, 3 months ago
                                hmm lets see, didnt think I would have to define this one but "open minded" means able to accept things that were difficult to accept before. For instance, women are put down and beat down by the hand of man, sorry truth hurts, for thousands of years in many cultures (sure you can find one or two where they weren't) now women are given voice so they vote to protect their voice and give themselves security.

                                Now that women as a "general" group (not all women just majority) have felt that security for some time, many of them are opening their minds (see there it is again) to the idea that you dont need to vote for security/protection by the government but instead now we will need protection from the government.

                                This all seems pretty easy to understand but there you go.. explanation.

                                Edit: LS you could say the same thing about students accepting everything that their teacher says. That to me would just be a small-minded person who does not question what they are told or perhaps correct me if I am wrong?

                                Are you proposing a fix to this "problem" of small-mindedness?
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                                • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 3 months ago
                                  I just don't like phrases that can be used by both sides of an issue (common sense...fair... open minded) they mean completely different things to different people (hope and change, for another.) Plus this sort of sounds like, even though probably true, that women are wind socks....once the conditions are right they move in a certain direction of thinking. And women always looking for "security".... weak. You're probably right....it just really bothers me that women are so willingly in the dark... :( I'm not a big fan of women....and I am one.
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