July 4 Is The Anti-Abe Lincoln Holiday

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 11 months ago to History
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"If you thought the case fatality rate of 1-in-1000 from Covaids was bad, you should have seen what the case fatality rate of having Abraham Lincoln as a President was like.

About 3% of Americans died in the 4-year period from 1861 to 1865.

They weren’t just any Americans who died. It was often the most capable members of society — young and male.

They died because 1.) Washington DC could not play nice, 2.) Washington DC was very arrogant, 3.) Washington DC refused to allow states to dissolve a dissolvable compact.

Sound familiar ?
Lincoln was holding the central government intact, rather than letting the thing devolve into its appropriate component parts. He was a centralizer, not a decentralizer. He held people captive by force rather than letting them make choices through their state governments. He was more of the spirit of 1787, rather than the spirit of 1776 — a lot more about the controlling and centralizing spirit of the US Constitution than the freeing and decentralizing spirit of the Declaration of Independence, which is commemorated on July 4th. "
SOURCE URL: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/07/allan-stevo/july-4-is-the-anti-abe-lincoln-holiday-a-perfect-time-for-purebloods-to-stand-tall/

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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 1 year, 11 months ago
    Here is what I know about the Civil War: slavery existed in the U.S. before that war. Slavery was abolished soon afterwards. If the war had gone the other way, the continuation of slavery would have been the result. Also, I have read that slavery was provided for in the Confederate Constitution.
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    • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 11 months ago
      Lincoln did not free anyone

      had he lived, he might have

      but the War Between the States was caused by economic forces
      taxes imposed by the North helped drive the South away

      most of the wealth of the South was in slaves
      so to take all of that away would have bankrupted the South

      the South was right in what it did, but for the wrong reasons

      the North was wrong, but for the right reasons

      and slavery STILL exists in Africa
      SLAVERY is back in Libya, thanks to 0bama and hillary
      so anyone that complains about US slavery and says nothing about it still existing and that does nothing about it still existing is simply a hater of America
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      • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 11 months ago
        Slavery is alive and horrible Worldwide.
        The Uyghurs in China . Human trafficking at our border. Massage parlors. We are in fact enslaved in our own land. Taxation without representation.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 11 months ago
      You may be the first Lincoln supporter to admit limited knowledge of that era, LibertyBelle. ;^)
      Economically slavery was already barely profitable in 1860. Most economic studies say it would have died on its own in a decade or two (as it did in every other "civilization" in the world.)
      Regardless, the union had considered the option of buying the slaves freedom and instead Lincoln chose war. It was obvious to any rational being of that era that war was more costly in many ways.
      The main reason for the war was Lincoln's urge for federal power providing profits for northern business.
      Lincoln was a war criminal and a tyrant.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 11 months ago
        Someone gave you a 0 both here and by your title.
        Fixed a 0 someone gave Dobrien this week also.
        Me dino just a little miss goody two-shoes but at least I know to use the boy's restroom.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 11 months ago
          Yes, there is usually someone who can't stand to hear the truth about lying, cheating, murdering Abe, the original fake news topic.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 11 months ago
            When I was a young dino, my parents took me and my younger siblings one summer to Washington DC, I was reading Greek mythology at the time which enhanced my awe of Lincoln's massive seated statue all lit up at night at the Lincoln Memorial. It made me think of the seated bearded god idol in the Temple of Zeus. Obviously that was the inspiration for that ancient Greek temple looking thing in Washing D.C.
            Everything before that and since then that I read or saw on TV or at the movies about Lincoln was all highly complimentary.
            At first when I read what you were posting about Lincoln I was at first all like "Say, what?"
            I worked for newspapers for seven years before I decided I'd be better off doing something else.
            Nevertheless, learning that Lincoln locked up newspapermen who did not agree with him opened my eyes big time.
            Evidently, the First Amendment did not mean all that much to Lincoln.
            Neither did such things as that mean much Saddam Hussein.
            At least his huge statue got knocked over before he was hanged by his own people.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 11 months ago
        Excellent Point. Do the ENERGY becoming available (Cotton Gin) to do manual work, the requirement for slaves to profit off of was actually Dying.

        The most INTERESTING FACT I learned well after school was... Blacks owned 10% of the slaves in the south!!! And they were TYPICALLY the cruelest of masters! That fact changes everything.

        Lincoln also said he cared not if a single slave was freed. It was NOT his goal. Protecting against the dissolution of the Centralized Government was his goal.

        Of course, he was spurned by bankers, aided by Russia, and when he created GreenBacks... I believe that led to his assassination!
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      • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 10 months ago
        You might have missed the fact that the South had already agitated for war to take over the Caribbean starting in Haiti and Cuba. Their Congressional representatives had fronted such a plan following the annexation of Texas. If you think slavery in the South would have died out on its own, you are sadly mistaken: even the history of Great Britain showed them to be more than happy to enslave the Irish to continue the practice when colored slaves became too expensive.

        Could the US have purchased all the slaves and set them free? Sure. That plan was floated by one Presidential candidate as part of his official platform: Mormon prophet Joseph Smith. He was murdered in Illinois a few months later while imprisoned on false charges.

        "The main reason for the war was Lincoln's urge for federal power providing profits for northern business. Lincoln was a war criminal and a tyrant."

        Unsubstantiated character assassination. -1 and more

        As I have already pointed out on SEVERAL occasions, the Southern States explicitly cited their support for slavery in their respective secession documents - several of which were filed, voted on, and approved nearly unanimously in their States prior to Lincoln ever taking office. I really don't know what burr you have under your saddle about Lincoln, but the facts of history don't support the misbegotten notions you continue to peddle here. Was Lincoln perfect? No. But he was also facing a Constitutional crisis the likes of which hasn't been seen since the Revolutionary War and will only be matched by a future Civil War. Your accusation also refuses to acknowledge the FACT that the South had threatened secession as early as 1830 as the result of US expansion into Ohio and the Northwest Ordinance. It took the Missouri Compromise to stave off conflict another couple of decades. (It should also be noted that Lincoln never held public office until becoming President; he was defeated in every other contest including Illinois Senate which he lost to Douglas. It was only his debates with Douglas which were carried by the Press to the rest of the Nation which garnered him any kind of national support.)

        Further, I am not sure why you rely on faux historians who refuse to acknowledge the documents of those times and rely on modern interpretation instead, but you do everyone here on this board a severe disservice in continuing to push these false narratives. The facts are that most of the Northern States were just as agrarian as their Southern companions in the years leading up to the Civil War. There were several key areas, however, where the North was superior:

        1) Immigrants were primarily populating the Northern States because that is where the jobs were. Southern States recognized the imbalance even prior to Andrew Jackson's presidency, which was why the designation of new States as "slave" States or "free" States was such an issue. The Southern States had retained veto power over measures designed to limit slavery. They lost that power in the election of 1856 - four years prior to Lincoln assuming the Presidency. The writing was already on the wall that Congress would outlaw slavery before Lincoln ever appeared on the stage.
        2) Transportation. The Northern States encouraged projects such as canals and railroads to speed effective commerce. A simple comparison of rail lines in those times tells volumes about the respective commercial opportunities.
        3) Trade. When the South opened hostilities by firing on Fort Sumpter, they had only two working ports along the entire Eastern Coast. What most people don't know is that Wall Street originated with trade in two precious commodities: cotton and information. Almost 100% of the cotton trade was arranged in New York City - not the South. New York was also the prime information hub as the famed "clipper ships" which traversed the Atlantic in as little as a month would dock there.
        4) Education. Even the whites in the South were poorly educated with respect to their Northern compatriots. By the time of the Civil War, most Northern States provided grade school educational opportunities to their children funded by State governments. The South avoided public education even for their white populations, resulting in few technological advancements and stultification in society and commerce.
        5) Metalworking. While many focus on the events of Fort Sumpter, it was actually the assault on the arsenal at Harper's Ferry which arguably stands as one of the most important points in the War. Without Harper's Ferry, the South would have quickly succumbed to the North because the South had no armories or gunsmiths until this raid. Harper's Ferry continued to supply the South with the majority of its firearms - especially cannons - for the duration of the War.

        Sources: The Oxford Press History of the United States. Original source documentation references are in the thousands per volume.
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  • Posted by Rex_Little 1 year, 11 months ago
    Several alternate histories have been written where the South wins the Civil War, but none (that I know of) where the South is allowed to peacefully secede. I'd love to see some intelligent speculation on how history might have unfolded. If an uneasy truce had been maintained between the US and the CSA, perhaps both would have stayed out of WW1.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 10 months ago
      Actually, much of that is known, and it wouldn't have been pretty. The South's economy collapsed during the Civil War primarily because it was built entirely around one and only one commodity: cotton. And in the first year of the Civil War, the factories in England which had been stockpiling cotton had filled all their warehouses and stopped taking orders for more. The price of cotton plummeted on the open market. Without the wherewithal to operate (cotton tariffs), the South would have quickly been economically subservient to Great Britain - it's primary customer (Northern mills really didn't start operating in full until after the Civil War). Then it would have become physically subservient, as Great Britain wanted the resources still present in the South. You would have ended up with the South losing a war to England, and then another war between the North and England right around the turn of the century. Because England would have been trying to win wars on two separate continents, Germany would have won WW I and took over the European continent. They then would have turned on a fledgling socialist nation (Russia) still in the throes of civil war. Russia would have lost everything up to the Caucus mountains - if they were lucky. In the east, China and Japan would have gone at it still longer, and without the Russians to check the Japanese, the Chinese would have been slowly ground into powder. There would have been no WW II because there would have been no WW I.
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      • Posted by Rex_Little 1 year, 10 months ago
        I dunno--would the North have stood idly by while England tried to take over the South? The premise here is that the South seceded peacefully, so relations between North and South would be, if not cordial, at least non-hostile. The North certainly wouldn't be happy with the idea of the South being ruled by England.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 10 months ago
          Why would the North have stepped in? The South would have been a sovereign nation at that point. The North certainly wouldn't have been happy, but their trade with England was vitally important and - unlike the South - they could live without the cotton trade...

          The other point to consider was that it took several years into the Civil War before the North actually had enough forces to go on the offensive in earnest. They also had to deal with the sheer military incompetence of the Union generals, especially McClellan. It wasn't until Lincoln finally fired him that the Union began winning.
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