I checked their web site and thought it very amusing they wrote "Black African-Americans." So, political correctness has arrived there also, I see... "African-Americans" is a term that drives me nuts, like "Ms." and "rain-forest"!
Myself, as well. I'm an American. Simple, true. I don't feel the need to include any other part of my ancestry. My family immigrated to this country. They became American citizens. Thus it is what I am.
Thanks for posting. I think it's good news, hopefully, it will spread throughout the rest of Europe. Now, why not here? The cancer of political correctness and over-feminized males fearing what it takes to be courageous to face down evil. Just my opinion.
Sure, that too. I'm not putting down real women, but I am putting down males who, don't have the testicular fortitude to stand up to real evil, call it out as wrong and stand by it. I just don't see that happening anymore. John Wayne would be horribly disgusted.
I'll never be politically correct. Read my second sentence. My better half, she's a real woman. She's anything but weak. But, on two occasions over the past upteenth years her and I have been together, when a male jacka$s thought he could push her around, he didn't like the fact I got involved and suddenly, had a change of mind. Beyond that example, I'm not going to explain any further. I think you know what I mean.
Something I've noticed is that people who complain about "political correctness" generally tend to be unaware of or dismissive about the way language shapes our understanding of society, our perceptions of culture, and even the way we think of and treat one another.
When you say that a man is "feminine" simply because he backed down from a confrontation, essentially what you're doing is asserting that femininity is frivolous, weak, and passive. Also, you're saying that backing down from a fight is a bad thing, when really it's not.
"James, you ought to discover some day that words have an exact meaning." ~ Francisco to James Taggart, Atlas Shrugged
On the contrary; I'm very aware of the way language shapes our understanding of society, which is why I oppose political correctness; it's an artificial attempt to manipulate the language, and thereby the thinking and emotional reflexes of the society, with the goal of "guiding" the society's "progress".
"Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?… Has it ever occurred to your, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?…The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact, there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking—not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness." - Syme
I had a confrontation the other night with a drunken woman who I was trying to keep from destroying inventory. I was polite; formal. She asked me, "Why you talkin' to me that way?" It later occurred to me that I'd encountered a similar communication gulf with lots of people lately. It increasingly seems to me that the class of people who shop there are devolving into grunting cavemen. And it's my opinion that it's the result of and the purpose of political correctness.
Hmmm. Deep. I kind of like the professional slap. Touche as they say? But you are correct, at least in my case, yes, I have been totally dismissive with the choice of words I've used in the past. Occasionally, when I would prompt people on why certain things were chosen or certain decisions were made, they would answer me ' 'cause you said -fill in the blank-' and that pissed us/me off".
Oh well, I get offended & ticked off too by the words that some people use(in daily life), but I don't let it get me bent out of shape. I'd say with your opening paragraph, clearly, you didn't let my words get you worked up. Thumbs up.
"essentially what you're doing is asserting that femininity is frivolous, weak, and passive. "
You have seen the love scenes between Dominque and Roarke in The Fountainhead, and between Dagny and pretty much anybody in Atlas Shrugged? 'weak and passive' describes their reaction to the men they want. Firebrands until they're dominated, then weak and passive. And happy. Probably just like Rand.
As she's your "better half" (by this I presume you mean your wife), it is to be expected that you do battle on her behalf, and vice versa.
But, the males-without-testicles who amuse me are the ones who see me treat a woman as an equal man and step in to protect and defend her to the point of threats of violence.
Completey unaware of the doublethink necessary for them to regard women as "equal" and yet requiring masculine protection from other men.
In particular I find it amusing because it's almost always a verbal battle (I don't hit girls because I don't hit people), and anyone who's known a female verbal combatant knows that women need no protection in that arena. Some of the most horrible comments I've heard have come from incensed women in an argument.
Speaking as a man, I see it as a sign of strength and self esteem when a man expresses femininity. A man more capable of expressing femininity than myself is probably more intelligent, more creative, and more charming to the fairer sex. He earns my envy, not my disdain.
I won't claim to be a typical male specimen, but this particular "instinct" to which you refer is not something I ever recall feeling.
Trying to imagine it from a more primitive, pre-language vantage point, I think I would feel that a male behaving according to cultural norms for a female was primarily scary. Perhaps after a period of observation, and examination of his musculature, I might decide he was weak...
We would indeed fight over purses. I convinced my wife that my choice for her most recent purse (a smallish red Coach purse) was better than hers. She (sitting next to me) confirms my choice was more suited to her real tastes than her more conservative, formal choice.
I have a small farm (side business) in hay and cattle. The idea that animals do not think is something I believe to be untrue. Most learn not to touch the electric fence in a week after you put it up, but every year their is about 1 of 10 yearlings that just keeps hitting it over and over again and cannot learn it hurts, do not go that way. A lesson that a much larger percentage of humans seem to fail to learn as they repeat bad behaviors over and over again and get the same bad results.
Our minds are more complex and theirs very simply, but they do learn, the do have personalities and they do think.
Just as a side note, the dumb one that cant leave the fence alone, he goes into my freezer first. It just tastes better when you know it was the one that kept making you chase it.
yeah, that's why teenagers of breeding age act the same way toward one another during courtship in every culture, with only minor variances (such as clothing style and language used).
Yes, but labor intensive. I need to start soon. And I've been a bum all morning, and need to get cracking! Motivational music needed, lol! Maybe some 'Knack' would be just the thing ;-)
He would be. Gregory Peck, too. I'm disgusted. And trying to shout from the rooftops, but only making some headway. Have found recently, some surprising kindred minds.
The definitely skirted the worst elements of it, but they still banned the group. It's a start. We are so afraid of looking intolerant in this country, that we forgot where we left our morals along the way. Certain ideologies are cruel in their very makeup. To tolerate them condones their repugnant nature.
While I agree that banning Muslims may sound good on the surface where does it go, who gets banned next? Anyone willing to give up (or take away) a bit of freedom for a bit of security is worthy of neither.
If this war, we need to declare it. If its not we need to drop it. Half way doing something is like not doing it at all.
This is just banning "Islamist" groups, which means extremists. It doesn't ban Muslim orgs. It's fine to ban extremists groups on campus, but it won't stop them from going off campus. They need to promote non-extremist religious orgs. People have trouble in life, and they look to religion. If they find an extremist religious org, it's dangerous.
Which is exactly the type of person they look to recruit. They play on the persecution complex, the "unfairness" of their circumstances. This leads right to getting back at those perceived to have gotten the upper hand, who somehow did that person a bad turn. All bs, of course. But ripe pickings.
I'm almost done with Acts of Faith now. It says the targets don't even need to have a persecution complex. It's that their parents live in an enclave of people for their old country who maintain the old culture. Their kids are caught between the old culture and the one they're living in. They are looking to be strong and have a place in their world. The extremists offer them this.
Ugh. That's an interesting springboard for the roots of communism/socialism in the USSR, and fascism/nazism in Germany. Post WWI, disillusioned youth, chaos and fear and starvation. It was a way out of that. The poisoned promises. They wanted a way to distinguish themselves from their parents and the mores that defined them. Very interesting, Circuit.
I have worked with a few Muslim people that were really good people also one that was scary. All could be defined as extremists.
I could be an extremist as well. I am an extremist by the dictionary definition
extremist ex·trem·ist [ik-stree-mist] 1. a person who goes to extremes, especially in political matters. 2. a supporter or advocate of extreme doctrines or practices.
adjective 3. belonging or pertaining to extremists.
http://Dictionary.com Unabridged | Collins World English Dictionary extremist (ɪkˈstriːmɪst)
— n 1. a person who favours or resorts to immoderate, uncompromising, or fanatical methods or behaviour, esp in being politically radical
— adj 2. of, relating to, or characterized by immoderate or excessive actions, opinions, etc
I am very uncompromising on principles that I knew to be true/correct until someone proves otherwise at which point I evaluate and change my knowledge of truth and am very extreme to that knowledge. Any compromise with evil makes you evil. I hope we are all extremists; extremists with the ability to learn and think.
That word should be a positive thing to be, not a negative. Its good for people to have principles and adhere to them, if they do they are extremists.
The correct question to me is what does a person believe in, have faith in or have confidence in being correct? That motivational force is what they should be extreme about, and if its getting 72 virgins by killing the infidel, well that is a belief/faith/confidence that I cannot abide to have around.
You declare war against that belief with the intent to wipe it out, or you do not fight it. A battle half fought is worse than one not fought at all.
I agree, but until we make a formal declaration of war as the constitution requires we have no business doing anything like this here.
They declared war repeatedly for about the last 50 years or so, we never declared it back, we just lean back and take the punches but never really go after them in return.
That's why they have never stopped, why each time it's worse than the prior. Because we have shown weakness, and they exploit it again and again. Because it's been allowed.
Agreed completely. If we want to stop it we have to fight it, and fully fight it. Fight it to win with a full willingness to blow away anyone that shelters them, gives aid to them.... no hold bared declaration of war is required with a stated goal that is aggressive, or simply do not fight them. Either or, but not something inbetween
They're coming at us on our own turf and we're respecting their right to religion? I think being a threat to us BECAUSE of their religion hates our religion trumps something.
I have worked with several muslims over the years. Most are good people, that do not subscribe to the death by the sword crap, though there was one in particular that I found to be scary, and a second scared me for another reason.
All are not looking for the 72 virgins in the afterlife. Many just want to live there life in peace. Now I would also add that I think most of the Muslims that I have been around do not fully understand the religion, because the nuts that are after the 72 virgins are more in line with the hard core nature of the Muslim faith.
We need to declare war on the ideology that the more radical extreme of there faith practice. It needs to be official, and have a detailed goal that the war is over when that goal is achieved.
That war can be fought many ways, but must be declared and with a clear goal. Take WWII which had congress declare war and with the clear goal of taking the Germans and Japanese out of the fight. Where is such a declaration of the war of the last 50 years, or the cold war before it. The Iraq and Afgan wars, the Korean war... basically everything we have been in since WWII has had no goal, some have had declaration of war but no terms for success.
How do we expect to fight a battle that has no definition of what we plan to achieve.
Its like sinking all your savings into a new business with no business plan or product, but going out and renting the office building space and retail space and then hiring a few people and telling them find something to do in the empty buildings. That is exactly what are doing now with the undeclared, unconstitutional war we are fighting.
I am a Member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints. My church practiced (note pass tense) polygamy for several years. Often on when on site and the questions "Are you Mormon?" and "Don't you practice polygamy in your church?" come up I would joke around about having multiple wives.
Well, one of the kinda scary muslims pulled me aside and started a conversation with "How do you get the women to go for it in the US, I would like more wives but how do you do it?"
Well that resulted in a rather uncomfortable conversation about how I was joking around and do not really have multiple wives. He was looking for someone from the Fundamentalist LDS church (FLDS) not the LDS church.. bla bla. I never joked about it again with people.
Facts: 1. Ayn Rand is the "why" underlying our acquaintance (SHE, is the source of the integration of philosophy, or, if you prefer, the source of the integrated philosophy around which we gather here to openly debate the state of the union).
2. LetsShrug and khalling are the most active contributors to this forum.
3. None of the aforementioned women utilize feminism (primarily, or even secondarily) to advance their causes. They use reason and integrity to argue their points in spite of the potential ease of degrading themselves by wielding PC anti-sexism as a means to their ends.
The repugnant nature of Islamic fundamentalism is hardly even tertiarily sexist. That it is collectivist and totalitarian are the reasons it is our enemy. So too, is Communism (responsible for taking the lives of over 100,000,000 individuals over the last century) our enemy. Conceding to the PC anti-anti-Communist or anti-anti-Islam interpretation of history is unforgivable to anyone afforded the current, partially stifled, rights of a US citizen.
"Democracy is based on the assumption that a million men are wiser than one man. How's that again? I missed something. "Autocracy is based on the assumption that one man is wiser than a million men. Let's play that over again, too. Who decides?" - Robert A. Heinlein
Once upon a time, within my lifetime, a 'certain standard' of conduct demanded that one not date outside of one's own race. In spite of the media propaganda, such racism was *not* reserved to the province of a small, ignored minority; if it was, the civil rights movement would never have been necessary.
Should we stick to that standard of conduct? "A woman's place is in the home" "It's a man's moral responsibility to provide for his family" These were 'certain standards' at one time. Which ones should we impose on the population, and which ones should we "allow" them to adopt or dismiss?
Someone once said that it's the speech we hate that most needs protection. I maintain that speech, in the form of with whom we choose to do business, needs such protection.
""Are we to understand that if the public deems it necessary to curtail your profits, you do not recognise its right to do so?" "Why, yes, I do. The public may curtail my profits any time it wishes - by refusing to buy my product."" - Henry Rearden, "Atlas Shrugged"
If I choose business practices with which you disagree, you are free not to do business with me. If enough disagree, I may be forced to change my practices or go out of business.
Once upon a time I designed a GUI for a 3D terrain manipulation program. During a meeting, a colleague gave me a copy of the finished product. As I looked the box over, I saw on the back where a percentage of the sale was going to the Nature Conservancy.
I joked, "it's a good thing I didn't have to pay for this; I wouldn't have bought it knowing they were donating to the Nature Conservancy". Outraged, another colleague said, "They can spend their money however they like! You can't tell them how to spend their money!"
I calmly pointed out to him that they chose to advertise their support of the Nature Conservancy. They almost certainly did so in hopes of increasing their revenues. In which case, they have no gripe coming if that same blurb *costs* them revenues by people who disagree with their support.
Good questions. Who should decide? Here I am speaking of our similar public institutions, like the Oslo University (a public university). How a sole proprietor wishes to hobble their own business by discrimination is not my concern. I am asking of things which have been decided by our government and enshrined in our constitution... how public institutions, laws and conduct relative to equality are regulated.
My concern was primarily for the discrimination against those who discriminate. The standard of conduct in question is one of tolerance. Of course, this example primarily regarding sexist practices of a religion is in Oslo (Norway has a state religion) and our Constitution is not binding, but how it relates to us should be examined.
Since our public culture, our political structure requires tolerance of other religions and beliefs (First Amendment: ... Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ...) should we tolerate religious zealotry that is discriminatory in nature (sexist, etc.) and also discriminates against other faiths? This seems to be contradictory, yet it must occur to guarantee religious belief protection is not used to undermine religious belief and political principle… This seems a basic tenet of our culture our governance and jurisprudence. Should we tolerate, as a society, other belief systems to be introduced which undermine existing norms and standards? Should we allow people to openly undermine women’s equality? to treat women in our midst as second class citizens?
It is a case of questioning the wisdom of tolerating the intolerant or enforcing tolerance on them while partaking of public institutions… this is the conundrum. Do we not have community standards we now enforce? We don’t allow people to abrogate the rights of others. Women have equal rights. We can’t incite a riot... indecent exposure… sexual harassment… every ism under the sun... etc. Are they all without justification? Some must have legitimacy. What protections of equal treatment are necessary for public tranquility?
The current regime will not tolerate any restrictions on Muslim groups. I am wondering why, if Muslim is a peaceful religion, other Muslims don't demand these groups be restricted.
Because they can't: practicing muslims know (emphasized) they would risking their own necks by standing up for dhymmies. Furthermore, their actions would be violating Sharia Law...another reason why muslims are silent.
I recommend you read The Sura which describes the life of Mohammed. Once you know and understand him, you'll know what muslims are all about, worldwide.
There is no best answer. There is no better answer. There is no good answer. There is only THE answer. I offer, for your reading enjoyment, the Carreraverse books of Tom Kratman.
I am most of the way done with Acts of Faith by Eboo Patel. It addresses some of this. He talks about how people move to a foreign country and find an enclave of people from their country of origin. Their children, however, are not part of the old culture or the new country's culture. They're prime candidates for extremists.
I agree completely with banning extremist groups from universities. They're free to do their sexist stuff somewhere else.
More important, though, is that there be other organizations offering a non-extremist perspective.
Do you agree with banning extremist groups form public universities? Therefore people will pay for universities from whence they are banned with their tax dollars.
Who should do the banning, in the case of private universities? The university board of trustees, or the local, State or federal government?
You ought to choose a different word.
When you say that a man is "feminine" simply because he backed down from a confrontation, essentially what you're doing is asserting that femininity is frivolous, weak, and passive. Also, you're saying that backing down from a fight is a bad thing, when really it's not.
"James, you ought to discover some day that words have an exact meaning."
~ Francisco to James Taggart, Atlas Shrugged
Captain Sheridan - Babylon 5
Backing down from a fight is a bad thing.
"Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?… Has it ever occurred to your, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?…The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact, there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking—not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness." - Syme
I had a confrontation the other night with a drunken woman who I was trying to keep from destroying inventory. I was polite; formal. She asked me, "Why you talkin' to me that way?" It later occurred to me that I'd encountered a similar communication gulf with lots of people lately. It increasingly seems to me that the class of people who shop there are devolving into grunting cavemen. And it's my opinion that it's the result of and the purpose of political correctness.
Oh well, I get offended & ticked off too by the words that some people use(in daily life), but I don't let it get me bent out of shape. I'd say with your opening paragraph, clearly, you didn't let my words get you worked up. Thumbs up.
You have seen the love scenes between Dominque and Roarke in The Fountainhead, and between Dagny and pretty much anybody in Atlas Shrugged? 'weak and passive' describes their reaction to the men they want.
Firebrands until they're dominated, then weak and passive. And happy. Probably just like Rand.
But, the males-without-testicles who amuse me are the ones who see me treat a woman as an equal man and step in to protect and defend her to the point of threats of violence.
Completey unaware of the doublethink necessary for them to regard women as "equal" and yet requiring masculine protection from other men.
In particular I find it amusing because it's almost always a verbal battle (I don't hit girls because I don't hit people), and anyone who's known a female verbal combatant knows that women need no protection in that arena. Some of the most horrible comments I've heard have come from incensed women in an argument.
I won't claim to be a typical male specimen, but this particular "instinct" to which you refer is not something I ever recall feeling.
Trying to imagine it from a more primitive, pre-language vantage point, I think I would feel that a male behaving according to cultural norms for a female was primarily scary. Perhaps after a period of observation, and examination of his musculature, I might decide he was weak...
my husband would say-there are no coach purses in the Gulch. lol
O. M. G.
You want to see instinct, go watch two teenagers court.
single celled organisms only have auto. knowledge. teens are responding with learned behaviors and feelings
Our minds are more complex and theirs very simply, but they do learn, the do have personalities and they do think.
Just as a side note, the dumb one that cant leave the fence alone, he goes into my freezer first. It just tastes better when you know it was the one that kept making you chase it.
Hay I have my hot button issues too.
I'm disgusted. And trying to shout from the rooftops, but only making some headway. Have found recently, some surprising kindred minds.
If this war, we need to declare it. If its not we need to drop it. Half way doing something is like not doing it at all.
Post WWI, disillusioned youth, chaos and fear and starvation. It was a way out of that. The poisoned promises. They wanted a way to distinguish themselves from their parents and the mores that defined them. Very interesting, Circuit.
I could be an extremist as well. I am an extremist by the dictionary definition
extremist ex·trem·ist [ik-stree-mist]
1. a person who goes to extremes, especially in political matters.
2. a supporter or advocate of extreme doctrines or practices.
3. belonging or pertaining to extremists.
http://Dictionary.com Unabridged
Collins World English Dictionary
extremist (ɪkˈstriːmɪst)
— n
1. a person who favours or resorts to immoderate, uncompromising, or fanatical methods or behaviour, esp in being politically radical
— adj
2. of, relating to, or characterized by immoderate or excessive actions, opinions, etc
I am very uncompromising on principles that I knew to be true/correct until someone proves otherwise at which point I evaluate and change my knowledge of truth and am very extreme to that knowledge. Any compromise with evil makes you evil. I hope we are all extremists; extremists with the ability to learn and think.
That word should be a positive thing to be, not a negative. Its good for people to have principles and adhere to them, if they do they are extremists.
The correct question to me is what does a person believe in, have faith in or have confidence in being correct? That motivational force is what they should be extreme about, and if its getting 72 virgins by killing the infidel, well that is a belief/faith/confidence that I cannot abide to have around.
You declare war against that belief with the intent to wipe it out, or you do not fight it. A battle half fought is worse than one not fought at all.
They declared war repeatedly for about the last 50 years or so, we never declared it back, we just lean back and take the punches but never really go after them in return.
All are not looking for the 72 virgins in the afterlife. Many just want to live there life in peace. Now I would also add that I think most of the Muslims that I have been around do not fully understand the religion, because the nuts that are after the 72 virgins are more in line with the hard core nature of the Muslim faith.
We need to declare war on the ideology that the more radical extreme of there faith practice. It needs to be official, and have a detailed goal that the war is over when that goal is achieved.
That war can be fought many ways, but must be declared and with a clear goal. Take WWII which had congress declare war and with the clear goal of taking the Germans and Japanese out of the fight. Where is such a declaration of the war of the last 50 years, or the cold war before it. The Iraq and Afgan wars, the Korean war... basically everything we have been in since WWII has had no goal, some have had declaration of war but no terms for success.
How do we expect to fight a battle that has no definition of what we plan to achieve.
Its like sinking all your savings into a new business with no business plan or product, but going out and renting the office building space and retail space and then hiring a few people and telling them find something to do in the empty buildings. That is exactly what are doing now with the undeclared, unconstitutional war we are fighting.
I am a Member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints. My church practiced (note pass tense) polygamy for several years. Often on when on site and the questions "Are you Mormon?" and "Don't you practice polygamy in your church?" come up I would joke around about having multiple wives.
Well, one of the kinda scary muslims pulled me aside and started a conversation with "How do you get the women to go for it in the US, I would like more wives but how do you do it?"
Well that resulted in a rather uncomfortable conversation about how I was joking around and do not really have multiple wives. He was looking for someone from the Fundamentalist LDS church (FLDS) not the LDS church.. bla bla. I never joked about it again with people.
1. Ayn Rand is the "why" underlying our acquaintance (SHE, is the source of the integration of philosophy, or, if you prefer, the source of the integrated philosophy around which we gather here to openly debate the state of the union).
2. LetsShrug and khalling are the most active contributors to this forum.
3. None of the aforementioned women utilize feminism (primarily, or even secondarily) to advance their causes. They use reason and integrity to argue their points in spite of the potential ease of degrading themselves by wielding PC anti-sexism as a means to their ends.
The repugnant nature of Islamic fundamentalism is hardly even tertiarily sexist. That it is collectivist and totalitarian are the reasons it is our enemy. So too, is Communism (responsible for taking the lives of over 100,000,000 individuals over the last century) our enemy. Conceding to the PC anti-anti-Communist or anti-anti-Islam interpretation of history is unforgivable to anyone afforded the current, partially stifled, rights of a US citizen.
"Democracy is based on the assumption that a million men are wiser than one man. How's that again? I missed something.
"Autocracy is based on the assumption that one man is wiser than a million men. Let's play that over again, too. Who decides?" - Robert A. Heinlein
Once upon a time, within my lifetime, a 'certain standard' of conduct demanded that one not date outside of one's own race. In spite of the media propaganda, such racism was *not* reserved to the province of a small, ignored minority; if it was, the civil rights movement would never have been necessary.
Should we stick to that standard of conduct?
"A woman's place is in the home"
"It's a man's moral responsibility to provide for his family"
These were 'certain standards' at one time. Which ones should we impose on the population, and which ones should we "allow" them to adopt or dismiss?
Someone once said that it's the speech we hate that most needs protection. I maintain that speech, in the form of with whom we choose to do business, needs such protection.
""Are we to understand that if the public deems it necessary to curtail your profits, you do not recognise its right to do so?"
"Why, yes, I do. The public may curtail my profits any time it wishes - by refusing to buy my product."" - Henry Rearden, "Atlas Shrugged"
If I choose business practices with which you disagree, you are free not to do business with me. If enough disagree, I may be forced to change my practices or go out of business.
Once upon a time I designed a GUI for a 3D terrain manipulation program. During a meeting, a colleague gave me a copy of the finished product. As I looked the box over, I saw on the back where a percentage of the sale was going to the Nature Conservancy.
I joked, "it's a good thing I didn't have to pay for this; I wouldn't have bought it knowing they were donating to the Nature Conservancy".
Outraged, another colleague said, "They can spend their money however they like! You can't tell them how to spend their money!"
I calmly pointed out to him that they chose to advertise their support of the Nature Conservancy. They almost certainly did so in hopes of increasing their revenues. In which case, they have no gripe coming if that same blurb *costs* them revenues by people who disagree with their support.
Good questions.
Who should decide?
Here I am speaking of our similar public institutions, like the Oslo University (a public university). How a sole proprietor wishes to hobble their own business by discrimination is not my concern. I am asking of things which have been decided by our government and enshrined in our constitution... how public institutions, laws and conduct relative to equality are regulated.
My concern was primarily for the discrimination against those who discriminate. The standard of conduct in question is one of tolerance. Of course, this example primarily regarding sexist practices of a religion is in Oslo (Norway has a state religion) and our Constitution is not binding, but how it relates to us should be examined.
Since our public culture, our political structure requires tolerance of other religions and beliefs (First Amendment: ... Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ...) should we tolerate religious zealotry that is discriminatory in nature (sexist, etc.) and also discriminates against other faiths? This seems to be contradictory, yet it must occur to guarantee religious belief protection is not used to undermine religious belief and political principle… This seems a basic tenet of our culture our governance and jurisprudence. Should we tolerate, as a society, other belief systems to be introduced which undermine existing norms and standards? Should we allow people to openly undermine women’s equality? to treat women in our midst as second class citizens?
It is a case of questioning the wisdom of tolerating the intolerant or enforcing tolerance on them while partaking of public institutions… this is the conundrum. Do we not have community standards we now enforce? We don’t allow people to abrogate the rights of others. Women have equal rights. We can’t incite a riot... indecent exposure… sexual harassment… every ism under the sun... etc. Are they all without justification? Some must have legitimacy. What protections of equal treatment are necessary for public tranquility?
I recommend you read The Sura which describes the life of Mohammed. Once you know and understand him, you'll know what muslims are all about, worldwide.
I agree completely with banning extremist groups from universities. They're free to do their sexist stuff somewhere else.
More important, though, is that there be other organizations offering a non-extremist perspective.
Who should do the banning, in the case of private universities? The university board of trustees, or the local, State or federal government?